Just a guy who interest in shooting games and some good ol' masterpieces, also interesting in historical contents from some certain video games and make some interesting reviews for them in STEAM. If anyone wants to talk with me personally, please just add me as a friend and leave a message ;) Also, my English is not quite fluent.. but don't worry, I keep trying to improve it!

Report RSS Historical Inaccuracies in Company of Heroes and suggestions (Part 2)

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For PART 1: Moddb.com

British Campaign

CH.1 - Authie
- Since this mission, the fictional British uniforms and their colors are seriously needed to be changed into realistic ones (Immersion 1944 and Europe at War mods).
- Since the '3rd Battalion' aka Boudicar boys is a fictional unit, then I believe they might need a fictional insignia patch on their arms too.
- Similar to what I had recommended for the US Able Company (article Part 1, CH.5). The 3rd Battalion should serve as a special frontal assault unit or the 'Ad-Hoc' unit for the real-life British infantry and armored units on each battlefield.
- As from above, the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division should be the main attacker in the Buron - Authie - Carpiquet - Caen areas.
- Better uniforms for both Major Blackmore and Capt.Cutting (Im44 and EaW mods).
- More realistic color and insignia/markings for the Cromwell tanks.

- Due to the fact that the 12th SS Panzer Division is the main enemy unit in this mission, that's mean all of the enemies in this mission MUST BE THE WAFFEN SS UNITS.
- Type of the Waffen SS infantries throughout the game (also mentioned in the article Part 1, CH.4):
***NOTE - SS insignia on the uniform is optional, but SS camo patterns are very necessary.
SS Grenadier - 6-7 men Plane tree camo smock and Helmet, Kar98k at least 1 with MP40 on some squad
SS MG crew - 3 men with Oakleaf Spring camo smock and helmet
SS Pioneer - 2-3 men with Dot 44 camo on tunic and trouser + eagle rune on the left arm and no camo helm
SS Pak crew - 3 men each, camo can be Planetree smock + helm
SS Mortar - Dot 44 camo on tunic only or both tunic and trouser + eagle rune on the left arm and no camo helm
SS Officer - SS Visor cap with Oakleaf Spring smock, his rank can be captian (Hauptsturmführer)
SS Sniper - Either Dot 44 tunic or Oakleaf Autumn smock (Im44 mod) + Foliage helmet
SS Stormtrooper - Oak leaf Spring smock + Dot 44 trouser + Oakleaf Spring camo helm
SS Tankbuster - Either Dot 44 on the tunic and trouser or Oakleaf Autumn smock + Dot 44 trouser + Oakleaf Autumn camo helm
[Optional] Add SS Panzer grenadiers (Panzer Elite) - Dot 44 camo on tunic and trouser + eagle rune on the left arm and Planetree or Oakleaf camo helm

- ***Or even more complex method, do like the Im44 mod: make each Waffen SS Divisions in Normandy wearing a different set of uniforms.
However, in this campaign, the 12th SS got some unique uniforms that distinguish themselves from the other five Waffen SS Divisions in Normandy.
As for 12th SS (similar with Im44 mod):
1) About a 1/3 of them should have Plane tree and Oak leaf Spring "Smock" camo patterns.
2) Another 1/3 of them should have Dot 44 camo on tunic and trouser + eagle rune on the left arm
3) The rest of them should be SS patterns smock + M29 Italian camo trouser or full M29 camo uniforms.
- ***For the rest of SS Panzer Divisions that could appear later in some other missions in this campaign - Mix between SS smock and SS tunic + trouser models, all except the M29 Italian camo pattern (Im44 mod).

- **As for the SS vehicles, seems like Relic used the Vanilla Panzer Elite's 'grey or Dunklegrau' base color for most of the German armored vehicles in this campaign.
Which makes no sense since the true base color for German armored vehicles during Normandy battles is a 'sand/dark yellow or Dunkelgelb' color.
Plus, in reality, most of the German armored vehicles in Normandy were painted with proper camo patterns (for example: Im44 mod). Thus, the color for German armored vehicles is seriously needed to be changed properly (for the entire campaign).
- StuG IV should be replaced by Jadgpanzer IV (Im44 mod) and Panzer IVs. Also, they spawn this vehicle too frequently in the latter part of this mission, I believe it has to be decreased a bit.
- As for this mission, every AIs who manned/operated enemy vehicles should wear the Waffen SS uniforms.
- From above, the SS manned vehicles should have SS license plates (Im44 mod).

