I have contributed designs to numerous mods, sadly, not all of them publicly released. *Obi-Wan Prequel mod for Star Wars (a.k.a. "SW") Jedi Knight *Galaxy at War for Operation Flashpoint (a.k.a. "OFP") *Assisted in translating from German-English the Editor's manual for Dynamic AI Creator (a.k.a. "DAC") for OFP *Bot speed adjustment mod for Infiltration, a tc for Unreal Tournament *Alpha-beta tester, .ini & sound effects contributor for ForceMod III mod for SW Jedi Academy *Designed The Valiant class Republic Era Cruiser for SW X-Wing Alliance; this ship was later ported over into numerous SW Empire at War mods *Designed alien race & other spacecraft for A Dark Prophecy mod for SW X-Wing Alliance *Designed Phoenix class cruiser for Fleet Commander mod for Homeworld 2 *Adjusted sound effects mod for Combat Mission Shock Force *Designed Pavidus Bellua and The Transfigured, & more.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 1,017)
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ TFTC Rebalance Public Beta Available Now (via Discord)

I watched your video late last night Angel.

Your commitment and hard work to a truly astounding endeavor is supremely commendable.

Even more so your generosity in sharing with the community.

As always, I am grateful for all that you do.

Thank you!

Good karma+2 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ English Voices for Mercenaries (BMS HECU)

If you go to near the bottom of The Comments section posted here:

You'll find that DuxFortis stated that he remedied this issue in the past. I checked out his account, and he hasn't yet posted any kind of a release of this stated work.

Maybe he'd respond to you, and then we could get the Best of Both Worlds with Mercs using one voice set and the UNISG finally using one of their own?

That would be nice.

Good karma+1 vote
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ English Voices for Mercenaries (BMS HECU)

Does anyone know if this also replaces the UNISG voices as well?

For a while there, it was impossible to just replace the Merc voices without simultaneously replacing the UNISG ones, a they shared the same sound files.

Good karma+1 vote
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ English Voices for Mercenaries (BMS HECU)

Sounds interesting. The music makes it hard to hear in the sample video.

I'll still give it a try.

It sounds like Mikee, one of Insurgency's game developers, who did voicework for that series, is also included in this pack.

His voice acting is superb.

Good karma+1 vote
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ HD Zombies Retexture




ACTUALLY scary looking!

A first for the zombies!


Good karma+1 vote
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ RE:TUNE: Anomaly Bullet cracks and impacts

This sound effects pack is a really good start. I don't mean that to seem insulting, and here's why...

A YouTube content creator, Garand Thumb, proved conclusively that EVERY bullet impact sound is accompanied with a supersonic crack. ALL of them. NO exceptions. He set up cameras at his shooting location and another at where the object was struck.

The super sonic crack was so loud, most of the time one could barely hear the surface it was penetrating, stopping at, and/or ricocheting off of.

One of the tests was at an old barn. His shots would penetrate metal sheeting and then the round would bury itself into wood. There was no "thump" of the wood being struck. Just that loud supersonic crack as the round buried itself into it.

If you want to make a REALISTIC sound effects pack, then I'd use these sounds that you've made and combine them with a very loud supersonic crack. To add a little variety, find several different supersonic cracks, and then assign one at a time to the material-struck sounds that you've thoughtfully made here.

The sound pack you have would also be a great start for surfaces being struck by SUBsonic ammunitions. Note that there IS a major difference from rounds being shot by suppressed weapons and subsonic rounds. Regular supersonic ammunition can be fired out of suppressed weapons; when this is done, the sound AT THE MUZZLE of the weapon is reduced (it's quieted enough to not have to wear ear protection), and even then the muzzle sound is still loud. The round is STILL traveling at its supersonic speed and will still produce a supersonic crack.

Subsonic rounds are designed so that the powder doesn't propel the projectile to supersonic speeds. These rounds will NEVER produce a supersonic crack. That said, the spinning of the round can still produce a BUZZING sound, like that produced by the wings of a bee. War veterans have described being "tickled to the bone" by rounds/shrapnel/debris "buzzing by" their bodies in combat.

Thus my advice is to use your sound effects as a base to combine with several variations of a bee's buzzing wings. Now if you're tempted on going this route, I'd first check into whether or not the game's engine can even differentiate between supersonic-hits and subsonic-hits. If it can't, then I'd focus my attention on adding the supersonic cracks.

Good karma+4 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ RGD-2 Smoke Grenade

Could you please make it last longer at emitting smoke for more than 20-30 sec.?

Smoke grenades last significantly longer than what this smoke grenade does. There have been other efforts at making smoke grenades for STALKER, and they also stopped emitting smoke far too quickly.

Please make it last at least 1 entire minute, if not more.

