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Comment History
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Dark Interval

No worries, I wasn't trying to suggest you buy any controllers or to come off as *entitled* to gamepad support, I totally get that most play HL with kb+m for obvious reasons, I was mostly just confused what the difference was -- the UI lacking the "enable gamepad" was the only notable difference I spotted on the user's end between this & the others so I mentioned it, but I've no idea what actually differs under the hood.

Either way, your solution worked, so thank you so much! Yeah, I had used the 360controller.cfgs in the other mods, plus DI, which is how I got them working, but I still needed to check the "enable gamepad" toggle in the options to trigger it (hitting the check without the cfgs did nothing) so that's another reason why I was like "is it just the UI preventing this?" The console command worked like a charm! Only minor issue was that for whatever reason, I couldn't select the SMG (didn't even appear in my inventory) and it was only usable once all other ammo was depleted though I really have no idea if that's a result of the gamepad or something else.

Anyway, I finally had the chance to play the Public Alpha (can't wait til its finalized & voiced) and today I'm starting the Wasteland demo!

Good karma+1 vote
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Dark Interval

This mod is so cool. A couple requests:

This mod is one of the few I can't seem to play with a controller and I'm pretty sure it's because of the custom "throwback" UI that omits the gamepad options/toggles. RTBR, Coterminus, MINERVA, other Steam-based mods, even Dark Interval Old Build... I can play all of them with a controller if I choose to (e.g. if I decide to play on my living room TV/couch instead of my computer desk) but this mod refuses to work & coincidentally is the only one that omits the controller options at all. Would love to see that re-implemented. Speaking of re-implementation AND the Old Build...

I finally got the chance to play the Old Build, the one that starts with the G-Man's vision of the world changing & the wasteland train. In terms of overall mod... no comparison that the newer/current version is leagues better -- I mean, you actually... DO anything in it first of all; old build is definitely JUST vibes and that's it lol. That being said, it would be cool if that "changing world" vision could be re-implemented before segueing into the current iteration's arctic/Borealis chapter as opposed to the train. That old vignette realized even in the basic/rudimentary form from the Old Build is already so cool & if given some proper polish & fx, could be a really, really dope sequence.

Good karma+1 vote
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ White Forest

Neat! I'm sure you ave your own plotline & characters but it would be cool if it had some sort of connection to the older "Precursor" mod for HL2 which was about a rebel named M. Romanov heading to the forest to help set up the rebel base there. That mod was set almost a year before HL2 and it sounds like yours will be set quite a bit earlier so it may not make sense haha

Either way, looking forward to exploring more of the White forest base. Looks awesome so far!

Good karma+1 vote
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Raising the Bar: Redux

Played through Division 1.2 & 2 -- what an amazing mod. Total blast. Pretty fun seeing how it has a lot 1:1 parallels to Retail but tweaked with a Beta style coat of paint -- none of the maps are the same, all of them are different, but outside the city escape following the teleport sequence where you fight through apartments, a construction site, get chased by a chopper, etc. almost all the other sections correspond with Retail, at the moment at least.

I had a question regarding the voices -- I just saw a video demonstrating some version of the original lab teleport sequence and the original voices were used but I recognized several lines that this mod used. In fact, Elena Mossman is the same. Is there a specific reason the voices of Kleiner and Barney were altered? Is it because there will be sequences that were NOT recorded by the actors so you're keeping things consistent or is it for another reason? I ask just because it's interesting that both RTBR and Dark Interval use their own voices but I had just assumed most of the lines hadn't been recorded.

Good karma+1 vote
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Dark Interval OB mod

Forgot to mention I also have Lost Coast and SDK 2013 Multiplayer installed but don't have Source SDK since no mod I've gotten lately requires it. Maybe that's the problem? Gonna try it with that.

Or one or more of those other games needing to be installed but I'm probably not installing an entire suite of games I don't really play that often for the sake of one mod lol. Regardless, the instructions for what's required to play should be way clearer since I'm far from the first to have the issue.