CH.2 - Hill 112 Pt.1 (fictional depiction and outcome)
- Extremely incorrect portrayal of Operation Epsom, the British forces NEVER capture the Hill and they withdraw from their captured grounds.
1) British VIII Corps start the operation on June 26th.
2) (Only focus on the areas that inspired the map) A part of the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division crossing river Odon at 'Tourmauville' on June 27th.
Then the 11th Armoured Division capture 'Baron-sur-Odon' on June 28th.
3) The British's 21st Army Group Troops (a part of VIII Corps) have to handle several counter-attacks by the German during the entire operation.
Mainly by the I SS Panzer Corps, then by the II SS Panzer Corps (joined later on June 29th)
4) Believing the German will keep pushing their attacks, British forces decided to end the operation on June 30th.
- In reality, the location of the village of Baron-sur-Odon is different from the map settings.
1) It never located nearby the Odon river.
2) It should be situated 'between' the village of Tourmauville (northwest) and Hill 112 (south).
- To be honest, I believe the hill is too high. It should be shorter a bit.

- ***To increase the historical accuracy of the British campaign that's mean a huge load of changes that needs to be done (including map settings and mission objectives).
So I'd like to talk about a suggestion for "FULL-edited/new version" later in the further sections.***

- The Royal Scots Engineers should be served as the Ad-Hoc unit (as same as the 3rd Battalion).
While the main assault force should be the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division.
- Since this mission, include more realistic color and insignia/markings for other British vehicles. Including Stuart and Churchill tanks (EaW and Im44 mods).
- Waffen SS units could appear as main defenders in this mission.
- The vanilla version's '10th SS Pz Div' designated name should be changed since the 10th SS never defended that sector.
And I'd rather recommend '1st SS Panzer Corps' to be the designated unit name for the enemies.
- An extremely weird design of the Pantherturm (with bunker underneath it). For the sake of realism, the bunker part should be removed, leaving only turret (no need for any squad to get inside it).
- The rest will be described later in the 'New version' section below.

CH.3 - Carpiquet airfield Pt.1
- The narrator mentioned that Canadian forces are waiting outside Carpiquet. However, it's obviously wrong since the real Carpiquet is located on the 'North' of the airfield. But the starting locations are located in the "WEST" of the airfield.
- From above, despite the real town of Carpiquet is situated on the north of the airfield, there ain't no sign of the town among those areas at all.
- The North hangars are moved to the east side for an unknown reason. And there should be 4 of the hangars, not 3.
- There ain't no sign of the South hangars at all, they should be at least located next to the oilfield areas (to the east).
- A distance between the North hangars and the Airfield's control buildings areas (east) should be much farther (according to the real battle maps).

- The presence of the commando unit (Relic's The Royal Commandos) in the Carpiquet areas is FICTIONAL. Although somewhat acceptable for the introduction.
However, for an example of proper scenarios for the introduction: The Pegasus Bridge mission in Im44 mod (featured both airborne and the commando).
- Better uniform insignia and variations for the commando unit (EaW and Im44 mods). And not everyone should be equipped with the radio (vanilla commandos), it's just nothing but absurdity.
[Optional] Also, at least the unit could be able to upgraded with either Bren or Sniper rifle.
- The actual "Canadian infantry" units with proper appearances and dialogues with Canadian accents should appear in this mission (EaW mod). Along with the other missions that should feature with them.
- 3rd Canadian Infantry Division is the main attacker (designated name).
- Population capacity should be increased (when Canadians arrive): From 60 to around 80.
- All of the enemy forces should be the Waffen SS of the 12th SS Pz Div.
- ***Since a huge load of changes need to be done for historical accuracy. So the rest will be described later in the 'New version' section.***