Good karma+2 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ RE:PACK Lurker 1.0


Good karma+1 vote
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ RE:PACK Pseudodog 1.0


Time for diapers.

Good karma+1 vote
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ RE:PACK Pseudogiant 1.6

I'm happy that the leaping version bug was addressed.

I spent almost three hours hunting that bug down, and reported it in the EFP discord.

It's great to see another release of a fantastic mutant.

And if it's at all possible, yes, release it as its own type, rather than be a replacement. That said, I know that this will be heresy for some, but if I had to choose between keeping the pseudogiant or instead having the momma bear, the momma bear would win.

Good karma+2 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ RE:PACK Boar 1.1

This looks AMAZING.

Mutated spiders in The Zone? OF COURSE there would be such!

I too back making this an additional mutant, and not a replacement. I also agree with it being able to spit acid: perhaps it has TWO attacks? One that shoots a stream up to 20 m., and another that shoots out a wide-spray out to 3 m. ? Perhaps after several minutes, the acid turns into a poisonous vapor cloud that dissipates to a safe level after another minute? Imagine being "pinned" in place by such a beast, and it has its kin joining in?

It'd be a HUGE BONUS if it could also climb walls, but I highly doubt if the engine will allow for that. If so, then I say GO FOR IT.


Good karma+1 vote
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ NOFAP P*rn mag replacer - Hitchhikers and 1984 V1.1 for cr3pis icons

I see nothing wrong with this addon.

Porn has and is doing terrible damage to relationships. The evidence for that is overwhelming, and is beyond debate.

The beauty of this addon is that if one wants to keep the adult content in the game, then just don't download and install this addon.

Freedom of choice - it's a beautiful thing.

Good karma+4 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ Star Wars Jedi Academy: Extreme Mod

Does anyone have a working link to this mod? I am pretty desperate to try it out, especially with the vastly improved looking Reborn and Jet Trooper!

Good karma+1 vote
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ Relighting

Thank God that you're looking to remedying the Bullet Time conflict. As I get older and my reflexes slower, that mod becomes increasingly more and more necessary.

Your own mod is amazing. Thank you SO much for putting your hard work into it, and then being generous enough to freely share it with the community.

Good karma+1 vote
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ Announcing Ashes: Hard Reset

Whoop! I can't wait to get my mitts on anything that you all end up releasing.

I love the new artwork, by the way.

Thank you for all of your hard work and generosity. It's people like YOU that have me holding out SOME hope for this insane and deranged world.

Good karma+5 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ New levels 0.53

Now THIS is what the STALKER community needs! We have had endless weapons and gear mods for many years, but incorporating additional maps? Nope!

Well, that's been finally addressed with this release. Terrific! That it works very well with multiple combinations of mods is really important. At this point in time of 2023, there are three main releases that maps need to be tested against: default Anomaly (of course!), GAMMA and Escape From Pripyat.

Let's hope that we get more. I would DEARLY love a heavy and large urban environment that's been blown to bits to resemble the sheer hell of Stalingrad at the end of WWII. Maybe set up several blocks' worth of area being lit by floating and glowing anomalies?

THANK YOU for all of the hard work.

MORE MAPS please!


Good karma+3 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ Forgotten Scrolls

In terms of body mechanics, I can't begin to imagine how well this total conversion works in Arma 3, which has probably THE worst body mechanics in any game for the past 20 years, and "No," I'm not exaggerating.

From the very inception of BI's engine, the mechanics of the human body have been very VERY poorly modeled. "Janky" isn't even the word for it.

To this day, its infantry AI can't even strafe, nor occupy the interiors of buildings with any kind of meaningful sense. Building raid after building raid, they're facing CORNERS, and with none of their comrades occupying the best regions to occupy and to cover from. One can rip and tear through the ground floor, go upstairs, and not a single AI will be monitoring the staircase!

And they PIVOT on their HEELS in order to change direction, like the turret of a tank! Wow. Just bad, bad and BAD.

For years, I was a devout player of all things Arma, till I couldn't take the company's long history of incessant lies anymore. One promise after another of doing dearly needed improvements to the infantry AI that should have been working upon the game's release.

Skyrim demands fluid, reliable, and predictable body mechanics. NONE of those traits can be found in Arma.

Was a miracle somehow achieved? I would be thrilled to be proven wrong on my expectations.

Good karma0 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ Unique Character "Nikita Earth"

This is a solid effort. HOWEVER...

The head is much too small. Shoulders are two heads wide. Using your head, the shoulders are THREE heads wide.

You need to enlarge the head by 25-30%.

If he is wearing bulky armor, enlarge the head by 25%.

If he's wearing regular armor then enlarge it by 30%.

To me, 30% bigger would likely make it perfectly scaled to the rest of his body.

