Just a guy who interest in shooting games and some good ol' masterpieces, also interesting in historical contents from some certain video games and make some interesting reviews for them in STEAM. If anyone wants to talk with me personally, please just add me as a friend and leave a message ;) Also, my English is not quite fluent.. but don't worry, I keep trying to improve it!

Report RSS Historical Inaccuracies in Company of Heroes and suggestions (Part 3/Final)

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For PART 1: Moddb.com
PART 2: Moddb.com

German Campaigns

Tiger Ace

CH.1 and CH.2
- Judge from what's in the cutscene, Voss and his crews based on two real Tiger Aces (and their crews):
1) Otto Carius of the 502nd Heavy Panzer Battalion (Leningrad battle).
2) Michael Wittman from 101st SS Heavy Panzer Battalion (Villers Bocage).
- T-34-85 in the Leningrad cutscene MUST be replaced by T-34-76 (1942 model).
- Voss and his crews should wear proper tank crew uniforms (Panzer jacket and such) in all cutscenes (artworks) and in the game (Im44 mod, they appear with SS tank crews version).
- The original designated name for the Tiger crews, "101st Tigergruppe", is based on the real 101st SS Heavy Panzer Battalion. And this true name is an optional choice for the new version.
- Just historical info: In the real Viller Bocage battles, Wittman commanded Tiger I No.205 at first, but later changed into No.222 (probably) because of the engine trouble on his 1st vehicle.
And he uses his 2nd vehicle to goes on a rampage in the Villers Bocage.
- From above, in reality, there were at least 4 other Tigers accompanied by the Wittman crews during the attack. But after he changes his tank, he decides to go in the town alone while the rest of his Tigers deal with the British 7th Armoured Div's recon team.
- Every British soldier should have a proper tunic's color (every infantry unit and vehicle crew).
- More realistic color and insignia/markings for every British vehicle.
- The real Villers Bocage only got a single main road (largest) that passes straight into the town, not two. Then there are two medium roads nearby, and smaller ones around.
- The old/former version of Église Saint-Martin de Villers-Bocage, should be located in the middle of the town.

Ch.3 only
- Change every or most of the infantrymen (reinforcement) into Lehr Panzergrenadiers (Im44 mod).
- Add 2-3 more Panzer IVs into the reinforcements (Panzer Lehr).
- Just historical info: British could be able to repel the German counter-attack at Villers Bocage. But they have to abandon the town before nightfall.
- For Voss's dialogues in the last cutscene:
1) Capt. Shultz died on August 15th in the American campaign, not August 13th.
2) Since Panzer Lehr Division was already ceased to exist after July 27th (Normandy), then the name must be changed into 'Kampfgruppe Lehr' (the fictional unit in the Market Garden campaign).
- The rest is as same as above (CH.1 & 2).


All chapters
- Mostly fictional portrayal of the town of Trun:
1. The fictional church should be the real "Église de Trun". And the real church is not located at the intersection (should be located further north/north-west).
2. There should be a great grass field located between the town and 'Diives' river.
3. [Optional] Diives river should be a bit smaller.
- ***The American troops should NEVER EVER existed in this campaign, since they never reach the northern part of the Falaise pocket, including Trun.
***They must be replaced by the Canadian (mainly) and Polish troops. While the existence of British commando in this area is unlikely, but it can include in the game.
- (continue from above) For the 1st mission, commandos at the beginning are optional, they can appear as the relatively small battle groups that raids and recon over the town. While for the frontal assault troops:
Mainly the Canadian and Polish infantry with few armored vehicles on CH.1, and also with some British/Canadian tanks on CH.2.
- Designated unit name for enemy troops should be 4th Infantry Div.
- Designated unit name for German troops should be just either LXXXVI corps or 7th Army (remove 346th Infantry Div out, because there ain't no proof that they were actually defending Trun).
- Better uniforms for German troops, in both cutscene (artworks) and in the game (EaW and Im44 mods). Including Canadian and Polish troops.
- Proper Luftwaffe uniform and insignia for the Luftwaffe Captain (artwork).
- Proper camo for Stormtroopers unit, as my recommendation: Smock with Splinter and Tan and Water camo patterns (EaW and Im44 mods).
- The term 'Volksgrenadier' not yet exist during the Battle of Normandy.
- **Better uniforms and variations on Luftwaffe infantry units (Im44 mod).
And for this entire campaign, a color on their collar tabs should be 'Green' (Field Division).
- Change the designated unit name on the Allies (tanks) from 21st Panzer Div into the '7th Army'.
- Flak crews should be able to get out from their guns, become regular 3 Luftwaffe Infantry crews.
- The game should give us more time to prepare our defensive positions. Especially, at the beginning of CH.2.

