Vaguely insane, vaguely evil.

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Grainger class colonial cruiser

mass: 1,070,000 tonnes standard [fuel mass: 890,000 tonnes], 1,210,000 full load
dimensions: 639.45m x 210.10m
machinery: 4 vane Gammaten NTR drive, 1 Blakeson fusion core, 16,680,000 N, 8,700 SI = 152,075 delta V
armor: 25mm whipple shield covering
armament: 6 250mm MK.II railguns (2x3), 6 laser cluster (2x3), 6 missile slot (2x3)
complement: 122-154

Name/builder/laid down/launched/comp/fate
Grainger/Gamma Armament Yd/13.4.2430/21.7.2432/3.3.2433/BU 2483
Londonderry/Pinnacle Advance Defense/7.5.2430/4.12.2432/5.7.2434/sold 2488
Shepherd/Ferguson Avansion Productions/25.6.2430/5.2.2433/25.10.2434/BU 2484
Handel/Yukon Advance Orbital Industries/15.8.2430/17.8.2433/23.1.2435/BU 2486
Horkstow/Dexter Star Yd/23.1.2431/-/-/cancelled 2432
Morris/Lance Orbital Launcher Industries/14.2.2431/-/-/cancelled 2432
Bonnie/Dmitri Space yd/14.3.2431/-/-/cancelled 2432
Rufford/Kurwa Orbital Works/1.5.2431/-/-/cancelled 2432

A subclass of the C-class cruiser more suited for patrol duties in systems lacking in orbital infrastructure, the Grainger class traded 6 of its railguns for laser clusters along with smaller (and more basic) missile banks. Other less obvious changes include a reduction of the number of whipple shields [less overall armor], the less powerful (but also less maintenance intensive) sensor suite. As expected though there were a number of subtle upgrades in terms of habitability. As with their parent class, these ships were simple, sturdy vessels, with reasonable maintenance needs. Handling and performance was similar though greater due to various weight reductions. All completed ships give solid, though undistinguished, service in the Federation Star Corp until their decommission in the early 2480s. The Londonderry served further on in the star navy of the Directory as the depot ship DH-004 until its hurried reactivation during the First Contact War, in which it was destroyed with all hands along with the rest of the Directory's Home fleet at the Battle of Daka. The second batch of 4 ships were cancelled in 2432 as the beginning of the massive cuts that characterized the decline of the Terran Federation during this era.

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