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Ben 10 PC game

matto42 Blog

Hey its Ben 10 hoverboard racing game.The source game is Trickstyle.

1.Q : What do i need ?
A : Any character ideas.
2.Q : Do you need help for modeling?
A : i can't model and thats a problem just simple modeling will work.
3.Dont know how to change maps.

What am i doing?
1:Change the stats , names and texture for characters.
2:The Stats , names and textures for the boards ( but i don't know how does the hoverboard look in Ben 10)
3:Some terran Texturing.

What is done:
1.Charmcaster character is done.Its basicly Angel but its skin changed white hair purple clothes purple lips and eyes.
2.Gwen is done.The sorce is Mia but with angel clothes.
3There is Beta version for Ben the problem is that he have 2 omnitrixes and i don't know how to do that since that is from the texture.

Ok i made 3 new characters
Ben 10 - just need to add the beard.
Upgrade - invisible char just control the hoverboard.
Way big - replace Shin but its verry litle.
Look in images for pictures.

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Mad mice studio

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