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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

Oh right, I forgot to respond to your inquiry about the vision aug. Let me be clear, the vision aug works properly at all levels EXCEPT level 3 vision and level 4 synthetic heart. Level 3 synthetic heart and below worked fine, but once I upgraded to level 4, it started breaking badly. It should be easily reproducible for you, just set a character to have both augs and you should be able to reproduce it. If not, let me know.

Good karma+1 vote
Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

No, this is just much more convenient and you seem to check it more often :P

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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

Another obscure bug, maybe. I have Synthetic heart at level 4, and the nightvision aug at level three. When I activate nightvision, it deactivates after a split second. I can see the enemies for a split second, and my energy is fine, so no idea why it does this.

On another note, maybe you should make synthetic heart NOT activate when flashlight is turned on? It drains power crazy fast, certainly way faster than normal. Or, maybe make the flashlight much brighter/further if you have synthetic heart?

Good karma+1 vote
Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

I think I'm experiencing a bug, but not sure. The Stealth Pistol seems to use two bullets per shot. That explains why I constantly run out of bullets way before I should.

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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

Oooh, can't wait to see it!

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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

Oh and also, I kinda feel like Aqualung shouldn't be activatable, it should be passive too. Maybe even Environmental Resistance... thing is, I really loved how Biomod made most of the augmentations passive. Trying to tap F# constantly and remembering to turn it off too, very tedious and not fun. The more passives, the better.

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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

Hmm. I've been thinking that Silent Running should be passive, while enhanced legs stays activatable. Silent running is annoying to toggle on and off, and its effect is fairly negligible, and useless if you forget to activate it. Speed Enhancement is generally a lot more useful since it allows you to take no fall damage at max, run past any possible enemies later in the game, and jump to otherwise inaccessible places. Thge fact that it alters movement a lot also implies it should stay activatable, while silent running only has one effect, which is to muffle/mute footsteps. Anyone else think it should be passive?

Incidentally, in my second playthrough, I'm using Silent running. If you want it to stay activatable, how about this instead?

Lv1: Run silently, 40 units/minute.
Lv2: Run silently, 30 units/minute.
Lv3: Run silently, 20 units/minute.
Lv4: Run silently, 10 units/minute.

"Muffling" your steps is pretty useless, but actual silence at lower levels with a De-escalating cost per level would make it much more useful. Currently at level 1 and 2, it's essentially nonexistent, while Enhanced Speed is useful at base and even more useful to the point of stupidity at max.

P.S. You could also make Speed Enhancement more about jumping and falling from heights, while Run Silent increases your speed and also makes you more silent. That might be cool too, kinda make each of them alter your movement in different ways?

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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

Just a heads up, there's a lot more bugs/suggestions in that thread. Idk if you check those forums a bunch or not, but I didn't get a reply and idk if you got to see them or not. I'm currently almost to the Submarine Base, just finished Hell's Kitchen III.

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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

I left you a bunch of bug reports in this thread:

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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

All right. I posted a new topic for bug reports there.

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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

Some small bugs:

1. The text for hacking says "syphon bank accounts" but it's supposed to be spelled "siphon".
2. There are more than a few completely blank datapads throughout the game. The notable one kept popping up at UNATCO. There's probably way more, I just haven't beaten the game yet.
3. I installed HDTP and etc as per the install instructions, and quite a few surfaces in the game are pure black, they look like a void except shining a flashlight on them does nothing, they stay pure black. I notice them a lot in tunnels... I'd have to replay to remember all the places though. I think it's a missing texture(s?).

Good karma+1 vote
Klokinator - - 25 comments @ |Totalitarian|

If you play the vanilla game first, you'll love his mod even more because you can see the additions. I've played Deus Ex so many times that I know the levels by heart. Playing his mod makes it a fresh new game.

Good karma+3 votes
Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

4 Sounds fine to me too. I just figured given the fact that they're very limited and of all the skills I've seen you always seem to do incremental boosts per level, and then a sudden big boost, that 'unlimited' still isn't very much. There's not even 20 in the whole game, correct me if wrong?

