Baron Brosephus

has no freakin' idea why he joined

Under heaven and sky doeth one rule reign: all that is united will surely divide, and all that is divided will surely unite.

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Greetings, mortal brethren. I am Brosephus, Grandmaster of the Brotherhood of Bros, and Baron of Brosephia. Bear witness, my brothers, that you may know and understand with brotherly understanding, the bravery of all brethren united under Brosephus. Brace yourselves, and bring to bear the brutal brains of our brethren against the befuddled blokes who bray to breach our brotherhood. But be not brash, my brethren. Brawns alone will not bring us victory; nay! Our brotherly brains will break the boorish brigands, and beat the banshees into the broken bramble. Bear the banner of the Bro Brigade with bravado, my brethren, that ye may bring bruising to the brigands that bully your brothers!

For Brosephia!

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Cervi_Messias - - 1,898 comments

Welcome to the club, thought you'd probably come around eventually- its good to see that you have.

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Cervi_Messias - - 1,898 comments

And about your struggles as admirl says, you'll adapt- eventually you'll learn to trust in yourself again. Think back, was the only thing stopping you from hurting others fear of a god? I can already say no- it was you all along as it is with everyone else.

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Admiral-165 - - 2,217 comments

Just read your post in the Atheist group. I didn't have time to read all replies, as I don't have time for much on this site anymore. The answer to your worldview isn't nihilism, in fact what you describe isn't nihilism at all. Nihilism is the literal and absolute mindset of you not caring about anything, not the feeling of you being overwhelmed by existence.

I can appreciate your struggle to adapt to the mindset of an atheist as someone who was a theist their whole life, since you've essentially flipped your entire world view. Just be careful not to just go to the end of "well now that there is no god watching me I can do whatever" or "if there is no god then life really has no meaning, so I can do what I want."

No, you are still a human and are still capable of morality. Religion just likes to claim it has the monopoly on morality in that it was one of (if not the first) institutions to codify morality into text, this to me seems like a holdover of you being religious (ie you grew up thinking god made morality, now you realize there is no god so logically morality also shouldn't exist. It's an old religious argument which claims atheist can't be moral). But then again from an Atheist perspective, that morality had to come from a human since no god exists, therefore if ancient humans were capable of being moral, surely you are?

Furthermore just because you don't have the answer to something doesn't mean you have to go into a headspin of "I'm insignificant", this really has nothing to do with Atheism, but just a more skeptical mindset. Again to me this is just a holdover from you being religious, if you grew up believing that all answers came from a single book because that book was divinely inspired, and then realize there is no god... It's easy to then feel like you have no answers at all. Part of the skeptical mindset is just to realize you don't know everything, that's why scientists exist and why you have access to most research and can read up on stuff yourself.

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Baron Brosephus Creator
Baron Brosephus - - 2,010 comments

Thank you for your kind words. It has been a little bit of an adjustment coming to terms with what I really think and believe, and being able to accept that instead of shove it under the table.

For me, it's not so much the logic behind religion that troubles me, but rather the deep moral dilemma presented by these belief systems. On the one hand you have the God who loves everyone, yet orders the extermination of entire civilizations due to them being "evil". Yes, they were very warlike, but the faults of the group cannot be reflected on the individual.

In regards to saints, messiahs, and holy books ...again, it's not the probability that bothers me so much as the deep moral dilemma it creates. Take Jesus for example. I'm willing to consider that he really was a worker of miracles, and had abilities other humans did not. I'm even willing to consider that perhaps he was raised from the dead, and ascended into the clouds. We live in a universe where everything we can see and feel is 99% empty space, and what little substance that remains is ancient stardust melded together in just the right way to create the world as we know it. How odd would a miracle or two be?

That's not what troubles me. What I can never accept is that one man, whether it be Yeshua, Mohammad, Laozi, or Siddartha Gautama, is beyond reproach. That one man would be qualitatively superior to everyone who has or ever will exist goes against everything I deem to be right and just. That one man's word should not be questioned, that one book's mandates should not be analyzed objectively, is something I can never accept. Many believers are perfectly rational, objective people until their beliefs are the subject in question. Suddenly, they are willing to check both their logic and their morality at the door, and obey whatever their belief system dictates.

And it is comforting. It is so very comforting to feel that you are on the true path, hard on both your mind and heart as it may be. But without the willingness to examine ones's ideology for what it is, and truly question why you believe what you believe, then it is all but an empty show. Truth has no greater allegiance than to itself, no matter how many believers would attempt to dissuade it from its merciless path of ideological destruction. There is nothing more dangerous in this world than a good man who simply happens to be wrong, but who refuses to betray the notion that he is not.