CH.4 - Carpiquet airfield Pt.2 (fictional depiction and outcome)
- Canadian forces NEVER CAPTURE the entire airfield during Operation Windsor (July 4th-5th). Just only a small northern part of the airfield (northern barracks) and the town of Carpiquet.
They capture the whole airfield on July 9th, as a part of Operation Charnwood.
- In reality, the German counter-attacks (July 5th and 6th) were concentrated on the northern areas, mainly the town of Carpiquet. Not the western areas of the airfield.
- Date setting should be July 5th.
- Since the British forces never reach Hill 112 yet, and not yet captured the airfield in reality (July 4th-5th).
So the outcome of the battle in this game and everything in the last cutscene (Hill 112 got attacked) is absolutely wrong.
- [Optional] Population capacity should be slightly increased: From 100 to around 110~120.
- The Waffen SS men of 1st SS Pz Div should be the main counter-attacking unit (12th SS as defenders and supporting units).
- For the rest of the details about the SS forces (1st SS and 12th SS), see CH.1 and 3.
- Most of every of the Shorted-barrel Panzer IV (infantry support) should be replaced by a regular Panzer IV.
- Add few Panther tanks for the counter-attacking units.
- ***Since a huge load of changes need to be done for historical accuracy. So the rest will be described later in the 'New version' section.***

CH.5 - Hill 112 Pt.2 (fictional depiction and outcome)
- Fictional portrayal of Operation Jupiter (July 10th-11th). In reality, the outcome of the battle is British forces only gain the northern slope of the hill along with nearby villages.
Although they successfully reach the top of the hill they decide to abandon it later. And the British forces will finally capture the entire hill on August 4th, 1944.
- The main role of British forces should be the attackers, and they can defend the top of the hill for a while also.
- The designated name of the (main) British force: 43rd Wessex Infantry Division. While the Royal scots are the Ad-Hoc unit, and it should be renamed as "Royal Scots Greys".
- To be honest, this mission should happen after the Caen: Crucible mission.
When the British and Canadian forces already capture a northern part of the city of Caen (July 9th).
- Population capacity should be slightly increased: From 136 to around 150.

- 25th Panzer Division NEVER EVER EXISTED in the Battle of Normandy.
- From above, the designated name of the enemy unit should be changed into the "II SS Panzer Corps" (consisted of the 9th SS and 10th SS Panzer Divisions)
- At least 3-4 tiger tanks from the 102nd SS Heavy Panzer Battalion should appear (Im44 mod).
- ***Since a huge load of changes need to be done for historical accuracy. So the rest will be described later in the 'New version' section.***

CH.6 - Caen Pt.1 (Into the city, fictional date, and map)
- For the date settings in the first cutscene, July 18th, MUST CHANGE into "July 9th" for a very, definitely logical reason.
And to be honest, sometimes I really wonder what kind of research team that working for Relic. Also their capabilities for doing their jobs as well.
- From above, although the real Operation Charnwood was started on July 8th. But in fact, British and Canadian forces only just arrive outskirt parts of Caen on that day.
Thus, the date settings on this mission should be July 9th instead.
- Chronologically, this mission and Caen Pt.2 should happen before Hill 112 Pt.2 mission.
- By overall, the Relic version of Caen is mostly fictionalized:
1. A position/location of St Peter's Catholic Church (Église Saint-Pierre de Caen) and Caen Castle (Le Château de Caen, the starting point) is different from the real counterparts.
Also, the fictional church's slope/hill is purely fictional, and I believe the church itself should be smaller a bit.
2. The real St Peter's Catholic Church is located nearby the Caen Castle (on the south/south-east). And the condition of the church in this game is much worse than in reality (according to real war-photographs).
Additionally, the gate and entrances of the Caen castle should be improved for the sake of realism (except the eastern gate, it can be collapse by the Allied's bombing run as for the vehicles to pass through).
3. A location of 'Port de Plaisance' is slightly closer to the Caen Castle areas (starting point) in reality. And the 'monument square', also the 'plaza' area (with Flak guns) are fictional.

4. New landmarks that should appear on this map:
4.1) St John's Church (Église Saint-Jean de Caen), located on a further south/south-east of the St.Peter church and south-west of Port de Plaisance.
4.2) Presbytery Saint Gilles (Église Saint-Gilles de Caen), replaced the original Relic's St.Peter ruins.
And recommend moving it away further from a canal/river (canal de caen à la mer) and Nouveau Bassin (the island in the middle part of Caen) to the north.
4.3) Saint-Gilles Church (Caen), located nearby Presbytery Saint Gilles to the north/north-west.
In present days, the site is converted into a public garden, with no more of its remains left.
More info: Wikimapia.org
4.4) Parc Michel d'Ornano (park) and nearby buildings that close to the Presbytery Saint Gilles building (east side).
4.5) The unnamed church on the east of the Caen Castle area (also north-east of the St.Peter church), you guys can check it from Google the map (49°11'11.4"N 0°21'32.1"W).
4.6) 'Maison des Quatrans' building located near the southern part of Caen Castle to the east (can appear either as a part of the map or in the outside area of the map).
4.7) Tall bunkers near the fictional church's slope need to be removed or changed into regular ones (since there should be no slope or high ground in that area).
Photos of that area during WW2 (taken from Caen Castle): Pinterest.com

