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Report RSS HontE Remastered (dev blog #11)

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Another day, another feature

Yep! That's right. Sourceports still developing. And one actually cool feature has been added at last QZDoom dev build. I talking about normal maps. Check this out.

Sometimes it looks normal, sometimes it looks bad. Probably more bad that normal, but only because i really have not time to draw normal maps for each texture. May be after some time, someone make a good pack. Anyway, idk what to do with that feature. It's like contract with devil, you never know what will you need to do with maps for feature's correct work. The main problem of this, i need actualy replace al lights at all maps to new format of lights. And this actually s... bad, because only GZDoom 3 and higher knows this lights.

So. May be, i'll extend FOGZ to 1.8 - 3.2.5 (because this feature in QZDoom only and will be in GZDoom later). Or, i'll just ignor this feature, as shadow maps. The time will show.

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