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MalfistheMerciless - - 86 comments

All governments are authoritarian in the sense that they use physical violence, coercion and manipulation to gain consent. Thats what laws, regulations,taxes, expensive foreign wars (manipulative foreign policy), massive immigration (forced integration) and two-party duopoly is - that is democracy. You have no choice but to comply with leftist government or centrist government that compromises with leftists, either way you are FORCED into compliance with it in various ways. They gain your "consent" by making you sign licenses, registering and complying with voting, exercising citizenship rights, taking out loans, paying your taxes etc.

Institutionalized situational coercion (a interesting form of it) is best revealed by capitalism - the situations are manufactured where the individual has permanent control over the other - while membership is optional the acceptance or toleration of authority is not. State laws require force and are used to enforce private property which then creates and maintains the dichotomy between superiors (property owners - company offices, capital and labor conditions) and inferiors (labor or worker units). Manipulative advertising is a example of capitalism controlling the thoughts, beliefs and feelings of huge portions of the population, hollywood, entertainment media and academia engages in this as well with the liberal tactic of lying by omission getting you to accept all of their arguments, evidence and attitudes w/o seeing the bigger picture which I gave a example of with how they control people in turning them against the right-wing by basically lying, blurring and smearing our history.

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Baron Brosephus Creator
Baron Brosephus - - 2,010 comments

They gain your "consent" by making you sign licenses, registering and complying with voting, exercising citizenship rights, taking out loans, paying your taxes etc.

So what is better than? A dictatorship of the minority or a dictatorship of the majority? If one is to pick between two evils, they should at least pick the one which will benefit the greater good.

Yes, in that sense all governments are authoritarian. However, a reasonable level economic egalitarianism can actually level out cases of potential abuse of authority, as the centrist-leftist economic policies of Sweden, Norway, Japan and Taiwan have successfully shown. Yes, coercion and authoritarianism exists wherever you are, but the potential damage it can inflict is much smaller compared to what you can find in heavy capitalist economies such as China, India, or the USA.

Secondly, I don't quite understand the issue with immigration. Yes, there is cultural conflict, and violence has ensued in some areas. However, consider that this happens on a daily basis where many of these immigrants come from, and that much of the violence would not even exist where it not for Western corporate ambitions and poor military strategy. The USA is naturally the most obvious one to blame, but many European and Commonwealth nations provided soldiers and/or resources for combat use. If you truly believe that the Iraq War was some grand humanitarian venture, think again.

Thirdly, I fail to see how your arguments against capitalism can in any way be applied to left-leaning economies, as capitalism is for the most part a right-wing creation. The unfettered power of corporations and the excessive censorship of media is precisely what the left-wing (in Western politics at least, it's a bit of a different affair for China) fights hardest against, whereas all of that is precisely what the right-wing embodies. Right-wingers and conservatives say they want to keep the government out of our daily lives, but all they are doing is replacing the power of the state with a corporate hegemony that can buy presidential candidates and has deep influence on both foreign policy and the military à la 1984.

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deleted10101 - - 7,257 comments

Happy late New Year Baron and Happy new Chinese year too !

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Baron Brosephus Creator
Baron Brosephus - - 2,010 comments

Thank you! Have a happy new year, and 春节快乐!

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deleted10101 - - 7,257 comments

Hi !

I hope you are fine Baron
Is been a while since i visited my friends

I wish you well

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Necrolifer - - 1,015 comments

Do you actually live in China,right? What's it like?

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Baron Brosephus Creator
Baron Brosephus - - 2,010 comments

Not exactly sure how to describe it, as I haven't lived anywhere else before. I have visited the US though, and the differences are...notable.

China is much more crowded than other places...there are literally people everywhere. Also, it's not like Japan which is sparkling clean...China has it's environmental issues. Pollution can go off the charts on some days, but it's mainly just Northern China that has bad air quality.

Food is amazingly cheap here, which is great for can be hard to find for foreigners, unless you can teach English. In that case, the job world is paradise.

Pro Tip: if you ever plan visiting China, don't just see Beijing. Beijing is over-crowded, the air quality is usually terrible, and the history of Beijing is actually not that old. Go south, that's where all the interesting stuff is. Everything from public hygiene to dialect intelligibility to the food is simply better.

Oh, and you gotta try the freakier foods. I'm talking silkworms, scorpions, bull nuts, sheep *****, etc. You definitely won't find that stuff on your everyday menus, but if you look around you'll come across it. Seek and ye shall find :D

But yeah...Northern China is not that great, Southern China is awesome. Unbearably hot in the south, but other than that it's nice.

To make it simple...

Northern China:

Southern China:

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Necrolifer - - 1,015 comments

I'm not planning to visit China anytime soon. Thanks for the info!
Pollution and overpopulation seem to be major issues in China. I've seen some pretty messed up pictures of what heavy industries and wastes can do to the natural environment and the overall quality of life in China.
Speaking of history,China has such a solid,rooted,old history. Impressive culture,also.

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