CH.3 only
- For enemy units, either 'British' or Canadian troops can appear as the southern flank attackers.
- In the first cutscene, there are damaged King Tiger appear among the retreating troops, but none of them appear in the game at all. My opinion is it should appear in the game as well, at least on the front of the retreating troops.
Alternatively, create the event right at the beginning of the mission that the King Tiger has already escaped from the map along with the first retreating column. Before the game let us provide a defensive perimeter for another retreating columns.
- The game should give us more time to prepare our defensive positions in the beginning.
- Change unit name on the retreating troops from 21st Panzer Div into 7th Army.
- Few other tanks like Panther and Tiger I (fewer) can randomly appear among the retreating troops.
- Increase pop-cap from 85 to about 100.

For Tale of Valors artworks in both the main menu and the main menu loading screen: Better uniforms with correct insignia for each character (Voss and Hess).

Market Garden

CH.1 and CH.2 - Wolfheze
- Time setting must be changed from noon into the morning (the time Allied attacks).
And they should start with a bombing run on Wolfheze first before dropping paratroopers.
- The existence of 'Kampfgruppe Lehr' is definitely fictional but they can be included as the Ad-Hoc unit (special unit).
While the main unit in the area should be '9th SS Panzer Division'.
- The term 'Volksgrenadier' can be used in this campaign (after Normandy).
- Units and uniforms for Kampfgruppe Lehr, there are 3 ways to portray them:
1) Mix between Wehrmacht/Heer units (mainly) and Waffen SS units (assault troops and tank busters), similar to Im44 mod.
2) Solely Waffen SS (EaW mod).
3) Solely Wehrmacht troops.
- Uniform for Knight cross holders should be changed into something like what's appeared in Im44 mod.
- Waffen SS unit could appear as flak operators (9th SS Pz Div).
- Both Wolfgang and Aldrich should have better uniforms, even with a field cap or visor cap (EaW and Im44 mods).
- Voss should has a better uniform, recommend to be either SS-Brigadeführer or Gruppenführer (Im44 mod).
- Better uniforms and headgear variations for the Airborne and Commando units and not everyone should be equipped with a radio (EaW and Im44 mod).
- [Optional] Sd.Kfz.231 can be included as an additional German vehicle (Im44 mod).
- Since this mission, better colors and camo patterns for every German vehicle in general.
And for historical reasons, WW2 German forces didn't use 'field grey' (Dunkelgrau) as a base vehicle color anymore since 1943. The 'Dunkelgelb' color (sand/dark yellow) is a more appropriate choice.

CH.3 - Osterbeek (fictional layout) Pt.1
- A date setting should be changed from September 18th into "17th" (noon).
- Proper uniform and headgear variations for Luftwaffe units.
For this campaign, their collar tabs and should board piping should be red (artillery branch).
- The main unit in the area should be '9th SS Panzer Division', while Kampfgruppe Lehr should be the Ad-Hoc unit.
- Mistake on the maps:
1. Judge from its real-life position, the Westerbouwing Heights (De Westerbouwing) should be located way off the map. It should never exist on this map at all. And the reason for this is likely to be either lacking of time or laziness again.
2. From above, the height and all the southern areas of the map (close to the Nederrijn river) should be replaced by the large open fields.
3. There should be large ponds called "Grindgat" and "Rosandepolder" on the left side of the map (eastern part).
4. The town areas should be larger and the rest should appear off the map.
- Raining at the end of this mission is unnecessary.
- The rest is the same as previous chapters.

