“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.” ― H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 132)
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Weapon Attachment Position Fix for CR3PIS Icons [DLTX]

Small details, that make a huge difference, well done Batwotm!

Good karma+2 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Fracture terryfying v6

Hey Jek1nd, sounds cool but the sounds should be in mono not stereo and it seems like proper ogg comments are missing. Other than that, it do be scary, well done.

Good karma+5 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Renaissance Soundtrack Overhaul - Update 6

you open game_levels_music.ltx and change the "= x, xx," values for every track. :)

First number is the start hour.

Good karma+1 vote
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ SR-25 tweaks

Its always nice to see vanilla weapons get some love, after trying it out I can confirm that this is a 10/10.

Good karma+2 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ M249 Reanimation

Oh hell yeah, its starting to look really good! We can really see the differences between this animation and your older ones, way more fluid with more natural movements. The feed tray assembly check is a nice touch also.

Good karma+2 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ YesMan's Smart Music Mute

Oh absolutely that would be a very nice addition too.

Good karma+1 vote
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

Gotcha, appreciate the answer nonetheless.

Good karma+1 vote
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ remove animation magsredux

Very nice!

Good karma+1 vote
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

Hey Ascii1457 I have a question for the X-Ray wizard.

Do you think the first person actor shadow casting on the viewmodel even when facing a light source is something that could be fixed?

Good karma+1 vote
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ YesMan's Smart Music Mute

Great idea Y3sMan this way of manipulating the music volume depending on the situation is something I wanted to see in Anomaly for a while.

I got a couple ideas that you may be a interested in, the first one is to fade out the music when the weather is either Rainy or Stormy, having rain + music results in a unpleasent audio soup that isn't very immersive.

My second idea would be to slowly fade out the music during an emission and bring it back up when its over, same thing as with rain.

Now one could argue that a fix for that would be to simply go in the menu and put the volume at 0 but its kind of immersion breaking having to do that everytime and if its something that can be achieved with a lightweight script it would be a nice QOL.

Good karma+7 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Green Vegetation HD

Hey Morpheus17 really like the mod, do you still plan to update it? I remember you saying that you'd like to add more diversity to it.

Good karma+2 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Renaissance Soundtrack Overhaul - Update 6

Hey Matumba I think I found the issue can you check if there is an empty space between the "n" and the "." at the end of Ashot Danielyan - Tension .ogg like that

If so just remove it and it should fix the issue, sorry for the inconvenience.

Good karma+3 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ [DLTX][BAS] MP5K Submachinegun

Looking clean but is the left hand not being attached to the vertical grip an issue on my end or do you guys also have it?

Good karma+3 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ October 2023 Progress Update

Looking really nice, very atmospheric lightning and those assets are clean, keep it up

Good karma+3 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Artyom`s Gasmask Breathing Addon

Cool mod but none of the sounds are commented leading to errors in the console and potential issues

Good karma+2 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Sven Co-op Redux Trailer is released

So you're ok with uploading a bad and laggy trailer?

Good karma+1 vote
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Minimalistic status bars

Very clean, good addon, do you think you could rework the dynamic indicators too? Make them in the same minimalist style.

Good karma+3 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Sven Co-op Redux Trailer is released

Come on now, did you even review your trailer before uploading it?

Good karma+2 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Renaissance Soundtrack Overhaul - Update 6

Hey PashaVerti, well you might be able to merge the two game_levels_music files but I doubt they'll play nicely together, his mod already has a particular vibe to it, you might get ambiance mismatch.

Good karma+2 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Renaissance Soundtrack Overhaul - Update 6

Glad you like the mod Mr Dude

Good karma+2 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Better footsteps and gear rustle sound

Hey Mercss you should credit HarukaSai for the script.

Good karma+3 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Bizarre Interference V10

Very cool mod, I loved hearing the mindless stalker gibberish, I imagined him subconsciously trying to use his radio to call for help but not being able to actually talk, very immersive.

Good karma+2 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ COMPLETE Helmet Removal DLTX

Might be this one Moddb.com

Good karma+2 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ SPAS-12 Reanimation Rework

The fact that you can put so many scopes on it makes it a 10/10, keep up the great work SeDzhiMol

Good karma+1 vote
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Body Health System Realistic Overhaul (0.87 EFT BHS Update)

This is perfection, I've been looking for a balance mod like this for a long time, keep up the great work Mirrowel.

Quick question, I'm trying to make the blue bar that appear when hovering over an item to heal a limb expand further to the right, I'd like to make it more visible, what xml do I need to modify to do so? Thanks in advance.

Good karma+3 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Brutal Soundpack Update 3 "Spear of Destiny Edition"

Hey -{MasterBFG3000}- good call, it has been done.

Good karma+1 vote
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ NEWS: New maps, enhanced maps, and updated weapons!

Hey Eyeling good to see some news!

Regarding the apartments map there's a couple things that I believe could be improved, the lightning needs to be remade from scratch its way too dimed compared to the light props you used and having different colors when the light bulb is white doesn't really make sense (Also the flying particles don't look that good).

Having ventilations shafts visible and this big in such a small space also doesn't make sense this is more of a industrial or office thing and not having windows, even barricaded ones, doesn't make the scene believable, having light coming from outside would help the player believe that there is something else beyond those walls, right now it just feels like nothing exists outside of this map.

And one last thing when it comes to brush its a bit too cubic shaped and confined, a bit of variety and more open spaces wouldn't hurt.

The best advice I could give you is to google "eastern europe apartment corridor abandoned" for exemple since half life 2 is based in eastern europe, and get inspiration from there.

Here are a couple exemple :


Using real world locations to inspire your work will tremendously boost your creativity.

In hope that you don't see this as condescending but as a couple of friendly advices. Cheers.

Good karma+1 vote
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Lest - Patch

After browsing your mod page for a few minutes now the rest of the website is tilting to the right, I haven't even played the mod and I'm tripping already.

Good karma+1 vote
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ Half-Life Horror Mod! Huge News and Feature Spotlights!

Can't wait for this mod! looks very unsettling. I imagine Louie Landjaeger being a mini boss that screams "Don't report accidents!" while trying to murder you with an axe or something.

Good karma+2 votes
CyginMDB - - 132 comments @ PP2000 Reanimation rework

Oooooh you got me excited now, god bless you and your work for the community!

Good karma+2 votes