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Comment History
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ BannerKenshi

Guys well done it look so good !

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Warsword Conquest

How do you conquer the whole map with only 20 lords since you can't recruit lords from other races ? the map is huge and vassals won't join the marshal if they are too far..

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition

trying to make my vassals recruit the troops from the culture I select from the Camp Menu and it never works, i want my vassals to recruit Hojo troops but they only recruit their native clan troops please help.

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition

Hello, I would like to add new companions to the game but I can't find the module system

Good karma+2 votes
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Oh yeah excuse me :)

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Hello CoW team !
Thank you for all your work on this great mod, nothing wrong to say on that it's excellent. :)

I was wondering if some one download the mod for me, send the RAR file to me by mail or Something else, could I just copy past it on my desk and extract ? (I'm connected to an hotspot downloads would take too much time). Thank you :D

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ So we are near

The problem is not the battle, it's the number of parties on the map that will slow the game and freeze, when i'm playing Warsword conquest mod i have this problem it takes like 5 min just to wait in a town to end a day, but I have no problem running battles of more than 250 men with the battle sizer.

But the mod looks perfect to me and I will not cry for this :D

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Gekokujo

For those who love Sengoku Jidai, check this

Good karma0 votes
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Gekokujo

Great mod, just have a question about diplomacy, my lords are not affected by "select faction culture", i selected Hojo and have 2 satomi vassals but they only recruit Hojo for garrison but their armies are full Satomi, they only have 10 Hojo troops in their army after 100 days in game the rest is full Satomi

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Release will make a good gift for christmas :)

Good karma+4 votes
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

that would be good :)

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

I will try thanks :)

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Only 2 posts man, i'm just trying to understand and make it work... But yes I think the problem is from my computer

I'm trying hard because i got no problems with other mods, only warhammer ones (maybe cause they huge)

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

It's not and still doesn't work, like i said the problem is from the patch because after patching the exes, I can't launch the mod and the vanilla.

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

just can't launch the game when I patch the .exes with the 4GB patch "0xc0000142" error when launching from the bat, or "can't find the medieval.exe" when launching as administrator. I tried to download softwares to correct those errors but you gotta pay for this -_-"
Is there another way to fix it, or i just got to wait for your new patch ?

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Thank you, but I tried it, and it's still the same, still got the 0xc0000142 error when patching the Med2.exe i'm done with uninstalling/ reinstalling I will wait for a patch or something that will make it playable for all people.

But at least i'm now sure the problems is not from the games files, but with applying the patch on both exes

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Thank you for your answers, please can you explain or tell me where i can find this "large adress aware" ? English is not my native language i don't know what you mean here :s

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

I don't have the kingdom.exe, so i copied my med.exe, renamed the copy to kingdoms.exe, and patched it.
The problem when I patch the med.exe (the original), i just can't launch the game both mod and vanilla, it's the error 0xc0000142 saying the application can't launch correctly. and yes i launch from bat

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Hello please, can you tell us exactly how do you got the game work ?
you always say "something wrong with your installation", I don't see what we can do wrong because the instructions are very simple, I followed it and got crashes every turn and some times on MY turn... I got 4 GB on my computer (Intel core I3)

I'm not blaming the mod or the modders, I just want it to work because I love Warhammer :)

(Found a bug: Game crash every time I send a spy to Karak Izor as Skaven)

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

I still cannot play the game...

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Hello, I downloaded with Bit torrent, extracted in Medieval 2 mod folder, patched my kingdom.exe ONLY with the 4GB patch, launched the game set all the graphics
options to low, started a campaign ---> crashes, crashes, crashes (chaos have doomed the world...) I can only play 2 or 3 turns then i got crashes, no problem with battles, it happen on the campaign map mostly when i end a turn.

(I went to the system.log in Medieval 2 folder, It's full of errors of all type: ancillaries, textures missing, units, traits... today I downloaded again but here on modDB but still got the same problems, i also re installed Medieval 2)

Good karma+1 vote
Mekssou - - 22 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Thank you so much for the mod !

I just have 2 questions

1) is it possible to have the lords of your kingdom recruiting the troops of their races ? if I have one vampire lord, he recruit vampire troops, a chaos lord recruit chaos troops etc... ?

2) With the new factions and their lords, the new countries and the tons of bandits/ pirates parties plus now the patrols... my game became slow on the world map , i'm having freeze when i'm travelling or waiting can i do something for this ?

Good karma+3 votes