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I have great news for all the fans of the great Men of War game. I am currently working on a new addon for Men of War, which will have 4-5 single player missions set during the last year of WW2 in the occupied Yugoslavia. The storyline will be set in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and it will be based on fictive, but inspired by great operations performed by partisans. The campaign will contain missions which will put the player in the role of partisans and their great effort to destabilize the German occupation of Yugoslavia and help the Allies win the war.All of you who have already played some of my multiplayer maps that I previously released will probably notice that I will use some of these maps in the upcoming addon, and the reason why I'm gonna do that is that I don't have much time for creating new maps from scratch. Of course, I will rework the old maps and make them look prettier and less buggy for tanks and vehicles. I will also try to do the best scripting for the AI, and to set the difficulty to a whole new level. The missions will get harder as the player progresses through the campaign, and the players will have a new class of soldiers to play with: the Partizan. If you are interested in the military and political setting which was present at that time in Yugoslavia, you can read a lot about it at Wikipedia. Here are some interesting articles about the topic:

More information about the missions will be revealed soon, along with some screenshots for all the interested players there. Cheers!

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Kusraina - - 1,247 comments

waw nice map :D

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BlackWolfOne - - 91 comments


that is why i upload it for people to use it in they mod or video,

just don't forget to add me in the credit for the flag.

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bosnian_dragon Creator
bosnian_dragon - - 190 comments

Don't worry, I won't forget to credit you :D Thanks a lot!

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Arxae - - 717 comments

Good to see your profile passed :D

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bosnian_dragon Creator
bosnian_dragon - - 190 comments

Yes indeed, thank you one more time for your help ;) Cheers!

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Capt_Billy - - 1 comments

Volio bih sa tobom popricati u vezi kreiranje mape ratnog Sarajeva. Ja znam da je veoma komplikovato to uraditi. Ali, moze se makar pokusati. Tu se naravno ne mora prikazivati grad u cjelini. Ja bih vise volio da se tu prikazu u vise dijelova ili misija znacajnije bitke. Npr: Skenderija 2 Maj, Pofalici, Grbavica, Žuc, itd...

Mozes mi se obratiti na sljedeci mail:


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bosnian_dragon Creator
bosnian_dragon - - 190 comments

Veliki pozdrav! Znam da je tesko, ali nije nemoguce. Međutim, stvar je u tome što ja nemam mnogo vremena s obzirom da studiram i ovim se bavim samo usput, i to mi dođe kao hobi. Trenutno imam u planu završiti ovu kampanju vezano za Jugoslaviju i WW2, a kasnije ako budem u mogućnosti, vrlo rado bih napravio i neku kampanju vezanu za BiH u ratu 1992-1995.

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bosnian_dragon Creator
bosnian_dragon - - 190 comments

Welcome to my page.

- I am currently working on a new addon for Men of War, which will have 4-5 single player missions set during the last year of WW2 in the occupied Yugoslavia. The storyline will be set in the republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and it will be based on fictive operations performed by partisans. The campaign will contain missions which will put the player in the role of partisans and their great effort to destabilize the German occupation of Yugoslavia and help the Allies win the war.

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fastLegs - - 722 comments

Thats sweet. Man i'm looking forward to this...always enjoy playing new missions for mow :D

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