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Disguise addons merge - bartmech's IDG, Banjaji's UCC, Catspaw's CDPF v1.0.1

Disguise addons merge - bartmech's IDG, Banjaji's UCC, Catspaw's CDPF v1.0.1

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly Prefab 8 comments

This addon merges three other addons that fix/tweak the disguise system - BIDG, BUCC and CCDPF.

Readable recipes for Banjaji's Crafting system improvements

Readable recipes for Banjaji's Crafting system improvements

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly Prefab

Makes recipe reading UI (when activating a recipe in your inventory) compatible with BCSI. The UI is wider, can show number of crafted items, and shows...

Banjaji's Realistic bodily needs with Drugs That Make Sense compatibility

Banjaji's Realistic bodily needs with Drugs That Make Sense compatibility

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly Prefab 5 comments

This is a version of Banjaji's Realistic bodily needs v3.8 ("everything" DLTX variant) that is compatible with Drugs That Make Sense addon.

Drugs That Make Sense (Update 9.1)

Drugs That Make Sense (Update 9.1)

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly Prefab 11 comments

An update of Drugs That Make Sense with fixed crafting and Banjaji's Realistic bodily needs compatibility.

Banjaji's Crafting system improvements + artifex's addons compatibility v1.1.0

Banjaji's Crafting system improvements + artifex's addons compatibility v1.1.0

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly Prefab 9 comments

Compatibility patches that allow new/changed recipes from artifex's addons work with Banjaji's Crafting system improvements (BCSI).

Price always in item tooltip v1.1.5

Price always in item tooltip v1.1.5

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly GUI 28 comments

This microaddon makes the item inventory tooltip always show the cost of the item, also adding the cost/weight ratio, making easier to choose the most...

Smart map for Dynamic Anomalies Overhaul or Arrival Anomalies

Smart map for Dynamic Anomalies Overhaul or Arrival Anomalies

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly Singleplayer Map 12 comments

This microaddon marks every dynamic anomaly area (created by Dynamic Anomalies Overhaul or Arrival Anomalies addons) on your PDA map, making it easier...

Larger parts condition text v1.1.0

Larger parts condition text v1.1.0

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly Weapon Model 18 comments

This microaddon makes the text overlay (part condition) in item details (context menu -> details) and item tooltip (if "Parts In Tooltip" addon is installed...

Parts color for Weapon Parts Overhaul v1.1.2

Parts color for Weapon Parts Overhaul v1.1.2

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly Weapon Model 9 comments

This microaddon monkey-patches the utils_xml.get_color_con() function to make parts condition indicators have red color for condition < 60, yellow for...

DirtyVanillaTradeFix [1.5.2+][Modders Only] v1.0.1

DirtyVanillaTradeFix [1.5.2+][Modders Only] v1.0.1

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly Prefab 7 comments

This archive is for modders ONLY. It contains a dirty version of Trolleybus' VanillaTradeFix. With diff files. Made from VTF from February 6 2022.