4.8) There should be no tall buildings in the further southern areas of the city (backgrounds).
4.9) Add more urban landscape to the further eastern areas of the city (backgrounds). And Hill 112 should be located farther from the city.
5. Other landmarks (tall buildings) that can appear outside the map:
Note: All these buildings located on the east and further east of the Caen Castle and St.Peter church
5.1) Chapelle de la Miséricorde (Caen)
5.2) Old St Saviour's Church (Église du Vieux-Saint-Sauveur)
5.3) Église Saint-Sauveur de Caen
5.4) St. Stephen's Church (Abbatiale Saint-Étienne de Caen)
5.5) Old St. Stephen's Church (Église Saint-Étienne-le-Vieux)
5.6) Église Notre-Dame-de-la-Gloriette
5.7) [Optional] Saint Nicolas Church (Église Saint-Nicolas de Caen)
6) There ain't no bridge across the Nouveau Bassin (the middle island) from the north in reality.

- Main attackers: 3rd Canadian Division, while 3rd Battalion is the Ad-Hoc unit.
- [Optional] 'B-Coy' should be changed into the British's 3rd Infantry Division (Im44 mod).
- The actual "Canadian infantry" units should appear in this mission (EaW mod).
- Population capacity should be increased: From 80 to 100 at least.
- For defenders: 12th SS Pz Div as a majority, with an element of 16th Luftwaffe Field Division.
- **Better uniforms and variations on Luftwaffe infantry units since this mission (Im44 mod).
And for the entire British campaign, a color on their collar tabs should be 'Green' (Field Division).
- From above: As for the Flak (artillery) crews, the 'Piping' on the collar tabs could be 'Red'.
- Enemy in the bunkers should be Waffen SS too (Im44 mod).
- ***Since a huge load of changes need to be done for historical accuracy. So the rest will be described later in the 'New version' section.***

CH.7 - Caen Pt.2 (Crucible, fictional date, and map)
- The date settings should still be July 9th (Operation Charnwood).
- The game should have mentioned that British and Canadian forces were only able to captured half of the Caen (Northern and middle parts).
- Mentioned that the British's reinforcements belonged to the British's 3rd Infantry Division.
- The rest about buildings and maps/scenarios in overall is already mentioned in CH.6 above.
- Population capacity should be increased: From 100 to 120 at least.

- 25th Panzer Division NEVER EVER EXISTED in the Battle of Normandy.
- For the defenders:
1) 21st Panzer Div (Wehrmacht/Heer) - Majority of the defenders (especially the islands/middle part)
2) Some 12th SS (Waffen SS) troops, can appear mostly in the unoccupied areas on the northern-part of Caen (not island areas).
3) Element of 16th Luftwaffe FD (Luftwaffe Field Div infantry), especially Flak and Anti-Aircraft crews.
4) Some 1st SS Pz Div (Waffen SS) troops during the counter-attacking (final part).
- Replace extremely rare Ostwind with either Flakpanzer 38(t) or Wirbelwind (12th SS got this vehicle in used).
- ***Since a huge load of changes need to be done for historical accuracy. So the rest will be described later in the 'New version' section.***

CH.8 - Caen Pt.3 (Stormfront, totally fictional)
- This mission should be either REMOVED or labeled as a fictional mission.
But if they want this mission so bad (unnecessarily), then its date setting should be set somewhere between the nighttime of July 17th ~ early night of 18th.
- Population capacity should be increased: From 100 to 120 at least.

