I bet you like Half-Life ๐Ÿ˜

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 108)

Rusted Warfare

Game review

You rarely find a game that will work on new machines, old machines, and even the old phone you've had buried in a box for 10 years, much less have the ability for all these devices to go head-to-head. Absolutely a must play, regardless of what you're playing on!

I can't believe how I long went without playing this stellar game ๐Ÿคฏ this is easily one of the most high-quality GoldSrc experiences you can have! Beautiful animation work, improved NPC AI, and a shocking amount of gametime on top of that! This is absolutely worth playing through if you haven't tried it already, grab it on Steam and give it a shot! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘


Entropy : Zero

Mod review

Just... wow, what a mod ๐Ÿคฏ a visual feast, stellar combat, and more than leaves you wanting more by the end! An absolute must play!


Half-Life : MMod

Mod review

An overall solid experience with some fresh touches for long time players of Half-Life, it's well worth the download for the visual improvements alone!


The Closure

Mod review

The Closure: The Ep3 B-Movie experience! This is NOT a mod that you should take too seriously, instead you should go in expecting high enjoyability on a low production budget. The combat is great, the set pieces are great, and as a Half-Life fan I laughed quite a lot at many points while playing! It made for a heck of a good time while also providing a full-length experience, I would highly recommend giving it a playthrough!



Mod review

Want to play the unreleased game Heavy Vacuum? You won't find a better way to play it than downloading this passion project! It's fun, unique, and well worth the download ๐Ÿ‘


Half-Life 2: Overcharged

Mod review

I really wanted to like this mod, it had so much going for it with the new weapons / enemies / mechanics, but it really failed to capture a cohesive gameplay experience due to some seriously questionable design decisions. The most striking issue being the random enemy placement and excessive use of certain enemies in poorly planned locations. It really felt as though enemies where just randomly scattered throughout the levels without any thought as to how the player would deal with them. Water Hazard, for instance, has enemies in narrow pipes that not only can attack you with a ranged attack, but can also block your progress, when you are in an unarmed airboat. Add in various ways of crashing the game and a variety of bugs related to NPC's and you begin to understand the issues I was experiencing. I gave this mod a 3 hour playthrough that you can find below, I really hope some of the issues I encountered are fixed in future updates. There's a lot of potential here, it just needs a lot more love!


Half-Life: Field Intensity

Mod review

This was an absolutely stellar mod, I wound up playing the entire thing in one sitting! For the 7 1/2 hours I was in the mod, it was back to back stellar content! Amazing level design, a wide array of weapons/NPC's from multiple Half-Life titles+mods, and a heck of a story to go along with it! I would really recommend giving this one a download, it's a must play!


Hobo Life: Greg's Christmas

Mod review



Ashes 2063

Mod review

This is one of the coolest things I've played in recent times! Stellar map / audio design, fun weapons, and one heck of anesthetic! I can't recommend this highly enough, I can't wait to dive into further episodes! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