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Comment History
czerw453 - - 3 comments @ [RELEASE] Morrowind Rebirth 2.0!

* Dwemer Coherer is no longer sold at Mebestiana Encke's shop.

This makes sense, but coherer is not even in the small chest upstairs(where should be to steal). Is it right or did i miss something?

Good karma+1 vote
czerw453 - - 3 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

can't post links yet, but it is on wolflore net slash viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1116

i guess it will work, as it is improved/tuned GCD (should be loaded after rebirth's esp)

Good karma+1 vote
czerw453 - - 3 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

What about compatibility with BTB improvements or Hotfusion's economy? Or do you plan implement own better/balance changes in this area? (just noticed something about inspiration btb alchemy sorter, but couldn't find more). Just found your mod today, it looks great!

Good karma+1 vote