Good karma+1 vote
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Dark Interval OB mod

As others have mentioned, I'm getting missing textures/models (pink/black checkerboard textures, ERROR models)

I have installed:
- Half-Life 2
- Ep 1
- Ep 2
- Source SDK 2006
- Source SDK 2007
- Source SDK 2013 (set to "-upcoming" beta)
- this mod
- Suffocation 1.2, just in case IT fixed anything (it did not)

And yet, missing textures/models abound. What's the problem?

Good karma+1 vote
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ HL2: Downfall - MMod Compatibility Patch (1.13 - Final Release)

Just a question -- I'll probably end up downloading your Fixes and Enhancements mod as well but is this usable without that or is it absolutely required for this patch to work?

Good karma+1 vote
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Narbacular Drop: Source

This is a great idea! Another mod (by anyone really) that takes these maps and reincorporates them into the Aperture/Portal aesthetic would also be a neat bridge between the games too!

Good karma+2 votes
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Portal: Still Alive - Map Pack version

Hey! I have a question as a Portal newbie. I assume the other mod transitions from test chamber to test chamber right? Like "get in elevator, elevator starts then opens, new test chamber" just like the base game. Does this do the same or does it fade to black and kick me back out to the bonus maps menu?

I've never played Portal mods before but the "advanced" chambers in the basic bonus maps menu ended with an elevator but just faded to black then back to the menu. I don't want that so just checking! Thanks!

Good karma+1 vote
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Dark Interval

Hey! Thanks for looking into it, even if it's low in priority (which I get). I'll be excited to see if you or anyone can figure it out but either way, I'm stoked to play through this.

And yeah, it's definitely not just your mod. Any mod placed into "sourcemods" folder just won't work for me but as I said, the ones through Steam somehow work. Not sure if that's something on the part of the modders doing... something or if its something about the way Valve puts it onto Steam from their end since those install to "common" as well. That's the only overt different I notice but I'm not a modder.

I can get Steam Input to work by mapping basic keyboard/mouse inputs to the controller as a tentative stopgap fix, but that basically gives me the worst of both worlds: I don't get any of the additional aim assist made for controllers, but I'm also trying to aim with a method far less precise than a mouse; no controller UI; and no way to creep along at a snail's pace which I like when it comes to the platforming.

Thanks again!

Good karma0 votes
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ PROJECT HL2 (MMOD)

First off, this is amazing.

Second, I had a couple of questions:

1. Is it possible to get the standard MMod crowbar animations? I *love* how Gordon does a small little toss up and catches it; it gives a bit more character when swapping to such an iconic weapon that gets more or less supplanted by the Gravity Gun or now the stun stick as well.

1b. If you don't want to re-animate the crowbar for one dweeb on the internet, is there anyway I can mix and match animations and basically just remove the crowbar? I guess the gloves wouldn't match in that case but yeah.

2. Any chance we could get a version that recolors the orange on the suit to be more vibrant so it matches the actual HEV suit in-game, all the HL2 promo art, HL1 promo art, and just about every other depiction of the suit? I love the added detail but the dull orange is a bit of a bummer IMO.

Good karma+2 votes
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ XBOX 360 UI MOD

Will this mod work for other mods or no? I can get HL2's base gamepad support working just fine in the official games -- HL2, Update, Episodes -- as well as any Steam-installed mods like Downfall, Transmissions, Year Long Alarm, etc. They all work fine.

But any mods I try to play with a controller that were downloaded from the internet and then placed into my "sourcemods" folder just refuse to get controller input working -- I've placed 360controller.cfg from the Steam-installed mods and official games and while the options menu will show my controller buttons mapped, it doesn't actually work. Relaunching the game, exiting/relaunching Steam, etc. doesn't help either.

It's killing me because it's easy enough to just use Steam Input if a game doesn't have genuine controller support (i.e. HL1 and its expansions/mods) but I have literal PROOF that it works for HL2 and even OTHER mods that are installed a slightly different way. Ugh.

