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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 32)
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

Wasn't there a comment asking about a release date? Wonder where it went.

Good karma+8 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Shokuhō

Do you mean the "Last Update" thing?
If so then it's basically just a timer that resets whenever a change has been made to the mod, but the creators have to post said changes for us to see what's up.

Good karma+1 vote
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

I think most of us hope that it will release cause it's still a fantastic looking mod, but the previously mentioned issues make it a bit hard to stay optimistic, especially if you were one of the people waiting since the beginning.

Good karma+4 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

Maybe, but this is still *the* main mod page, if he doesn't have the time/doesn't feel like updating it then he could assign someone else to copy-paste screenshots from his side discord server.
This was an issue before aswell, there are many reasons why you might not want to join some discord server and stick to the main page instead, but if the main page is inactive then people can and will call you out on it. The only reason it got updated in the first place was because everyone waiting got fed up with the silence and deleted comments, so they pushed back harder.
Of course, most of us here probably don't know much about warband modding and there probably is a reason why most of them haven't implemented changing seasons or visual castle upgrades. Still, coming down with so much as a comment like "Still working on/finished X feature" every few weeks would go a long way.

Good karma+4 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

You might be right, but again the author refuses to communicate so it really doesn't look like it.

Good karma+5 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Shokuhō

I think they've said before that they don't plan on releasing any alphas or demos for public use.

Good karma+4 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Shokuhō

The previous showcase showed a line of teppo ashigaru so it's fair to assume that there will.

Good karma+1 vote
pud - - 32 comments @ Shokuhō

If I remember correctly they wanted to release the full mod rather than split it into betas

Good karma+2 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

That's fair.

Good karma+3 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

Nope, not yet.

Good karma+1 vote
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

Maybe because he doesn't update consistently or works on it whenever he feels like it, updating people with "Yeah didn't feel like doing anything for the past year" might be worse than not saying anything at all.

Good karma0 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

Because he switched his attention to the discord server or just doesn't want to update people on it for one reason or another.
The only thing foreshadowing this update was a comment from a guest saying "There might be a surprise on the 25th" which was deleted not too long after

Good karma+2 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era Update Post

Great stuff, the detail inside castles or visibly upgraded castles are something I didn't think possible since nobody else does that.

Good karma+5 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

Oh it wasn't a "look he's doing things" call, if anything it feels
more like a desperate attempt at a cashgrab, but no I don't think he's put up a new release date.

Good karma+3 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

After 11 months he's released a video on the channel roughly 2 hours ago, I don't expect it to appear here so little heads up I guess.

Good karma-1 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

Okay that's a step forward, maybe just abandon the discord for content and focus on the page instead, so anyone intrested can just look at the statistics to see when was it last touched. Meanwhile the discord can just remain as a community tab.
Feels like the only option anyone would come back here at this point.

Good karma+5 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

I mean, 11 months without any heads up or update so.. I'll let you be the judge.

Good karma+8 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Shokuhō

Yeah but it doesn't advance time on the map, when you're exploring it.

Good karma+1 vote
pud - - 32 comments @ Shokuhō

Will there be an option to for continued time passing when sitting in a village or castle? (Vibing with your troops when you suddenly get kicked out into the world map with a siege notification)

Good karma+1 vote
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

Pretty much

Good karma+2 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Shokuhō

You should really watch the two streams then, they go into what's already done, how they want to proceed with adding content and just how much they want to put into the mod.

Good karma+1 vote
pud - - 32 comments @ Shokuhō

There isn't, but judging by the two videos they've released I'd guess the mod isn't coming out in 1-2 years atleast.
You might find more information on their discord server though.

Good karma+2 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

9 months of nothing and comments calling it out still being deleted, the "author" has some weird priorities fr

Good karma+8 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Shokuhō

My boy, latest update was 2 weeks ago, the devs appear from time to time to answer questions. If it was abandoned then neither of those would be happening.

Good karma+7 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

You mean a few pictures showing that the mod *was* still being worked on.
You're also forgetting the absolute lack of any sort of communication.

Good karma+3 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ Sengoku Era

He's got a whole moddb page aswell as a YT channel, why are the updates limited to some discord server?

Good karma+10 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ War Nymph v.1.1 (DLTX)

Huh, looks like it's the ol' scout model override but I'm not using any additional reskin mods and I've disabled the ones included in the modpack already.

For reference:

[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CInifile::Load::<lambda_09b1998f39da0b770d173ef2710f9a54>::()::<lambda_fc373984ed106385be39a4b1497d9834>::operator ()
[error]File : Xr_ini.cpp
[error]Line : 330
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Duplicate section 'actor_hud_merc_scout' wasn't marked as an override. Override section by prefixing it with '!' (![actor_hud_merc_scout]) or give it a unique name. Check this file and its DLTX mods: c:/anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx

Good karma+1 vote
pud - - 32 comments @ MERCS: Kolin Model Complete

Using vanilla models, also I couldn't find any ogf files for armors or textures relevant to the player.
EDIT: Reinstalled a few times and it just decided to work, with some minor texture glitches but hey atleast it's not crashing. Now I need to figure out how to use it as armor.

Good karma+1 vote
pud - - 32 comments @ [1.5.1] Playable Third Person Camera v1.13

Great to see a quality third person mod, though I do have some issues and suggestions for it.
-Gun model disappears whenever I aim down sights from third person, making it basically impossible to shoot.
-Can't bring the HUD back on screen despite holding tab (Maybe a way to rebind it from tab and making it a toggle hud on/off on button press would work)
-Would be great to have a 4th angle coming out of the actors head (Something like this
-A way to look around when holding alt (AREA managed to do that, though I have no idea how)
EDIT: Turns out the no hud thing was a bug that disappeared after reinstalling the mod so.. Yaay

Good karma+3 votes
pud - - 32 comments @ MERCS: Kolin Model Complete

Could you make it into a new armor piece for the player? (I tried doing it myself but I couldn't figure out how to apply the model and replacing the default player actor just crashes my game)
EDIT: Also, does either (HD or vanilla) have the ponytail included?

Good karma+1 vote