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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 127)
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ SurveyMaps

That was my response on the survey but for some reason it couldn't submit, saying missing a number for a response that doesn't exist

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ SurveyMaps

SP00 Had better design and easier to read where to go right away, did in first try. Only problem is its hard to carry momentum throughout the map with the way it was designed

SP01 This map was harder and also more confusing. There was a spot where you can just skip by going right. It had more speed and momentum but overall it was rougher in quality

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ APM Project

Any plans to include a dedicated first person mode for the predator/marine? The "c" button is a little buggy but it kind of works for the time being

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ Custom Maps & Story Experiences Mod Menu

hypeee gonna try this out when i get time

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ mSE (m2011 v2.0)

im pretty sure thats not mSE but m2011

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ [FULL] SMOD Elite Stanalone (Just extract n play)

I can't overwrite the settings. I deleted the files you said to and it still changes back. Which file is causing this?

Good karma+2 votes
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ SEF First Responders

Whats the use of optiwands anymore? Also is there a way to get this to work with HugeOFficerVariety

Good karma+3 votes
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ Feel The Wind Custom map

Someone needs to create a mod menu for custom maps

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ Weapon Sway 1.0

actually duping one of the anims and renaming it did the trick, so the game thinks it exists.

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ Weapon Sway 1.0


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CObjectAnimator::LoadMotions
[error]File : ObjectAnimator.cpp
[error]Line : 47
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Can't find motion file 'weapon_sway\sway_3.anm'.

stack trace:

Is this enough info? I'm using default settings btw

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] FireModeCheck

Does it play the weapon inspect anim? It would be perfect

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ Vault boy for body health system by Grok

Try it its as good mod, not complicated at all. Theres temp healing and permanent healing. Gotta temp first with items and perm with the other items. each item does different limbs. It makes it much more interesting tbh and its not as hardcore as it sounds.

Good karma+2 votes
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ Weapon Sway 1.0

Getting a CTD after zooming in a ACOG scope with an BaS M4A1. Using the BHS normal version patch.

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ Exoseva CBSE outfits [1.5.2] EN/RU

It replaces Base_Includes file from THAP mod, is this an important file?

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ Fatigue 1.0

Alright I've been playing around with this, and I definitely prefer it over the og system however, theres a couple issues. First off, I'm using Grok's Health system and when i press H for the fatigue check it simply doesn't do anything except for refresh my hud. Mods like ammo check that pop the messages on screen work perfectly fine. Second, i think resting at one spot without moving should regen a slight amount of fatigue, though i can understand if that's hard to do.

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] ReadWatch

The PDA tells the time in the corner. Cool mod, but unfortunately the only time itd be useful is if youre in a really bad situation where you dont have batteries for the PDA (which is highly unlikely). Installing it anyways

Good karma0 votes
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ Fatigue 1.0

And fix the MCM error where the overall multiplier moves in chunks of 1.0 instead of 0.1

Good karma+2 votes
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ Fatigue 1.0

Uh my sprinting speed is insanely fast now

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ Knifeable Containers

What files could be preventing crates from being broken at all? Im having that issue in my game, and confused with which mods could cause that

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ Beef's Shader Based NVGs v0.9 for 1.5.1

I assume it isn't compatible with Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading?

Good karma+2 votes
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ Discount Tarkov

Why do you need to pick loner?

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ SMOD Elite Update: Patch 05/05/21

Can't override the controls, even thought it prints out in the console that the config file was overwritten, it just reverts itself. Also Highway 17 has green underlighting

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ SEF v7 Speech Recognition Improvement

It's pretty obvious just drag it in your swat 4 folder

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ The state of Project Life V2

I feel like redux shouldn't even be considered an smod tactical, its very awesome and fun but it has a completely different gameplay/vibe than the original smod and such.

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ SMOD: Zenith

Reply to this if you have any issues, it might take a while for me to get back to you.

Good karma+1 vote
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ SMOD: Zenith

Hello everyone! This mod is broken for widescreen users. If you're missing a bbk file or it just isn't working, follow these steps.

1. download smod zenith
2. install smod standalone
3. extract to standalone/mods
4. erase contents in scripts/addcontents.txt
5. open gameinfo.txt
6. paste this

game "SMOD: Zenith Beta 1"
title "HALF-LIFE 2 SMOD"
title2 "zenith"
type "singleplayer_only"
"icon" "smodicon"

SteamAppId 220 // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).
ToolsAppId 211 // Tools will load this (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug, materials\editor, etc.

Game |gameinfo_path|.
Game sourcetest
game "|gameinfo_path|..\hl2"
game "|gameinfo_path|..\..\cstrike"
game "|gameinfo_path|..\..\hl2mp"
game "|gameinfo_path|..\..\SDKBase"
game "|gameinfo_path|..\..\CSSBase"
Game "|gameinfo_path|..\..\..\..\common\Half-Life 2\hl2"
Game "|gameinfo_path|..\..\..\..\common\Half-Life 2 Deathmatch\hl2mp"
Game "|gameinfo_path|..\..\..\..\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike"

7. go to materials\console folder in mod
8. copy both bbk01 files and paste
9. rename both to bbk01_widescreen
10. do same for bbk02 and 03
11. open game through standalone launcher, it might take some time.
12. once done loading, the menu is bugged. just restart and should fix the menu

Good karma+2 votes
someonethatdied - - 127 comments @ SMOD: Zenith

If you're still concerned I commented a fix once and for all

Good karma+1 vote