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Аа - father (A)

Бб - bad (B)

Вв - vine (V)

Гг - go (G)

Дд - do (D)

Ее - yes (YE)

Ёё - yore (YO)

Жж - pleasure (It is pronouced as the "s" in this context)

Зз- zoo (Z)

Ии - police (I)

Йй - toy (Y)

Кк - kept (K)

Лл - feel or lamp (L)

Мм - map (M)

Нн - not (N)

Оо - more (O)

Пп - pet (P)

Рр - rolled r

Сс - set (S)

Тт - top (T)

Уу - tool (OO)

Фф - face (F)

Хх - loch (CH)

Цц - sits (TS)

Чч - chat (CH)

Шш - sharp (SH)

Щщ - sheer (in some dialects pronounced as in pushchair) (SH) (SHCH)

Ъъ - (called "hard sign") silent, prevents palatalization of the preceding consonant

Ыы - roses, hit (E) (I)

Ьь - (called "soft sign") silent, palatalizes the preceding consonant (if it is phonologically possible)

Ээ - met (E)

Юю - use (U)

Яя - yard (YA)

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