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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 55)
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Blindside's Weapon Reanimation and Rebalance - "Loner"

First off thanks for this absolutely fantastic mod! I wanted to report a possible bug with the L85 I found (at least for me). After clearing the shader cache (only did it to try out beef's nvg shader mod) when I went to move my L85 into my main weapon slot from the inventory the game stuttered hard and crashed, unfortunately with nothing in the log. Upon further investigation I unloaded all my other mods via MO2 and only had your mod active. I cleared the shader cache again and started a new game and when I spawned the L85 in my hands I got that huge stutter but with no crash. After a few more attemps of clearing the cache and spawning an L85 it eventually crashed again but nothing in the logs. It does cause an .mdmp file to appear in appdata and also an error report in Windows Event viewer. I have very limited knowledge of how all this modding stuff works but if this is not just on my end I hope this can help in some way.

Good karma+2 votes
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Camera Reanimation Project - I.N.E.R.T.I.A. v1.2

Would it be possible to add a little camera shake when switching fire modes in the future? I think that it would go really well with the general fire mode switch mod.

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ General Fire Mode Switcher Sound

Some of the BaS guns that have fire mode switch animations don't make a sound, seems like it's all of the Rifle Dynamics AK variants. Also does the JSRS patch go after JSRS? Everything seems fine with or without the JSRS patch. I looked at the weapon sounds ltx files between the main JSRS file and the fire switch patch and everything seems the same. I guess I'm a little confused why the patch is needed, especially since the main fire switch gamedata file doesn't conflict with the main JSRS mod. I'm not super familiar with how all the code works together, apologies for any stupid questions.

Good karma0 votes
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ EFT Weapon Reposition updated 2.2

Great update! Only thing is the lowered gun positions look a little off now (for the BaS guns), they take up too much space on screen. Is it possible to have those positions be lower? Also since the fire mode switch sounds were removed from BaS even if using the fire switcher sound mod any gun that has its own fire switch animation no longer plays a sound, I believe its specifically the Rifle Dynamics AK variants. Would it be possible to add those back in with a patch or the next update?

Good karma+2 votes
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Weapon Parts Overhaul for 1.5.1

Awesome, thanks for all your work on this mod!

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ (Archived) Anomaly Magazines Redux

I had an idea for ammo check when using one in the chamber. Would it be possible to change the text from the "overfilled" to something like "full mag +1"? Also the current text is purple when the mag is full with one in the chamber no matter what the text color option in mcm is set to.

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Weapon Parts Overhaul for 1.5.1

I just noticed that after I field strip a gun it can be reloaded and continue to fire like normal even though all the parts are in my inventory. Using the latest build off github along with Anomaly Magazines Redux.

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

I was just about to delete my comment, I went back an reread the update and saw that, don't mind me I'm drunk and can't read lol

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

Do we still need the patch from the 24th on the newest upload from the 25th or is that included?

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Weapon Parts Overhaul for 1.5.1

Awesome thanks, yeah the fort 500 is in horrible shape, sounds like it might have been a superjam in that case.

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Weapon Parts Overhaul for 1.5.1

! [SCRIPT ERROR]: ...mes/stalker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\arti_jamming.script:54: attempt to compare nil with number


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 191
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...mes/stalker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\arti_jamming.script:54: attempt to compare nil with number

stack trace:

Happened using the fort 500. It's jammed before and was fine. I had just looted a stash and started fighting bandits in the swamp, gun jams so I press F twice and nothing happens, I try again and still nothing, so I spam F a few times and then it crashed. It seems if you pick something up or talk to an NPC for some reason the double tap doesn't work and you have to press F a few times. I reloaded the save and dropped and picked up a can of food, then shot the fort 500 until and jammed and again the double tap didnt work. I hit F a few times and then the gun successfully unjammed without causing a crash. Also using Anomaly Magazines Redux. WPO is the latest build from the github.

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ (DLTX) Cr3pis Icons

This overwrites files in the JSRS new tracers patch, will that cause any issues?

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Weapon Parts Overhaul for 1.5.1

Hit the github link in the description for the latest build, it resolves some crashes.

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Weapon Parts Overhaul for 1.5.1

Found a bug (I think) if you pick anything up and then double tap f the unjam/weapon check doesn't happen. You have to spam f a few times to get it to work, or save and reload. After that the double tap works again. Not a big deal though just wanted to report it.

