Marema Studios was founded in 2022.

Our focus lies on creating new entertainment products for the video game market.
Our aim is to create projects that reflect and show different cultures and their history, through this amazing media that leans towards the new generations.

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Meet Us

Marema_Studios Blog

Who are we?

We are a developer of creating new entertainment products for the video game market, currently working in Unseen Value

Marema Studios Platforms

Adventure through the Wind

Adventure through the Wind is a retro puzzle game inspired by the Game Boy games of old. It features an adventure in a recently discovered temple, unique interactions with the environment and the mission to escape the place.

Star from the Bottom

Star from the Bottom is a pixel platformer game, winner of 1st place in the Game Jam+ Leiria. Be ready to become a small fish, one of the sons of the Sun and Moon, that was abandoned in the Amazonian Rainforest. Help him climb all the trees to reach the heavens and be reunited with its sisters, the stars.

Bracara Augusta: Shadow of the Past

After working the entire day at the cafe, “Frigideiras do Cantinho”, you encounter a weird man that uses an artefact that creates an earthquake. The glass above the ruins is shattered, and both of you fall into the underground ruins. When you wake up the café is no longer there and you are stuck in the ruins. Now you must find a way out.

Unseen Value

Currently in development. Each week we will post a new article related to its development.

The team

Marema Studios is composed by a team of 4 developers

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