- For the defenders (designated name): "I SS Panzer Corps", since it was stationed nearby Caen areas at the moment.
And because of their original designated name: "Panzer Lehr" is just an absurdity. Since Panzer Lehr was already had been sent to defend 'Saint Lo' sector from the American forces.
Plus, the details in the mission select menu and one dialogue from the briefing scene also said that the attackers are 'SS'.
- I SS Panzer Corps at the moment consisted of Waffen SS units as a majority (1st and 12th SS Panzer Divs), and Wehrmacht troops from 272nd ID.
- Jadgpanther is certainly NEVER EXISTED during the Battle for Caen. The very first time they saw action is July 30th, 1944 near Hill 309, during the Allied's Operation Bluecoat (Im44 mod's custom mission).
It should be replaced by "Jagdpanzer IV" with L48 gun (Im44 mod). And to be honest, it could appear only in the Market Garden and Trun campaigns, even in the last mission of the American campaign (Chambois).
- Hetzer is VERY UNLIKELY to exist in the Normandy battles. Its first action ever on the Western front was possible during the Battle of the Bulge.
It could be replaced by other types of fighting vehicles like the self-propelled artillery: either Wespe or Grille.
- In the arrival of the German forces cutscene, all Jagdpanthers need to be changed into:
1) All of them can be King Tigers or 2) Two Tiger Is and one Tiger II/King Tiger (Im44 mod).
- King Tiger in this game has the Porshe turret (a weird-looking one), it should be changed into a regular Henschel turret instead (Im44 and EaW mods).
Optionally, add some Waffen SS troops to run along with the tanks.
- In the last cutscene:
1) More corpses at the beginning of the scene, mix between Canadians/British troops and Germans.
2) Canadian/British troops should be inspecting the King Tiger's wreckage instead of Pz. IV.
3) Either Union Jack or Canadian flags should replace Relic's fictional British flag.

CH.9 - Bourguebus Ridge
- Designated name should be either '7th Armoured Div' or British's "8th Corps". And B-Coy can optionally change into '11th Armoured Div'.
While the 3rd Battalion, of course, the Ad-Hoc unit.
- For the 'population capacity' reason, I believe just two Cromwell tanks as a start could be enough.
- Population capacity should be increased: From 100 to 120 at least.

- Same as the old game the 1st SS Panzer Div can be the defenders.
But the Flak crews (artillery) and hill defenders could be the 16th Luftwaffe field division troops (Im44 mod, their uniforms are mentioned in CH.6).
- Removed Jadgpanther and Hetzer for the reason that I had mentioned in CH.7 and replaced them with other vehicles like Jagdpanzer IV, also either Wespe or Grille.

***New campaign arrangements:

CH.2 (NEW) - Odon river/Tourmauville and Baron-sur-Odon (the areas in front of Hill 112)
- The Royal Scots Engineers should be served as the Ad-Hoc unit (as same as the 3rd Battalion).
While the main assault force should be the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division. And the reinforcement with Churchill tanks should be 11th Armoured Div.
- Waffen SS units (defenders):
1) The Main defender is the 12th SS Pz Div. While 1st SS Pz Div can appear mainly as supporting and counter-attacking units. Or easier way: 'I SS Panzer Corps' as a designated name.
2) Add some SS mortar crews in this mission. Since German forces extensively used the mortar to defend the Hill 112 areas.

- More accurate and respectful portrayal of Operation Epsom. Since the British forces NEVER capture the Hill and they withdraw from their captured grounds:
1) The mission starts on June 27th, the second day of Operation Epsom.
2) After establishing the base, the next objective is to 'cross the Odon river', then capture the town of Tourmaville and re-establishing the base.
3) Change the date settings to June 28th, cutscene is optional.
4) Preventing Tourmaville from the brief counter-attack by 1st and 12th SS Pz Divs. Few Panthers or Panzer IVs can appear during this section.
5) Arrival of the Churchill tanks from 11th Armoured Div (reinforcement).
6) Capture Baron-sur-Odon, a village that should be located on the south-east of Tourmaville (relocation for realism sake).
7) For the final cutscene, the date settings should be June 30th:
7.1) After several defending Baron-sur-Odon from the German counter-attacking on the previous days, British high-commands decide to end the operation and finally order all the troops to retreat across the Odon River.
7.2) This causes upset and turmoil among Scottish and British troops, but Major Blackmore convinces everyone that they will come back to capture their lost grounds again.

