Blue_Dust is who i am. Not much to say here.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 999)
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

Hey Trance. There's actually a small issue I've had with the mod but kinda forgot about but could you make the stalhrim pick have the ability to mine ores like regular picks? I think your mod was the one that prevented ores from being mined without one but the stalhrim one doesn't work with them which is a tad annoying.

Good karma+3 votes
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Join the Morrowind Rebirth discord-community!

Already expired, darn.

Good karma+2 votes
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ DemonSteele

Both characters have a special ability that they can find that is the BFG equivalent.

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

I've used it with little issues (albeit there's lots of things to do in Rebirth so that might not be enough) but I think it should be fine.

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

First one is perfectly fine and will cause no compatibiltiy issues.
Even if the second one changes the ore mesh, I don't see a situation where it could cause floaters or block newly placed objects.
The third one I say be careful with. Do not replace any of the rocks of Morrowind Rebirth with the ones included in that replacer as that will guarantee cause problems. Ore meshes are fine but ones that replace rocks will guarantee cause problems. Flora replacers are perfectly fine though.

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ New Trees: Grazeland

I hear the drums echoing tonight
But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation
She's coming in, 12:30 flight
The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation
I stopped an old man along the way
Hoping to find some long forgotten words or ancient melodies
He turned to me as if to say, "Hurry boy, it's waiting there for you"

Good karma+3 votes
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Old/New

Have the changes in Frostmoth been reverted?

Also, poor giants can't have cool helmets now.

Good karma+2 votes
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Darkness

As in Greater Dwemer Ruins. If there was an East Germany mod I'd play it.

Good karma+2 votes
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Darkness

Is this compatible with GDR?

Good karma+2 votes
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Open Steel Helmet (alternative)

That looks a lot better. Although I say have both helmets in case you just want to be a knight person.

Good karma+2 votes
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Recommended mods [Gameplay] - 2024

I wrote small instead of Snow, derp. But yeah, was kinda curious how come that area was slightly changed since there's a town mod I wouldn't mind using with Frostmoth.

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Recommended mods [Gameplay] - 2024

Isn't Tomb of the Small Prince incompatible with Fort Frostmoth since there seems to be land changes to that exactly?

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

The iron candlesticks don't have weight which is a bit weird.

Also, have you considered decreasing the weight for the candlesticks or would that make them OP?

Update: There seem to be a few other weightless lights too.

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

I'm not really sure if it's Rebirth-related but here it is.

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

I seem to be missing a mesh called sdg in the Dwemer ruin near Balmora at the Deep Ore Passage. Anyone have an idea if it's related to Morrowind Rebirth? I've looked up the name of the mesh and nothing comes up which is frustrating.

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Ranked Brotherhood

You could make their armor variation darker so the helmet doesn't stand out as much.

Good karma+3 votes
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ What would you like to see in 2017?

Add in more food-type things like the grilled variation of some items. Tomatoes, potatoes and the likes. Just more alchemy fun for everyone with that.

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

Download it and put the files inside your data files folder. I advise you to get a mod manager like Wrye Mash as well to activate the mods as default Morrowind will eventually crash when you try to open your data files from the launcher.

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ DemonSteele

Hello. I've been playing Shihong for the majority of my time playing this mod and I think what could perhaps make her a bit more fun is adding headshot boxes to some enemies and adding mechanics where some decapitated enemies are weakened but can still fight. Just an idea though. Thank you for the great mod. It's honestly a ton of fun.

Good karma+2 votes
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

Thank you!

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

Earth Atronachs are giving me a no animation group error and cause my game to crash. I've encountered one in a daedric shrine and I can't enter it due to that.

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

Just got weird errors with the Frostmoth mod so that came to mind. Thanks for the new update regardless.

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

Will you add additional improvements to fort Frostmoth in the future?

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

You can also try if you want a more grounded experience.

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

No, it's okay. Thank you anyway.

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

Is Combat Enhanced by Aerelorn compatible with Morrowing Rebirth?

Good karma+1 vote
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7


Good karma+2 votes
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

Still waiting for 1.0 myself. It'll be exciting to see what people like you will do with it. And Morrowind's going to get even more fun when Project Outlander is combined with Rebirth.

Edit: Also, do you plan on adding a few new quests with all of the towns being expanded?

Good karma+2 votes
Blue_Dust - - 999 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

Hello. I wanted to ask a question now as I was playing Morrowind. Cliff Racers generally have an AI problem in vanilla Morrowind which causes them to get stuck a lot. Is there any way to solve that?

Good karma+2 votes