Good karma+2 votes
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Dark Interval

Please please PLEASE include gamepad support. I know, I know "use mouse and keyboard" -- it's undeniably better and this is obviously originally a PC game, but my setup currently makes KB+M absurd to try and for accessibility reasons, gamepad support helps immensely. Steam Input isn't the same as HL2's built-in gamepad support otherwise I'd use that.

Not sure if mod developers are in charge of that but any mod installed through Steam -- e.g. Transmissions, Downfall, etc. -- seems to have native gamepad support (e.g. 360controller.cfg) like the actual games, so mods can 100% have the exact same gamepad support but I can't for the life of me get mods installed to "sourcemods" to have that functionality. Even placing 360controller.cfg (and other related cfgs) in the mods' cfg folder seems to do nothing. Again, no idea if that's even possible from your end but it's such a bummer.

Good karma+2 votes
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Half-Life Decay: Solo Mission

Love that you're doing this! Been on an HL replay kick lately and am partway through HL1. I know you almost assuredly won't be done by the time I've finished HL, Opposing Force, and Blue Shift but I'll at least play the demo and come back for the final release later on!

If I may mention one small(ish?) request/suggestion: you mentioned Colette Green won't make an appearance since she was basically just a vehicle for Player 2, which I totally get, but a small easter egg might be a good way to very briefly acknowledge her since she was technically part of the real/original Decay.

When Gordon gets his HEV suit, there are 3 suit bays. Idk if Decay has Cross get hers from the same one but having Green's maroon HEV suit and a locker with GREEN written on it might be a cool way to acknowledge her pseudo-existence *without* featuring her as an actual character or trying to squeeze her into the plot somehow. If this was already done/planned, then my apologies, I'll be playing the demo after the other expansions haha

No worries if that's not something you'll want to include though! Honestly just stoked to get to play this without needing to track down a PS2 so thank you again!

Good karma+3 votes
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Jedi Academy: Enhanced

Can someone explain to me the purpose/reasoning behind changing how saber throw works? It seems way less convenient to have to switch to that power, use it, then switch to another especially if using a controller like I generally prefer. It's like changing Force Jump to a Force power you have to select rather than just holding the jump button down longer.

Anyone know how to get rid of that function? I love everything else about the mod (RGB sabers especially!) but man, that's annoying. I know that opening up the pk3 files via winrar allows me to delete files from mods to further tweak mods how I like but idk what folder/files to look for within the jaenhanced pk3. Help would be appreciated!

Good karma+2 votes
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Sound Fixes, SWBF1 Sniper Sounds, Optional Temuera Morrison Announcer VO

Oh my gosh, it's awesome! Hearing Morrison's VO was so cool. "Follow me!"

I do agree with your readme/howtoinstall that it feels a little 'bare' but it's still really, really cool. I think some Dee Bradley Baker lines from the new games could offset that a bit since at least he attempts the accent unlike the guys from BF2 or the Microseries, or even any Boba lines that fit the clones, but I also know there are issues with lifting lines from the new games, or other sources for that matter, but I guess some are okay? Regardless, it's really cool as it is and adding more isn't necessary whatsoever.

That said, I think I have another mod that added in some... cut VO lines maybe? Because I DO still have the vanilla announcer saying things like "So & So has entered the battle!" + slightly extended comments about the character that I don't remember being in the game. Not sure which mod does this, but it makes it a bit less bare since the original VO will comment about the heroes while Morrison discusses their reinforcements/command posts. This actually works for me since we know the Republic had officers like Yularen, Tarkin, etc. who weren't clones so it's easy enough to chalk it up to that.

The only other bummer, which isn't in any way your fault, is that BF2 has no way of letting me tell my men to hold position haha! Thank you for this! I'll play around with this installed a bit more in the coming days and let you know if I run into any weird issues!

Good karma+1 vote
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Sound Fixes, SWBF1 Sniper Sounds, Optional Temuera Morrison Announcer VO

Oh my gosh, you have no idea how this made my day! Definitely no rush, but I'm excited to see it in action!