CH.3 (NEW) - The town of Carpiquet and the northern part of the airfield
- Attacker: 3rd Canadian ID + 3rd Battalion (Ad-Hoc), and optionally, the Royal Commandos (if Relic want to introduce them that bad)
Defender: 12th SS Pz Div

- More accurate and respectful portrayal of Operation Windsor (July 4th):
1) A date setting should be July 4th, the first day of Operation Windsor.
2) For starting units, either keep using the commandos as in the original version or just using the regular Canadian forces (if using the Canadian forces, then the first cutscene could be different from the original version).
3) Change from attacking the HQ buildings on the western areas of the airfield to attacking the town of Carpiquet (north). Both HQ buildings can be located in a different section/part of the town.
4) Establishing the base and gain more reinforcement after destroying both HQ buildings.
5) Capture the northern hangars (relocated) of the airfield and eliminate all the troops defending the position.
6) [Optional] defend the northern hangars from a brief German counter-attack.

CH.4 (NEW) - Carpiquet and the northern part of the airfield Pt.2
- Defender: 3rd Canadian Div + 3rd Battalion (Ad-Hoc) and optionally, the Royal Commandos
Attackers: 1st SS Pz Div, supported by 12th SS Pz Div (or just I SS Panzer Corps)

- More accurate and respectful portrayal of Operation Windsor (July 5th):
1) A date setting should be July 5th, the second day of Operation Windsor. Also mention that another Canadian group, the 'Royal Winnipeg Rifles' (RWR), had failed to capture the southern hangar area.
2) Prepare defensive positions on the northern hangars and the town of Carpiquet (preparation time should longer than the original, also more pop-cap).
3) Defend yourselves from the several waves of the German counter-attacking forces. They can come from three different directions.
3.1) The main one - from the east/south-east of the northern hangars.
3.2) The second main - the east of Carpiquet.
3.3) The south of northern hangars (few or moderate).
4) Main German tanks could be Panzer IV (mainly Ausf.H), and Panthers can appear in moderate numbers. At least two 'Hummel' can appear in the mission (we can destroy them with artillery).
Other additional vehicles like: Sd.kfz.231 (Im44 mod), Jagdpanzer IV (L48, Im44 mod), Flakpanzer 38(t) (Im44 mod), Wirbelwind, Sd.Kfz. 251/17 (with AA gun), Grille and Wespe can appear too.
5) Add some German mortar units and a few Nebelwerfers too.
6) The final cutscene should be showing a huge amount of losses on both sides, especially the Germans. And preparation for the direct attack on the city of Caen.

CH.5 (NEW) - Caen Pt.1
- Attackers: 3rd Canadian Div + 3rd Battalion (Ad-Hoc), and British's 3rd ID (as a replacement for B-Coy)
Defenders: 12th SS Pz Div (main), 16th Luftwaffe Field Div (few or moderate, mostly for Flak and AA guns crews)

- More accurate and respectful portrayal of Operation Charnwood (July 9th):
Note: See the previous "CH.6 - Caen Pt.1" for reference on the Caen buildings.
1) A date setting should be July 9th, the second day of Operation Charnwood. Also, the day that Allied forces directly attack and capture the northern and middle parts of Caen.
2) The first objective is helping British's 3rd ID (former B-Coy) on the east of the city, like in the original version.
3) Capturing the northern parts of Caen still the main objective like in the original version. But some locations need to be changed for the sake of 'Realism'.
3.1) The ruin of St Peter's Catholic Church (Église Saint-Pierre de Caen) should be located on the south of Caen Castle (starting location).
3.2) A layer/height of the fictional church's slope/hill need to be adjusted to become lower or as same as the rest of the map.
3.3) A location of 'Port de Plaisance' should be slightly closer to the Caen Castle areas (starting point) and the new St.Peter church on the map.
3.4) Presbytery Saint Gilles (Église Saint-Gilles de Caen), replaced the original Relic's St.Peter ruins. Also, add Saint-Gilles Church (Caen) nearby Presbytery Saint Gilles to the north/north-west.
And recommend moving both of them away further from a canal/river (canal de caen à la mer) and Nouveau Bassin (the island in the middle part of Caen) to the north.
3.5) Parc Michel d'Ornano (park) and nearby buildings that close to the Presbytery Saint Gilles church can appear on the map or the outside area (out of the map).
3.6) Tall bunkers near the fictional church's slope need to be removed or changed into regular ones (since there should be no slope or high ground in that area).
3.7) St John's Church (Église Saint-Jean de Caen), located on a further south/south-east of the St.Peter church and south-west of Port de Plaisance.
3.8) The fictional monument 'square' area and flak 'plaza' area should be removed.
4) Just for this mission, the main capture grounds should be (northern parts):
4.1) St Peter's Catholic Church areas. And the nearby areas that not yet reach the 'Port de Plaisance' and the Orne river.
4.2) The areas before Saint-Gilles Church and Presbytery Saint Gilles.

