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Lvl1_Skav - - 12 comments @ My personal gamedata

Any ideas on what's causing this?


[error]Expression : I
[error]Function : CInifile::Load
[error]File : Xr_ini.cpp
[error]Line : 267
[error]Description : Can't find include file:
[error]Arguments : w_uzi.ltx

stack trace:

0023:00C0233B xrCore.dll, xrDebug::backend()
0023:00C12000 xrCore.dll, IIniFileStream::`vftable'()
0023:00C12034 xrCore.dll, IIniFileStream::`vftable'()

Edit: Disregard this crash. I just did a fresh install. However I still cannot get the debug menu to work. I've extracted your files and added the "-dev" to my shortcut. It looks like "A.R.E.A.-dev" on my desktop shortcut, is this correct? Esc + S does nothing for me except bring up the pause menu. Sorry if the debug thing is so talked about, I want to love AREA, but there is just stupid stuff that bricks a whole run.

Good karma+1 vote
Lvl1_Skav - - 12 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

Quick question Mich..

I'm one of those players that have traces of old BaS versions in my gamedata files from back when I didn't mod using JGSME (do now) and a lot of my crashes or stuff like missing icons for new weapons are from those old files, how do I get rid of them? Can I uninstall all my mods and replace the gamedata with a fresh vanilla folder then reload everything? Trying to keep my saves if possible as I will be loading in the exact same mods.

Thanks if you can give any advice. That way I can stop having to ask you about crashes resulting from old stuff. I'm sure that gets old answering them.

Good karma+1 vote
Lvl1_Skav - - 12 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

Okay I will try it out, thank you for responding

EDIT: Okay that worked. Thanks again.

Good karma+1 vote
Lvl1_Skav - - 12 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load
[error]File : ..\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp
[error]Line : 120
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Can't find model file 'dynamics\weapons\wpn_saiga12s_m1\wpn_saiga12s_m1_usp1_hud.ogf'.

Saw someone else with a similar PM pistol error like this. Same file location just that this one is for the Saiga. Happens when loading into CNPP. Can spawn all three Saigas from debug menu with no crashes, tried deleting common squads as well, but still gives CTD. Tried looking for that ogf file and cant find it anywhere on my computer.

Any suggestions?

Good karma+1 vote
Lvl1_Skav - - 12 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

Okay so I did in fact have an outdated base file (march) with a patch after it (aug 29th). I removed the old version of BAS and did a fresh install of the newest version then added the aug 29th patch after it. Had a duplicate ammo error as well at startup, but found that there was a duplicate weapon ammo ltx file in the anomaly gamedata, once removed it fired up.

All weapons are there now including the AK and AUGs. All the blue boxes are gone from the item spawner, but now All BAS weapons besides the August patch ones are invisible/missing icons. They spawn and pull up fine, just not in inventory unless you hover over it for a description.

Good karma+1 vote
Lvl1_Skav - - 12 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

Hi Mich, first off love the addon. No issues when installed correctly and as you say it should be installed. However since the latest update (using the one you linked to use instead of the bugged ones) I have had some weapons turn into blue blocks where the icons should be and I cannot get the ones like the ak5c and others with blue boxes to spawn from the debug menu. Also seem to to not have any of the Steyr AUGs either in spawner. Anyone else have an issue like that before? I dont use any icon mods or anything for the AUGs besides blindsides animations. Thanks for reading.

Here is the error for when I try to spawn an ak5c:


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load
[error]File : ..\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp
[error]Line : 120
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Can't find model file 'dynamics\weapons\wpn_ak5c_bas\wpn_ak5c_5c_tik_world.ogf'.

stack trace:

Good karma+1 vote
Lvl1_Skav - - 12 comments @ Camera Reanimation Project - I.N.E.R.T.I.A. v1.2

This is really nice, great job!

Good karma+1 vote
Lvl1_Skav - - 12 comments @ [ABANDONED] Anomaly Re-Made Animations Pack

Hell yes, redownloaded as soon as I saw the all caps FIXED WALKING. Now its perfect! Awesome work!

Good karma+3 votes
Lvl1_Skav - - 12 comments @ [ABANDONED] Anomaly Re-Made Animations Pack

Most welcome! Enjoy!

Good karma+1 vote
Lvl1_Skav - - 12 comments @ [ABANDONED] Anomaly Re-Made Animations Pack

I use food/drink, HD models and blindside. No issues just installing it on top for me. You could try without HD models, dont see why it would be an issue

Good karma+1 vote
Lvl1_Skav - - 12 comments @ [ABANDONED] Anomaly Re-Made Animations Pack

That would be an epic addition to the game.

Good karma+2 votes
Lvl1_Skav - - 12 comments @ [ABANDONED] Anomaly Re-Made Animations Pack

I really like this addon, but the only thing that is kind of odd is the footstep sounds while walking. Footsteps are the same speed walking as they are when running and doesn't match how the head bob/hand movement looks, however it matches up perfectly if you switch to 3rd person. Will keep an eye out in case it gets updated. Definitely will install again. That's just nit picky, otherwise great work.

Good karma+5 votes