Hello! I'm Wilfried or just Wilf... I'm basically just an ordinary person who makes mods :) I make mods for Hello Neighbor mod kit. However, that's all I said... :)

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Changing the name of the mod

CoyoteWilf Blog

Hi all! Recently I renamed the mod to "My strange Vasilich 1-2". The mod is now called “The Strange Secrets”!

I decided to do this because the name that was before does not correspond to the atmosphere of our mod, so now get used to the new name... well, let the old name be the prototype name of the mod.

And I’m also writing this so that you know, because I think that you will confuse the name of the mod...

Problem with translation for Mod: My strange Vasilich 2

CoyoteWilf Blog

Hi all! In the near future I can't translate my mod My Strange Vasilich 2 To other languages yet. Since I'm currently working on another mod, I need to delay the translation a little. But if it works out, I can make the translation sooner.

22. June 2024 My First News (A little bit for the sake of Hype) :)

CoyoteWilf Blog

Hi all! It's been several months since I've been making mods and I see that so far everything is working out well for me. Thank you for playing our mods, yes, I make mods with friends, with the exception of the very first one, of course. We even created our own team, so it’s like we work together. I know that I just said useless information, but as always, I am “For the sake of Hype”. But still, there is one useful news: I was very inspired to make mods, so I’m now making another mod for you, but I can’t say for sure when it will come out, but I promise that it will be! Thank you all and good mood to everyone!