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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 152)
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ Tula Gingerbread - Тульский Пряник

напоминает мне обезьяну которая сидит и ждет когда мимо него проплывет питон сожравший его стаю...

Good karma+7 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ Tula Gingerbread - Тульский Пряник

ты жалок и беспомощен

Good karma+5 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ Even More Hideout Furniture [Update 2]


you are a Ukrainian refugee and you live in Germany and at the same time you constantly support the Nazi regime in Kiev. Can I believe your Russian translation?

Good karma-10 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ Even More Hideout Furniture [Update 2]

I think we really need shields and panels to close openings and windows....

Good karma+5 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ LEWD SAF addon

he is a classic of the USSR and he has always been in stalker... but unfortunately, no one wanted to do it that way... I tried, but all I had to do was add a flashlight "КЛЕЩ" under the handle

Good karma+1 vote
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ LEWD SAF addon

an unusual choice and maybe you will try to resuscitate PP2000 ?

Good karma+1 vote
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ DLTX MTacWPack cropped by VarluvBjorn

look for a mod that has SVDK and SVDS in boomstick, everything is compatible, for example, they are in GAMMA and bospack

Good karma+1 vote
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ [1.5.2] Artefacts Variationizer 1.5.2 (UPDATE 3)

variations of artifacts cannot be embedded in belt containers aac aam

yes there is a modified exe

Good karma+1 vote
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ [MODDED EXES] Ledge Grabbing / Mantling (UPDATE 4.4)

yes, you need to catch the moment for the script to work, try to get closer or vice versa to move away a little bit, but how do you approach the same

Good karma+3 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ [MODDED EXES] Ledge Grabbing / Mantling (UPDATE 4.4)

version 2 does not work adequately.... first a climb, then a dip through the textures and a jump to the ledge

Good karma+3 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ DLTX MTacWPack 0.94

so you have changed animations. I don't support third-party mods, but it works with BAS

Good karma+1 vote
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ Reanimodel HK MP7

the topic of jammed sleeve becomes fanatical... I was yelling... yes it is colorful and visual but NOT correct!
here it is false to call a wedge a jammed sleeve... despite the fact that the weapon does not allow itself such a malfunction, since their designs are carefully worked out

Good karma+1 vote
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ DLTX MTacWPack 0.94


Good karma+1 vote
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ DLTX MTacWPack 0.94


Good karma+1 vote
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ Enhanced Graphical User Interface INC v.0.6.4

I tried to apply a full-fledged correction of the status of the bar through Photoshop and it turned out very convenient... I think you should do this

Good karma+2 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ Enhanced Graphical User Interface INC v.0.6.4

I think they will just move closer to the centers and everything will become normal

Good karma+2 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ Enhanced Graphical User Interface INC v.0.6.4

can you try to lower it? most likely, the indicators will work correctly

Good karma+3 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ Enhanced Graphical User Interface INC v.0.6.4

there is a small problem with the overlap of indicators

Good karma+2 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ Separated Helmets and Outfits for Anomaly 1.5.2

I understand this, apparently I meant that it is worth making patched exosev icons so that they do not have an image of helmets on them. thanks for the clarification

Good karma+2 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ M16A2 Replacer V2

yes there are several places both on the atk model and on the bump texture

Good karma+2 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ M16A2 Replacer V2

disgusting textures... the weapon glows and glares like a mirror.... nightmare...

Good karma+5 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly - UKRAINE WAR MOD 2022

более того оне болезные еще ДО войсковой операции орали что Россия напала... это они скандировали "прощай немытая россия" это оне вопили на весь евро союз что сдерживают угрозу с востока.... вспомните как на Скабееву кидались... эти... "культурные" дипломаты незалежной

Good karma0 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ Additional weapon parameters BaS up 2.0 Ru & Eng

добавьте строку урона полоска НЕ информативна

Good karma+1 vote
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly - UKRAINE WAR MOD 2022

было уже.... ЧВК вагнера... удалили с криками "ХАРАМ"

Good karma0 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly - UKRAINE WAR MOD 2022

нас хорошо учили американские друзья.... (сарказм) "любая угроза должна быть купирована"... у вас НЕ было мира и мирной жизни ВЫ угрожали мирной жизни России... вот и пришлось прибирать за вами!
не хотите сами жить в согласии с соседями не удивляйтесь что вас выселяют!
я не вижу вашего пожелания мира в ВАШИХ же дронах которыми ВАШИ доблестные (сарказм) "воины" атаковали Мирные города...

Good karma0 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly - UKRAINE WAR MOD 2022

не вижу ничего хорошего от символики и образа тех что прикрывался мирными жителями и продвигал нацисткие идеи... даже более того омерзительно видеть это! уж очень негативную славу приобрели своими действиями
при том никто не бомбит от того что в игре есть украинское оружие как в оригинале (форт) так и в модах (малюк)

тебе забавно?
фашистам тоже было забавно смотреть на тех кого они считали унтерменшами...

Good karma0 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly - UKRAINE WAR MOD 2022

он и мой пост потер хотя я там был очень либерален... по их цуко понятиям... видимо даже либеральная правда им сильно жмет...

Good karma+1 vote
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ DLTX MTacWPack 0.94

in most cases, the mod is put on top of some assemblies and that's where the weapon has these sights, therefore there is an exclamation mark, it will overwrite them.... otherwise, yes, it must be removed

Good karma+2 votes
Dionisiy9x39- - - 152 comments @ DLTX MTacWPack 0.94

there is no compatibility support for both builds and mods... you can do a ballistics patch at your own risk

Good karma+2 votes