And right? It's been a long time since we've heard Morrison as the clones. Baker's basically been the de facto clone voice since 2008, so it's nice to hear the true voice again.

Good karma+1 vote
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Sound Fixes, SWBF1 Sniper Sounds, Optional Temuera Morrison Announcer VO

Yeah, the only dialogue I can think of off the top of my head is the command post-related dialogue and the follower command stuff like hold, follow, move out, etc. If other dialogue remains BF2 vanilla, that's not a problem for me. It's just weird that Morrison is such a prominent voice in the campaign and in BF1, but all of the in-game dialogue was replaced with generic voices that don't even attempt to mimic his voice.

Good karma+2 votes
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Star Wars Battlefront II Remastered

Hey! Great mod but a quick question -- is this compatible with the mod loader? It seems like the loader just defaults to the standard .exe rather than the new HD/Remaster one so the menus end up as they were before. The mod loader is kind of a must for me because I never ever want to have to manually move and swap out mods from the addon folder but I'd like to have the menus in HD.

Good karma+1 vote
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ RCM v1.6 release

(edited: never mind! whoops!)

Good karma+1 vote
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Sound Fixes, SWBF1 Sniper Sounds, Optional Temuera Morrison Announcer VO

Not sure if this is what you're going for but would it be possible to also restore Temuera Morrison's clone dialogue from BF1? The "we've captured/lost a command post!" or the various lines the clones said in that game when running around as opposed to the generic "stormtrooper" sounding clones & deeper voiced 'commander' who declares a captured/lost command post in BF2. I miss hearing the actual clone voice.

Good karma+4 votes
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Sereja's maps conversions

I know this is a long shot, especially since the creator has set their profile to private for reasons unknown to me :/ but I figure it doesn't hurt to ask -- is there any chance you'll release these conversions separately? I already have the whole Saga Edition which is bloody amazing but I was hoping to get that Tatooine: Spaceport map on its own with just the default classes so I can use Harrisonfog's Improved Sides mod on it. Long story but the reason has to do with an ooooooold headcanon Battle of Tatooine I made up when I was little but it was set during the early Clone Wars and so I need the plain white Phase 1 armor for it and Harrisonfog's Phase 1 is awesome. Your retexturing and lighting of that map is astounding especially compared to the only other conversion available that I've found on here anyway where the ground is dark.

If anyone else knows of a way to get the map as an addon or a similar conversion or anything, any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Please and thank you!

Good karma+2 votes
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Coruscant: City

Would also like to add that this crashes for me. I JUST did a clean install of BF2 plus the 1.3 patch r130 because of various crashes -- for whatever reason, this map still crashes though. Even stranger is that I believe the map is included in the Clone Wars Extended mod... where it's still broken. No idea why that is and that mod works about 90% with only one, maybe two other maps crashing when I try to play them.

I ave all of harrisonfog's remaster mods but those shouldn't break these custom maps as far as I'm aware. And yes, I only had 16 units selected and even lowered it to, like, 5. Still crashed. I've played this mod before and liked having a wide open Coruscant map which there are a few of but this one was one of the first mods I downloaded when I finally got the PC version of BF2 a number of years ago. Would love to play it again.

Good karma+1 vote
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ Star Wars Battlefront II Remastered

What was your hardware problem? I have issues with Geonosis Realistic by Harrisonfog as well as with Geonosis: Spire and Rhen Var: Harbor from the conversion pack and I'm wondering if it's a similar issue.

Good karma+1 vote
hyponerdic - - 25 comments @ KotOR - Ultimate

Hello! Great looking mod! I was wondering if you knew which files affect what things in the Taris Upper City pack -- I LOVE your apartment floors with the scratches and reflections compared to what I currently have but I prefer my current mod's outdoor upper city floors for instance.

Basically, which files change the apartment floors/walls versus those that change the outdoor floors/walls. I'd like to mix and match without spending forever figuring out which files changes what.

Good karma+1 vote