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0ggy Blog


I have some spare time on my hands. A month to be exact.
Now, im not aiming to chew a mod out in a month, that would be suicide!! ....But i'm going to work hard on it! ...and try and get lots of eye candy! ...But for eye candy...

I need modellers!! :D ...I suck at everything apart from mapping. Which lets face it, isn't all that hard in the CryEngine, so i'm going to have to pull my weight by making a GREAT map!!

So as of now, im starting a project.
It has No Name. It has no set Direction. Im still drawing up concepts and playing with the Engine.

All i know is its a Modern Day Civil War Mod. Based in the U.K.
As with all my mods, it will be accurate and realistic. No random medi kit lying on the ground, no random rifle left willy nilly on the floor. You as the player will have to Scrounge for Ammo and Weapons, choose the best time to attack a convoy. Choosing where to hide, and where to defend. Defending key local points will be a major must do! (more on this another time)

For now...
Good night

Anyone keen on helping let me know!

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