Edit: Speaking to NPC's also causes this, and it's not exactly spamming f to fix it, it's a triple press.

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ [2.1.0] Masks and Reflections for 1.5.1

I've noticed this issue as well. Are you using MO2? I think it's how MO2 loads the mod. I put this mod directly into my gamedata folder since it has no conflicts with any other mod I use and now it loads up 100% fine every time.

Good karma+3 votes
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ (Archived) Anomaly Magazines Redux

If you have one in the chamber enabled and pick up a gun that has no rounds in it and eject the empty mag one bullet seems to magically appear in the chamber.

Good karma+2 votes
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

The SA 58 FAL AUS, SA 58 OSW and the AK12 Monolit with the tactical kit fire at the ground behind the actor when hip firing and moving at the same time. What's weird is if third person view is used the guns fire correctly. I have tried all 3 with only BaS installed to rule out any incompatibilities.

Edit: Saw in the comments it's a known issue and will be fixed in the next update, good news. Just wondering though is there a line of code somewhere that I can change to fix this issue until the next update is released?

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ (Archived) Anomaly Magazines Redux

LOVE the new one in the chamber feature! One thought though, not sure if it's possible to implement but it would be cool if you could drag and drop one round into the gun with no mag to chamber the one round, then load up a fully loaded mag.

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Fluid Aim for Anomaly 1.5.1

Unfortunately this bug is still present after the latest update. Steps to reproduce are after dying, press escape to bring up the menu and click once on last save, let game load, press any key except mouse keys to launch into game after it loads, and switch/raise weapons without clicking the mouse and the gun will auto fire.

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Fluid Aim for Anomaly 1.5.1

Bug report: After dying and using the last save option if you raise/switch weapons right away the gun will auto fire, it seems a click is queued up when pressing "last save". Work around seems to be to use F9 for quick reload or go into the saves manually and select one from there.

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Weapon Sway 1.0

What’s the correct load order to use with groks bhs?

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ EFT jump/land sfx

What's that meta.ini file in the archive? Is that required for something?

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Fluid Aim for Anomaly 1.5.1

Nice, will check it out soon

Edit: Yup all good now, thanks for the update!

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Fluid Aim for Anomaly 1.5.1

Found another one (sorry I hope I’m not bugging you!) if you lower your weapon (not put away but the lowered state) and open your inventory and try to say drag a scope on a gun or drop something on the ground you are unable to grab onto anything in the inventory.

Edit: To be more specific I'm using anomaly magazines redux and while the gun is lowered it's impossible to load ammo into a magazine inside the inventory.

Edit 2: After further investigation when in the inventory while the gun is lowered, clicking and dragging an item over another item will switch to the item that was just dragged over. So it's still possible to drop items and equip a scope but its a bit finicky. In terms of anomaly magazines redux it's impossible to load or unload a mag in the inventory while the gun is lowered.

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Fluid Aim for Anomaly 1.5.1

Not sure if this is a bug, maybe related to the last fix: If you do an action like the quick grenade or clean the mask and then try to hip fire with an automatic gun and then ads, when the gun comes up to ads it stops firing and left mouse button needs to be pressed again.

Edit: It only seems to be happening with grenade quick throw, even if no grenade is present if you hit the quick throw button the bug will happen.

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Fluid Aim for Anomaly 1.5.1

Sounds good, thanks for the update!

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ [DLTX] T.H.A.P. Rework 2.2

Is the correct load order: original thap, thap rework, hd models, thap reworks hd models patch?

Good karma+2 votes
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Fluid Aim for Anomaly 1.5.1

Great addon! Unfortunately I found a bug, when you use the auto grenade keybind, after the grenade is thrown whatever gun you are holding auto fires by itself! Hopefully it's an easy fix.

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Improved hands arms pack for T.H.A.P. (v.1.4)

Nevermind was scrolling through comments and found the answer: thap, hd models, hd thap patch, this addon.

Good karma+1 vote
Mantruffle83 - - 55 comments @ Improved hands arms pack for T.H.A.P. (v.1.4)

Do I need to use the hd models thap patch located on the hd models mod page with this addon?

Good karma+1 vote