CH.4 - Valkenswaard
- A date setting should be changed from September 18th into "17th" (evening).
- [Optional] The place for ambush the British's XXX (30th) Corps should be bigger and wider (south of the town).
- The main unit in the area should be either 'Kampfgruppe Walther' or '9th SS Panzer Division', while Kampfgruppe Lehr should be the Ad-Hoc unit.
- Fallschirmjager unit can be called off the map as a reinforcement (inspired by Im44 mod) since they were existed in the defense at Valkenswaald (as a part of Kampfgruppe Walther).
- Waffen SS unit can be called off the map as a reinforcement (EaW mod).
However, only if the devs decide to depict Kampfgruppe Lehr as a solely Wehrmacht/Heer unit.
- Population cap at the 'beginning' seriously need to be increased, from 40 to at least 60.
- Regular infantry troops could be called off the map as a reinforcement also at the beginning.
- Better uniforms and headgear variations for British infantry units.
- Better color and insignia markings for British Vehicles.
- The real "Sint-Nicolaaskerk" church should replace the fictional church.
However, the real church is supposed to be located on the 'EAST' side nearby Highway 69. Not on the WEST as in the original version.
- The rest is the same as CH.1 and CH.2.

[UPDATED June 9th, 2023]

Alternatively, the day can be the same (but in the morning time, around 5 ~ 6 am) with additional changes as follows:

- Mentioned in the beginning that 'Kampfgruppe Walther' failed to stop the upcoming enemy forces on a day before and that's the reason why there are British forces in the town. Because of this, there should be wreckages of German anti-tank guns and mortars left around further south of the town where we suppose to set up a new defensive line as well (or further south).

CH.5 - Best
- In the cutscene before the mission's loading screen (map section), German should stop the Brits in front of Valkenswaard, not between Valkenswaard and Eindhoven (according to the previous mission).
- Change the date setting from Sep 19th to '18th' and before 11.00 AM, the time that the main bridge was destroyed. [UPDATE] Plus, the Allied force never capture or use the bridge in time (as in reality).
- The main unit should be Wehrmacht/Heer from '59th Infantry Div' (Im44 mod), while Kampfgruppe Lehr should be the Ad-Hoc unit.
- In the beginning, US paratroopers shouldn't arrive by dropping into dropzone anymore. Since they have already done that around Sep 16th-17th.
They could arrive on the scene as regular ground forces.
- From above, as for the beginning cutscene, they could have shelled down the town of Best by mortar bombardment first before they attack.
- Population cap should be increased from 85 to 100.
- Since this mission, Hetzer is very unlikely to exist in the Market Garden campaign. Their first arrival on the Western Front should be during the Battle of Bulge.
It should be replaced by Jagdpanzer IV (L48).
- Sherman Calliope never exist during the Normandy and Market Garden campaigns.
In other words, it should never appear in this game at all. In this mission, it should be replaced by either Priest or Sexton (Im44 mod).
- The rest is the same as CH.1 and CH.2.

[UPDATED June 9th, 2023]

Alternatively, the day can be the same with additional changes as follows:

- Mentioned in the beginning that the bridge was destroyed a day earlier, and the enemy tried to build a 'fictional' Bailey bridge which is similar to the one in the town of Son. But optionally, it could be a smaller one and made just for the troops and small vehicles (like trucks and armor vehicles) to cross by. And Kampfgruppe Lehr's job is to destroy it.

CH.6 - Arnhem
- The main unit should be 9th SS Pz Div, while Kampfgruppe Lehr should be the Ad-Hoc unit.
- Waffen SS as a prominent reinforcement, call off-map unit for this mission (EaW).
However, only if the devs decide to depict Kampfgruppe Lehr as a solely Wehrmacht/Heer unit.
- Despite heavy losses, the 9th SS played an important part in the successful capture of Arnhem.
So I believe the 'have been laid to waste' dialogue in the cutscene is quite absurd to use here.
- Add German light armored vehicle wreckages and some corpses on the bridge (Arnhem side, Im44 mod).
As to depict a previous counterattack by a group of 9th SS recon team that ended in failure.
- From above, Panther wreckage should be removed from the cutscene prior to the loading screen (before the game start).
- Change American flags on British-occupied buildings into the Union Jack.
- In reality, not any single Tank or vehicle units from the 30th Corps could be able to arrive in the city.
Thus, the time-limited event is certainly unnecessary.
- St. Eusebius Church (old version, not the current one) should appear outside the map (West).
- St. Walburgiskerk church should replace the fictional church that we have to capture.
- The rest is the same as CH.1 and CH.2.