Good karma0 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ marcelus hd sprites (update 9.2. 2024)

Your "Halloween" type sprites caused me to see what else you've cooked up in the past.

Holy cow!

These are TERRIFIC looking!

You put a lot of heart and soul and hard work into these. Thank you!

Good karma+3 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ Doom alternative HD sprites (update 8.9. 23)

These are amazingly well done. It's all a little to much... Halloweenish... for my tastes.

I would definitely download a byproduct of this, one without all of the Jack 'O' Lanterns and such.

For what it is, it's a homerun.

Good karma+3 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ [DLTX] Better Smoke Grenades (UPDATE 2)

My biggest complaint about the smoke grenades for the past several years is how the emit smoke for only 7-10 seconds.

That is not enough time to do anything with.

Those smoke grenades should push out smoke for at least a minute or more.

Good karma+3 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ NPC fleeing 0.33

After having watched segment after segment of highly trained soldiers running away from combat in real life footage out of the current war in Ukraine, I say that this mod is entirely immersive and believable.

If there's a modder out there that wants a ton of notoriety, the next mod release should be what happens 95% of the time when someone gets hit from a frag grenade: they LIVE. They are incapacitated, but they are in dire agony, for a long time. I always thought that grenades instantly killed their victims, but... That's very untrue. VERY.

Good karma+4 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ TFTC Version 1.3.3 Released + Other News


I'm the original concept designer for The Valiant class cruiser. I am gobsmacked and flattered that you're placing it in a FEATURED role in the grand campaign!

The Valiant's never looked so good. The lighting effects just bring it to a whole new level of quality. Thank you!

There's not enough footage for me to determine which version of The Valiant that you're using. Over the years, it's been used in many mods and in different engines, and I have a screenshot of it when it was used in an Empire At War mod that I especially liked. They reskinned it, and appropriately "junkified" its appearance. If there's any way that you could incorporate THAT skin, and/or adjust the one you have to try and match its junkier aesthetic, that would further knock me head-over-heels.

Also, if you go to my Profile page, and go to the Images tab, you'll see the original sketches and notes that I sent to Vince Trageton, the original mesh/skin/coder creator of the Valiant for the X-Wing Upgrade Project. You'll see that I originally envisioned that massive ship to have an antennae system that emulated Ralph McQuarrie's initial take on the Star Destroyer. I wanted The Valiant to have such a feature as a loving homage to The Great Master Designer. Vince didn't put it in, because the game engine at the time would've been hard pressed to push so many extra facets. Well, if you could "restore" the antennae as I originally envisioned, well, I'd be enormously grateful.

Tons of extra info on The Valiant in this collage and in the Description Box:

I also offered a storyline suggestion for the campaign in my Reply to your YouTube posting, which is here: Youtube.com

In any case, I wish you Only Success with whatever you do.

Thank you for your enormous dedication, passion, hard work and generosity to this community.

Feel free to reach me for any reason.

Good karma+2 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ Ultimate DoomVisor HUD v2.13 ** 2019-06-07**

What do the alternative visors do?

How are they different from the Base file, and from one another?

Good karma+1 vote
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ Xim's Star Wars Doom


A huge HUGE "Thank You!" for this spectacular creation of yours!

Folks, his passion for all of the GOOD material from Star Wars just comes shining through in this astounding work.

He has presented The Essence of the Lucas universe with an absolute reverence for the material. He has cherry picked only the best material from the Disney Universe. I am...not...a "fan" of what's happened to Star Wars after Disney has acquired it. That said, he HAS incorporated the stuff that matters and that George himself would likely endorse.

This is one of The Finest Star Wars games ever released, and I'm not joking one bit about it! You will FEEL like a Jedi! You will FEEL like a Mandalorian! Plus any of the other class options that he's presented as playable.

The avatars for the classes... My God, he presents them in a "neutral" fashion so that you can easily role play whether you're playing as a Good Guy or as a Bad Guy, but it's even BETTER than that! He's incorporated the ability to adjust the colors of the avatar's clothing! Want to look like a Sith? Adjust the sliders to make his main tunic look red, or dark gray! Want to look like a Jedi? Shift the sliders to get a tan color, or an earthy green or whatever!

One huge piece of advice to new players: TAKE YOUR TIME SETTING UP ALL OF YOUR KEYBINDS! They are VERY important to maximize your experiences with this masterpiece!


With this release (v. 3.1.2), I have only a few requests...

(1.) I believe that in a prior build, you supplied a keybind to toggle through various lightsaber colors. I can't find it in this build. If it's been removed, could you please restore it? That will allow for more role playability and deepen immersion!

