Working on Phenomena Embattled.

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— Phenomena Embattled —

A classic shoot 'em up. Transmedium vehicular travel, go from void to air to water. You are the phenomenon unexplained. You are on Earth to bring conclusion to a large scale conflict among the stars. Humanity is caught in between your powers and the ones of other highly advanced civilizations.

This shoot 'em up has been in development for a little more then 3/4 of a year. Lately an update launched for the free to play Demo. The game is slated for release in Q2 2024. The overall scope of the full version will include several maps to explore on Earth. And maybe beyond.

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It is a single-player experience with smart and reactive opponents. Each map will be part of a larger story, yet it is up to you how and when you approach each objective. The environments are spread throughout the diverse ecosystems of Earth. Apart from main objectives, the player can also decide to join many side missions from 'Racing Engagements' with other UAPs to 'Crash Recovery Missions'. Not only will the fight take place on Earth, but also in. Each map will have some sort of underground component, some might take you to the core. The entire single-player campaign also works on a day & night cycle.

You have a choice of which vehicle you operate and have the freedom of changing this during the single-player campaign at any time. Each vehicle has some subtle unique features to it, including maneuverability, offensive and defensive abilities and of course aesthetics. You can acquire, find and recover new powers and vehicles.


If you are interested in trying the work-in-progress check out the Demo. It will be updated as the project progresses to include more of the upcoming features. It would be amazing to have your opinion on the game as there is much room for new possibilities at this point.

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>>Latest Update<<

The first 'Formation Flight' has been captured! Much of the fighting revolves around formations. Squadrons will act together in offensive or defensive movements. Part of this work is going to be part of the next demo update. If you have not tried the demo yet, check it out on Steam. Make sure to Wishlist!

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1 member Developer & Publisher

A developer and publisher of roguelike games including Phenomena Embattled.

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