I'm a 19 year old who likes gaming. I have a wife, and I'm quite happy. I have strategic skills and tactical skills from years of gaming. I know FPS games, space games, strategy games, but I'm afraid puzzle is my weak point. I have no friends on this site. I'm quite lonely here. Explains why I'm only online when I'm downloading things. Also, please ignore the bullshit that country says. I live in Scotland, I also like the smell of dead Englishmen in the morning. That may get me banned, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna hide that. I do not fear the authorities. If there's something I want to do, I'll do it. Except I don't go around robbing banks, and stabbing old women. The highest crime I'd do is piss in public. But normally I wouldn't do that, I'd only do it if I were really needing to piss. And when I am taking a piss, and a cop comes along and charges me, I'll piss in his mouth and tell him to piss off.

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I just installed that game again on steam, it took me ages, but it was well worth it, my favorite species to go as is alien, i hide in the walls waiting for a marine to come by, fun game. (Wait? 300 characters? Sorry ModDB)......................... .................. .......... ............ .......... ..................... ....................... ....................... .............. .............. ................ ..................................

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Freelancer 4 Ever!

Freelancer 4 Ever!

224 members Hobbies & Interests

For those who still play and will continue playing Freelancer. You can post anything related to Freelancer or Freelancer modding.

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