(2.) I know that this would probably require a LOT of hard work, but... I *have to* ask... Could you please enable dismemberment, particularly for lightsabers and the darksaber? Playing as a Mando, seeing one of his wrist rockets blow a body apart. YES! I'm not saying that we need a "Brutal Doom" version of this masterpiece, but... It wouldn't hurt! Just imagine how awful getting struck by any of these weapons would be in a non-sanitized universe! What does Boba Fett's "disintegration" look like against its target? Do the victims end up looking like roasted Owen and Beru Lars? Before Lucas went back in and reduced the gore in the original trilogy, he showed over and over again that when stormtroopers and such were struck by the blaster bolts, there would be a small burst of sparks and 5-7" tall FLAMES rapidly wicking upwards from where they were shot! You already have special effects that are pretty close to showing this, I would extend the flames and smoke by a few more seconds worth of animation. Lightsaber swings could decapitate a body part off with every 3rd-4th hit. But maybe EVERY struck limb should fly off? lol That would be nuts, and maybe could be added as an optional togglable game setting.

(3.) Have Force Pull work on held weapons and dropped items. At Force Level 1=Yank weapons out of arms 10% of the time, 2.2 m. range, Level 2=25% of the time, 3 m. range, Level 3=40% of the time, 5 m. range. Dropped weapons/items have the same above ranges, but double the success of the held-weapons rate (Level 1=20%, Level 2=50%, Level 3=80%). Units that lose their weapons would be randomly given a psychological state. They would either Run about in terror, or Try to retrieve their weapon, or Attack the Jedi bare-handed. The greater the Force Power of the Jedi, the more likely they are to Run around in terror. Enemy Jedi CANNOT lose their weapons or items this way. I loved seeing this happen in other Jedi games/mods. Very fun, and a power rush.

Anyway, love your work! Again, thank you for your strong commitment and generosity in sharing this passion with us!

Good karma+3 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ Alternative Boars

ANOTHER astounding creation!

My God, the boar's were once the least frightening looking creature to me in the Zone, and look at them NOW!

Brilliant work, as usual.

Thank you so much for your hard work and generosity in sharing.

When you're done upgrading all of the standard mutants, I would LOVE it if you went in and created alternative variants. It would be VERY interesting to see your take on what a mutant would look like at the HALF way point in their transformations. Or what a mutant would look like if it was crossed with another type of mutant, etc.

In any case, keep up the stellar work.

Good karma+2 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ Dark signal audioscape: Anomalies and blowouts

I like that ogg file a LOT.

Where do I download it so that it'll work in my build of EFP4?

Good karma+2 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ Texture modification "Frozen Zone"

I wish that I was the only one that was having the issues that I've described here and on EFP's Discord channel. Here's another player who had the exact same set of issues affect his experience with Frozen:

S A K had the same issues as well.

kRePiN discovered what was causing the issue.

Steve Rambo proposed the results of his deletion of a .ltx file, and it worked for him, AND I repeated his steps, and it also worked for me.

The game will CTD with the EFP's shaders still activated. Turning those shaders on prevents the CTDs from happening.

Good karma+2 votes
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ Texture modification "Frozen Zone"

I finally got the game to launch with the Frozen mod enabled. The mod's directions required shutting off all of the shaders before launching, but as I said, doing that only led to CTDs. I eventually went into the ModOrganizer app and reenabled them, leaving deactivated the other ones that were required to be shutoff. The game launched, I loaded up a save, and I was immediately disappointed in the visuals. Most of the details were far too bright, and there were strangely-colored blue textures here and there. Per the instructions, I then activated the mod via the ~ to execute the cfg_load winter. After I did so, the graphics looked much better, but still not as good as in the video footage that I find on YouTube.

Is there a way to disable the shaders in-game through cfg commands that will allow the game to look better and to also be able to properly launch later?

Another major issue, the Menu options are displaying code like "ui..mm_..." In the YouTube videos featuring the Frozen mod in-action, the menu screens are different looking than the default EFP 4.0 ones. But in what I'm able to get running for me, the default EFP 4.0 menu backgrounds are still there, and as I stated before, with the screwed up codified-text options. Even the in-game text messages from other stalkers and news reports are only showing code. There is no actual dialogue that's readable and understandable, as it has all been replaced with references to code. Is there a remedy for this?

Good karma+1 vote
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments @ Texture modification "Frozen Zone"

I was finally able to get the game to launch.

The GUI is not displaying the correct names. There is code before the proper title of what's being listed.

The background of the main menu screens are the same as those found for the default EFP 4.

That said, I was finally able to launch the game, but only after I reactivated all of the shaders. But the winter world does not look as good as in the videos. The whites are far too bright, and everything is crystal clear. That "wintry" look that we see in the videos is not there on my screen.

Good karma+1 vote