[Optional] CH.6 (NEW) - Carpiquet and the airfield
Note: This mission is the optional one, the protagonist can just mention this event as in the dialogues (featured in the next mission).
- Attackers: Either 8th Canadian Infantry Brigade or 3rd Canadian Div (as the main unit) + [Optional] Royal Canadians (Relic's fictional unit) and [Optional] the Royal Commandos
Defenders: 12th SS Pz Div (main) and elements of the 1st SS Pz Div.

- More accurate and respectful portrayal of Operation Charnwood (July 9th):
1) Date settings still be the July 9th, the same moment with the previous mission (NEW CH.5).
2) Preparation and attack on the eastern part of the airfield.
3) Several barricades (mines and such), bunkers, mortars, and anti-tank guns along the way.
4) Either capture or destroy the main HQ (air control) building will end the game.

CH.7 (NEW) - Caen Pt.2
- Attackers: 3rd Canadian Div + 3rd Battalion (Ad-Hoc), and British's 3rd ID (as a replacement for B-Coy)
Defenders: 21st Pz Div (main), 12th SS Pz Div (moderate), 16th Luftwaffe Field Div (few, mostly for Flak and AA guns crews)

- More accurate and respectful portrayal of Operation Charnwood (July 9th):
1) Date setting still be July 9th, as a continuation of both NEW CH.5 and 6.
2) Similar to the old version, capture the rest of Caen's northern part and middle part. Which including:
2.1) Saint-Gilles Church (Caen)
2.2) Presbytery Saint Gilles (Église Saint-Gilles de Caen)
2.3) St John's Church (Église Saint-Jean de Caen)
2.4) Nouveau Bassin (the island in the middle part of Caen)
3) In the end, the protagonist should have mentioned that British and Canadian forces were only able to captured half of the Caen (Northern and middle parts). Not the entire city.
- The rest about buildings and map/scenarios in overall is already mentioned in CH.6 above.

CH.8 (NEW) - Hill 112 Pt.2
- Attackers: The Royal Scots "Greys" Engineers should be served as the Ad-Hoc unit. While the main assault force should be the 43rd Wessex Div.
- Defenders: 9th and 10th SS Pz Divs, or just simply describe them as II SS Panzer Corps. And optionally for Tigers, their designated name can be 102nd SS Heavy Panzer Battalion (Im44 mod).

- More accurate and respectful portrayal of Operation Jupiter (July 10th):
1) Date setting is July 10th, the first day of Operation Jupiter.
2) For the map, the southern part of the hill could be extended for setting up a new defensive position.
3) The weather should be cloudy first, then raining toward the end of the game (similar to the first Osterbeek mission from the Market Garden campaign).
4) The first objective is to clear and capture the village of Baron-sur-Odon, then prepare for taking Hill 112 on the south of the village.
5) Same with the original Hill 112 Pt.1, creeping barrage first then capture the hill.
6) After the hill is captured, the next thing is a preparation for German's massive counter-attacks. There should be at least 10 minutes for preparing the defensive lines around the hill.
7) Then the cutscene sequence:
7.1) Show the date setting has been changed into July 11th (midnight). And during this time, the storm should be arrived/occurred.
7.2) Massive artillery, Nebelwerfer, and mortar barrages pour into the British defensive positions.
7.3) An arrival of several German Pz IVs, Panthers, and Tiger Is.
8) Similar to the original version, the counter-attacking units should attack from all directions. But especially the southern, eastern, and western parts of the hill.
Note: During the defending, one of the protagonists should mention that there's intense fighting at the village of Maltot and soon the British forces will lose it.
9) Similar to the original version, British reinforcements will keep arriving to help the players.
10) Due to heavy losses and possible future counter-attacks, the protagonists decide to abandon the hill summit and retreat to the northern slope of the hill.

CH.9 - Bourguebus Ridge
Note: As the same as the 'normal' version above.