Bonus mission (Optional): "Black Friday"
- Add 1 mission before Ch.7, assault on Highway 69 at the area between Veghel and Uden.
- Date settings: September 22nd
- Our units (designated name):
1) Kampfgruppe Lehr as the Ad-hoc unit.
2) Kampfgruppe Walther as the main unit, mainly include Waffen SS + Wehrmacht troops and some Fallschirmjager squads.
3) Tanks: 107th Panzer Brigade with at least two ~ four Panthers for a start (the rest can be called later).
4) Pop-cap for around 100 or more.
- Enemy units:
1) British's 30th Corps (infantrymen and vehicles).
2) US 101st Airborne paratroopers.
- Map details:
1) Highway 69 passes through the middle of the map.
2) The town of Veghel on the south, and the village of Uden on the north (just a few parts of both town, the rest of the town areas are out of the map).
3) Open fields, plus bushes and trees (similar to Valkenswaard) on both sides of the highway.
- Mission details:
1) Prepare and ambush the British convoy on the eastern side of the highway, and destroy a British HQ truck before it reaches Uden.
2) Drive the rest of the advancing Allied forces back into Veghel.
3) Mentioned that Kampfgruppe Huber is attacking the southwest of Veghel (off-map).
4) Set up a brief defensive line to protect friendly AIs who are checking for important documents from wreckages.
5) Prevent any counter-attack by the American paratroopers (101st) and British vehicles.
6) About 2-3 Allied arty bombardments can be occurred near the end of this mission.
7) [Optional] Also near the end of the mission, at least spawn 1 King Tiger as an additional reinforcement.
8) After the friendly AIs finished checking all the documents, then the mission is finished and Kampfgruppe Lehr+Walther finally retreat/pull out from the area.

CH.7 - 2nd Valkenswaard (purely fictional)
- The 2nd attack at Valkenswaard is FICTIONAL, it should be assault at Koevering on Sep 24th. As a final nail in the coffin for the Allied's Market Garden operation.
And although a reason for this creation is unknown, either lacking of time/deadline or laziness is all possible.

CH.7 (new arrangement/what it should be) - Koevering
- Date settings: September 24th
- Our units (designated name):
1) Kampfgruppe Jungwirth as a main unit. All or most of them comprised of Fallschirmjager troops (Im44 mod).
2) Kampfgruppe Lehr as the Ad-Hoc unit.
3) 3 Jagdpanthers from 559th Heavy Tank Hunter Battalion.
Map details:
- Similar to the Valkenswaard map, but with rearrangement on most part of the map and a lot of 'sand dunes' among the open fields.
For the best example - The last mission of Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway.
Mission details:
- Similar to the fictional 2nd assault on Valkenswaard (Relic).
- Mentioned the assault on 'Eerde' on the North/north-east that later failed (maybe near the end of mission).
- Apart from the British 30th Corps, US 101st Airborne should be one of the enemy units/defenders also.
- The rest is the same as CH.1 and CH.2.

CH.8 - Osterbeek Pt.2 (New arrangement)
- Change date setting from Sep 24th into 25th. And in the last cutscene, the day should be the 26th (the final day of the Market Garden operation).

Map details, as for historical matters the NEW MAP has to be created. Reusing map method is of utmost unnecessary:
- Based on the real battle maps, the battle should be situated in the 'South-West' area of the town and outside the town.
Which including the real Westerbouwing Heights and areas that closed to the Nederrijn river.
Unit details:
- The fictional KG Lehr, tag along with KG Huber (Im44 mod).
- Waffen SS and FJ/Luftwaffe infantry as reinforcements.
- Proper Polish insignia on the airborne uniforms for the river crossers and some of the defenders.
While most of the defenders can still be the remaining British 1st Airborne troops.
- Remove Churchill tanks, an element of the 30th corps shouldn't be there.
- The rest is the same as CH.1 and CH.2.
Mission details:
1. Capture the height and riverbanks to stop the allied from retreating.
2. Defend the riverbank from river crossers and counter-attackers (similar to the old version).
3. Surrounding the remaining enemies in the areas and force them to surrender.
4. After all the objectives are finished, the protagonist (Wolfgang) or one of the German soldiers should mention that there still remaining paratroopers hiding among the Osterbeek areas, and the German will clear them out later.
5. Similar ending with the original version, but date setting should be Sep 26th (the last day of Market Garden operation).

NOTE: Additional info on error/mistakes of the German vanilla tanks by Halftrack (Im44 mod creator), you can check on "Part 1" article.

That's all for everything! If you have any disagreement, questions, or even more suggestions, feel free to leave them here in the comment section.

In addition, you can check a similar topic about Call of Duty World at War from here: Moddb.com

Immersion 1944 mod link: Moddb.com
Europe at War mod link: Store.steampowered.com

FeReise (and Halftrack)

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