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If you want to know what I am doing right now, and where I am, then prepare to hear:

Basically, 7 months ago I went to Turkey, then crossed the border to Syria and joined the Islamic state.

YES you heard it right. Islamic state. ISIS, ISIL, DAESH, whatever you call it.

I joined IS like many people to become a fighter in its military.

If you're a Muslim on the truth, you would most likely know me as a mujahid, protector of Islam, soldier of the caliphate, helper of the nation of Muhammed.

Anything else, and you probably call me: a terrorist, khawarijite, takfeeri, agent of XYZ, etc.

And why did I join? Was it for adventure, "sex jihad", or being fed up with life?

No, to all of these. The reason was to come to practice the religion of Islam. Islam which is the way of the messenger of Allah (honor and peace upon him) and his noble companions, and the prophets of old, from Noah, Abraham and Moses to David, Solomon and Jesus, and more.

Islam which has nothing to do with the shiias, sufis or madkhalis, all deceptive deviants.

And that is what happened to me.

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V.Metalic - - 2,440 comments

Ah, ofcourse :P Than I cant argue with you :D

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V.Metalic - - 2,440 comments

Who knows... Black Templars maybe have them, but I am not sure of it.

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V.Metalic - - 2,440 comments

Hmm... simply they will have them :D

This page something else: Thats why I am that confused. Captain is supreme leader of the company, Chaplains and Librarians are under him but still higher then Sergeants. Thats why it dont make sense for me

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V.Metalic - - 2,440 comments

Also, how is it with the Command Squad, Captain, Librarian and Chaplain? Command Squad can be led by these three, but only one at the time... By codex, every company should have Captain, Chaplain and Librarian... but how the Chaplain or Librarian can be commander of the squad?

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V.Metalic - - 2,440 comments

Chainsords... I really thinked about them... but I am not now sure if a Tactical Marines also carry them or not. Its a weapon of the Assault Marines, and Sergeants, but also Tactical have them?

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V.Metalic - - 2,440 comments

Yeah, that should work.

For now only "tactical" marines will be in. No scouts, Assaults, Terminators or supporting (Chaplain, Apothecary etc.) Just Tactical and Devastators... As weapons, probably just Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Heavy Bolter, Flamer, Plasmagun (or how it is)... maybe Rocket Launcher. Maybe also some kind of grenades, and it will be enough :)

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V.Metalic - - 2,440 comments

So SM and CSM... and both sides will have the same weapons, only in their respective designs :) I also thinked that you should change the skin depending on chapter, but chaos space marines dont have united armours. So I dont much know, hmm.

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V.Metalic - - 2,440 comments

And as a WH40K fan, what would the mod have? Only Space Marines (some chapters are fighting each other), or Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines? My vote is for only Space Marines, because theoretically it could be just a "combat practice" between chaprters :) Also, what weapons they should have?

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V.Metalic - - 2,440 comments

Ahh, nvm that :D If I will (somehow) manage to make with support a really basic WH40K RTS mod, I will give you a call as beta tester :D

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V.Metalic - - 2,440 comments

I dont know, I havent played MW2 yet. It is very interesting yeah, but we should start with something... easier :D HL2 should work well I think. Dont you know someone from FPS modding who is character modeller?

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