[Updated: June 9th, 2023] CH.10 (Bonus mission) - Hill 226, east of Hill 309 and the village of Saint-Martin-des-Besaces
Note: This is an OPTIONAL bonus mission for the game, inspired by a custom mission from Im44 mod. Their purpose is to serve as a proper debut mission for the 'Jagdpanther'.
- Attackers: Either '15th (Scottish) Infantry Division' or '6th Guards Tank Brigade'. And either Royal Scots or 3rd Battalion as the Ad-Hoc unit.
- Defenders: 326th Infantry Division and 2-3 Jagdpanthers from '654th Heavy Tank-hunter Battalion'.

- More accurate and respectful portrayal of Operation Bluecoat (July 30th):
1) Date setting is July 30th, 1944. The first day of the operation.
2) For the first cutscene details:
2.1) Arrival of the Churchill column on the battlefield and Scottish troops at the hill.
2.2) Got arty bombardment which knock out one of the Churchills, then later ambushed by two Jagdpanthers, ten of Churchill tanks have been destroyed.
3) Our objective is to build new Churchills and troops and try to flank German troops and Jagdpanthers from either left or right.
4) Along the way, there should be some hidden mines. Along with MG positions, snipers, and some mortar crews.
5) Ambush or counter-attacks event by German forces is optional, inspired by the custom level by Im44 mod. And recommend the German counter-attacks unit to be 21st Panzer Division (Im44 mod).
Note: 21st Panzer Division got quite a lot of French tanks in use, mix with other German vehicles like Panzer IVs.
[Updated May 28th, 2024] 6) The result: After two Jagdpanthers are knocked out, the rest of the German troops will be pulling out/retreating.

Either that, the second scenario I can imagine is the tank destroyers will retreat of the map when they are badly damaged. And at the end of the mission, the last cutscene could have shown that the Brits later found the remaining of the Jagdpanther's wreckages which were abandoned and burned down by the retreating German forces.

For every British mission in general (also as for reminder of things I've mentioned previously):

- Every British soldier should have a proper tunic's color (every infantry unit and vehicle crew).
- British soldiers on a main menu's loading screen (artwork) need to have a proper color on their tunics.
- There should be an option to remove faction colors in the Campaign menu.
- More realistic color and insignia/markings for every British vehicle.
- British Population caps much be increased, especially in later missions.
- 3rd Battalion and Royal Scots Engineer should appear as a special Ad-Hoc unit in most of the missions. As frontal support for the real British divisions that supposed to exist in each mission.
- For both sides, the 'mirror' textures system for infantry models causes a lot of trouble for modders.

- For more appropriated German uniforms, please check Im44 and Eaw mod (great examples). Because the German troops with pyjamas are absolutely unbearable.
- Several German infantry units should have headwear variations.
- **Better uniforms and variations on Luftwaffe infantry units (Im44 mod).
And for the entire British campaign, a color on their collar tabs should be 'Green' (Field Division).
- From above: As for the Flak (artillery) crews, the 'Piping' on the collar tabs could be 'Red'.
- 'Volksgrenadiers' term never existed or used during the Normandy battles.
- STG-44 among most of the regular infantry units should be replaced by MP40.
- Add Waffen SS units among the specific missions that they deserve to be featured (vital to the storyline and the battle locations).
- Slightly decreased Panzerschreck among German troops a bit, since it wasn't that common during wartime.
- More appropriated camouflage patterns for every German vehicle, especially tanks. For the great examples - Immersion 1944 mod.
- StuG IV, Jagdpanther, and Hetzer should be mainly replaced by Jagdpanzer IV (L48), and other vehicles (except the Jagdpanthers in the bonus missions).
- A main model for the Panther tanks could be the "A" model (Ausf.A), while "G" model (optional) can appear in few numbers.
- Since only 41-45 of the Flakpanzer IV Ostwind ever produced, it should be replaced by other appropriated Flak vehicles.
- Damage output and health on most of the vehicles (all factions) must be improved (EaW mod).
- An extremely weird design of the Pantherturm (with bunker underneath it). For the sake of realism, the bunker part should be removed and leave only turret (no need for any squad to get inside it).
- Additional info on error/mistakes of the German vanilla tanks by Halftrack (Im44 mod creator), you can check on "Part 1" article.

That's it for Part 2! If you have any disagreement, questions, or even more suggestions, feel free to leave them here in the comment section.

In addition, you can check a similar topic about Call of Duty World at War from here: Moddb.com

Immersion 1944 mod link: Moddb.com
Europe at War mod link: Store.steampowered.com

[Updated] Here is Part 3 (final): -> Moddb.com

FeReise (and Halftrack)

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