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With lemmings lining up to buy latest shiny instead of functional merit tittering about paying needless fees to use SOOOPER ANCIENT sms-texting when green pastures of Zero Cost Xmpp Texting awaits with a warm simple OTR encryption embrace merely for the noticing (remove head from sand or darker undesirable place) is it any wonder the adhd cannot be bothered to notice they're actively driving information to extinction amongst their each feckless spewing noise blatherings?

I can't cure you if you have stupid, but I can liberate you from your ignorance if it's not willfully inflicted upon yourself

xmpp texting
sip texting

unless you prefer being gangsodomized by each ironically-progressive Department Of blank in league with a broomstick wielding NSA?

Google's motto about evil isn't far from the satanist's

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