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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 54)
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Yes, in fact we’ve posted some screenshots of it on our discord, don’t hesitate to head over there and check the mod news channel :)

Good karma+1 vote
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuho Dev Stream

There’s no way I can give you a constructive answer because your point is based on a flawed understanding of what a mod is.

You’re free to be disappointed and upset and we are free to keep working at the pace we decide because you have not paid for a product, you have not been sold anything, and therefore have no reason to feel entitled to a quick release of the mod. Unlike a lot of projects out there, we do not use patreon and other platforms to scam players into giving money while releasing half-baked mods quickly put together for the single purpose of generating revenue.

The answer to your question has been made obvious by our numerous posts here, on discord and on YouTube, and if that is not sufficient for you, there’s no point in spelling it out here either.

Thank you for you interest in the project

Good karma+1 vote
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

They are being considered for mercenaries/minor clans :)

Good karma+2 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Not sure what you mean, we've posted new images of the campaign map, so you should be able to see them :)

Good karma+3 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō


Good karma+3 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ The Old Realms

never, they're bad

Good karma+1 vote
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

head over to our discord for the most up to date news

Good karma+1 vote
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Yes of course!

Good karma+1 vote
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

We're already doing that :)
Head over to our discord for the most up to date news!

Good karma+1 vote
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Yes :)

Good karma+1 vote
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

No ;)

Good karma+5 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Yes, we have matchlock (both Tanegashima and European matchlocks) complete with custom reload and shooting animations :)

Good karma+2 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Hello! First of all, thank you for the compliments!
Second, donations have no impact on the quality of a mod and whether or not it will release. There is nothing that a patreon would help us with since all the work is made by a small core team of volunteers that do it because they like doing it, not because they rip off players eager to play ;)

Good karma+7 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

You cannot, we don't accept donations :)

Good karma+2 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

We do not accept donations :)

Good karma+3 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Don't despair, it's coming SoonTM

Good karma+5 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Maru Do

All time undefeated champion

Good karma+1 vote
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Good karma+3 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Thank you! Maybe someday ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Thank you! Although i have not played Ghost Of Tsushima yet, the visuals of that game are definitely a huge inspiration for the 3D of Shokuho.

Good karma+1 vote
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Hi! No, we won't share a roadmap or an estimate of the time remaining until release.

There is too much unknown in the development of a mod, and whatever date we could give right now, we would not be able to meet. So there really is no point in sharing anything until we're sure we can meet the date.

Good karma+2 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Shokuho is a bannerlord mod. What's possible in Bannerlord is possible in Shokuho, so yeah creating your own faction and clan is possible ;)

Good karma+2 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

We're hard at work on the mod itself and we'll release a video update when we feel like the progress is polished enough :)

Good karma+4 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Thank you!

Good karma+1 vote
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Yes :)

Good karma+2 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Ryukyu

Working as intended then ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

What do you mean? Waiting in a village is already a feature of the base game, so it will also be in Shokuho

Good karma+1 vote
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō


Good karma+3 votes
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Shokuhō

Sadly, mods do not work on console. It's out of our hands

Good karma+1 vote
Dawa_ - - 56 comments @ Okegawa Do

Hello! Yes, there are dozens of color variations for each armor pieces :)

Good karma+6 votes