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Comment History
Null_Element - - 5 comments @ The Binding of Isaac: Harmed Memories

This could be really a big thing. Keep on it!

Good karma+3 votes
Null_Element - - 5 comments @ Dead Silence

I had quite a bit of fun. Even if still(as it is natural) feel very empty, the atmosphere was already there. I'd love to see this fully fledged as a mod. Do I see a lot of Half-Life 1 influence in there?

Only thing(minor) that bothers me, is that compared with the rest, the spas-12 looks strangely blurry.

Good karma+1 vote
Null_Element - - 5 comments @ Kimty :)) 1.0


Good karma+2 votes
Null_Element - - 5 comments @ Trench Foot

Really fresh and appealing looks. Enemies are really cool and weapons feel really punchy, even the revolver.

Good karma+3 votes
Null_Element - - 5 comments @ Hyperion - The cosmic Horror

Any news on the project? I really like it, its take on Doom is quite different and original.

Good karma+1 vote