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Comment History
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ [NEWS] Feedback and suggestions: Part 2

I love this mod, but it's missing some things that I think would really enhance the Morrowind experience.
If you can implement the MW Main Quest Enhancers, that would be awesome, because MQE is not compatible with other mods that change landscape.

If you can't fully implement a mod, it would also be cool if you could add some features that would make the developing storyline more prominent such as: sixth house markings on imperial buildings, and raving sixth house priests, and people lining up in Tel Fyr for a Corprus cure, more blighted creatures, etc.. this would enhance the MW Rebirth experience ALOT.

Good karma+1 vote
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

for some odd reason, deleting files seemingly solved my missing files problem. i don't see any netch as of yet, but when i do get to an area with them, i'll see if an error occurs (or re-occurs). Thank You!

Good karma+2 votes
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

and it is still saying that there are missing files

Good karma+1 vote
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

yes, i am running an old save, i already patched it up with wyremash.

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demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

I've updated to 2.6 T^T

Good karma+2 votes
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

for some reason, i am missing alot of the bull netch nif files

Good karma+1 vote
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ Things didn't go as planned

THAT is pretty eerie

Good karma+2 votes
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ [NEWS] Feedback and Suggestions: Part 1

the tantos are also a bit too heavy.

Good karma+1 vote
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ [NEWS] Feedback and Suggestions: Part 1

k. also: i don't if this has been implemented yet, but better leveling for sneak. i want to rp a character that is a major sneak to kill enemies without being noticed, but not a petty thief that pickpockets.

Good karma+1 vote
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ [NEWS] Feedback and Suggestions: Part 1

i would like the damage for katanas and dai-katanas to be more slash/chop rather than thrust. the tantos are fine, but the wakizashi's in morrowind are closer to katana-length, so their damage should be slash/chop based as well. i wouldn't mind if wakizashi's were to be balanced in all three though.

Good karma+1 vote
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ [RELEASE] Morrowind Rebirth 2.31!

well, what about the data files?

Good karma+1 vote
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ [RELEASE] Morrowind Rebirth 2.31!

How do I upgrade from a previous version if I have other mods installed as well?

Good karma+1 vote
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ [PREVIEW] Morrowind Rebirth 2.2!

DEAR LORD! is it out yet??

Good karma+1 vote
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

2.2 out yet!?!?!? plz plz plz... :<

Good karma+1 vote
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ Open MW v 0.23.0 released.

What is this?

Good karma0 votes
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ [PREVIEW] Morrowind Rebirth 2.2!

that was me, i forgot to login

Good karma+1 vote
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ [PREVIEW] Morrowind Rebirth 2.2!

DUUDE! When is 2.2 coming out? almost a week man. to anxious

Good karma+1 vote
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ [PREVIEW] Morrowind Rebirth 2.2!

any estimate as to how many more days until release?

Good karma+1 vote
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ [PREVIEW] Morrowind Rebirth 2.2!

nyeuurgh!!! is 2.2 comin out soon? I tried upgrading from 2.03 to 2.11, but it just got messed up because i used other mods, and then morrowind just exploded. T.T.

Also! What happened to the Slave Market in Suran? I used the Special Slave Companions mod (which utilizes the internal cell in Suran Slave Market only), but I couldn't find it.

Good karma+1 vote
demonknightlord - - 20 comments @ [PREVIEW] Morrowind Rebirth 2.2!

Is this mod compatible with Indybank and Main Quest Enhancers?

Good karma+1 vote