Good karma+1 vote
Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX


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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

One other minor tweak... the Medicine trait still feels kinda weaksauce, it really always did. Maybe the Master level can make Biocells give 35 units of energy instead of 25? Nothing really enhances biocells currently, and that'd be a neat touch.

Good karma+1 vote
Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

Eh, there's a bit of truth but also not, in your statement. First, any random grinding that can be save-scummed is bad, but if you make the game randomize all the drops at the beginning of the game, or at the beginning of a level (Though level-beginnings can still be abused, mind you) then savescumming becomes incredibly tedious and maybe even undoable. Even if someone does savescum though, it IS a single player game so that shouldn't be a major issue. For example, you can hardcore savescum in Divinity Original Sin, but I find that to be fun because it's more of a game about loot.

All you really have to do is give all NPC's in a region a small (Maybe 5%) chance to add an additional item to their inventory, like maybe add a pack of cigarettes, maybe a bioelectric cell, etc. If done well, it can really enhance the gameplay. You can also just do 50/50swaps, like putting an item down that has a 50% chance to be a medkit or a 50% chance to be a bioelectric cell, both of which are useful. And how about weapon augs? You can randomize them effectively too. It's not like they have a sell value or anything, and maybe the player will get 7 laser sight mods and destroy the balance or maybe they'll get all the same mods they usually get, just in a rearranged order. (Heck, you can deliberately just "shuffle" the positions of items too, even that would be fun.)

I work on roguelikes for fun so I know a good degree about game balance, it's not as hard to do as it might seem. Like I said, I think it was either Shifter or Biomod that did randomization, and it greatly enhanced the game in my opinion. Even if you just copy that bit of their code and then make it a toggle, people like me would love it!

Good karma+1 vote
Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

Oh and CyberP, one small suggestion unless you implemented it already... can you make the pistol skill have a similar stacking effect for the PS20 as the environmental skill has for suits? Would be great to get 2 PS20's at trained, 3 at advanced, and infinite at master level pistols.

Good karma+1 vote
Klokinator - - 25 comments @ GMDX

Hey man, just curious about something. I played modded Deus Ex about... 2 years ago? I think I had Shifter and Biomod, but one of those mods randomized the inventories of enemies just slightly and I loved the added layer of difference it made. Any chance this also happens in your mod/can it be added as a toggle in the options menu? I loved having the game change a little every time I played. Things like getting different ammo off a guy, getting an assault rifle occasionally instead of a sawed off shotgun, etc. Really, me love you long time if this is possible :)

Oh and also things like changing what type of darts you might find, whether you get a LAM or a gas grenade, maybe alter the contents of supply closes, etc.

Good karma+1 vote
Klokinator - - 25 comments @ Le Royaume des Ombres

So yeah, I still need a fix for that Quest item not working. The Triune pendant is not working for me at all. I'm running Windows 7, if that helps.

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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ Le Royaume des Ombres

I still can't get past act 1. This is a pretty major bug. I can send a save file if you need it.

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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ Le Royaume des Ombres

Strongly agree with this.

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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ Le Royaume des Ombres

Kind of a stupid question but, where do I get salvage kits? I'm still in Act 1. Are they in act 2 or further?

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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ Le Royaume des Ombres

The file is in there and I'm not running any antivirus right now. It still doesn't work, unfortunately. Do you have a working version of the file I can try?

Good karma+1 vote
Klokinator - - 25 comments @ Le Royaume des Ombres

I wish this were automatic. Kinda a pain when you look down and see it full and aren't sure if you've wasted 5 fame or 5,000.

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Klokinator - - 25 comments @ Le Royaume des Ombres

Hey, I'm playing through Act 1 and can't seem to get a quest item to work. I got the three parts of the Triune pendant and successfully combined them, but right clicking it doesn't seem to do anything. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

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