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HerrKonstantin - - 547 comments

You mean the Darwin theory of evolution?

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

Love the video.
That's the problem with blind extreme religious and extreme atheists, they think that the meanings follow the words to the letter, and since the scripture is "divine" there's no room for interpretation. You either accept it as face value, or reject it. Which is the complete opposite of what Christ taught us.

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Guest - - 700,135 comments

Atheistic Evolutionists constantly brush aside the fundamental laws of physics with laughably illogical arguments in their rabid desire to reject God, whereas Theistic Evolutionists seek to undermine the literal reading of the Bible in order to negate its authority so that they can preach anti-Biblical doctrines. Christ taught literal Genesis creation period.

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Beskamir - - 7,071 comments

Alright but, do you guys really think God would make an algorithm to effectively generate the world when he could hand make the starting conditions without the suffering needed for evolution? Especially considering he made a really nice garden region which was supposedly peaceful and free from suffering? What would be the point of the garden if it was built on suffering? Surely animals suffering is still suffering right?

I'd want to also point out that I've specifically made the argument that God hand crafted the starting conditions, that doesn't mean those starting conditions can't change and shift over time. Basically I'd argue that God made a set of genetically unique creatures and then over the 6 or so thousand years since their creation they've evolved into thousands of related but different creatures. Additionally that'd allow for a global flood cause then Noah doesn't have to fit billions of unique creatures on the ark and just has to take representations of those creatures which can then diversify into the many species we've got now.

I'm too lazy to properly edit this so there's a chance I didn't make much sense but hopefully the general idea is still there.

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

Yes I would. I believe God created the universe and let it run. Noah's story is probably more or less similar to the majority of the older parts of the Old Testament, a poetic text, and should be taken with a BIG grain of salt. Actual history and science should not be mutated to fit a certain narrative, especially one that is highly open to interpretation.

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Beskamir - - 7,071 comments

Wait actual history and science? So you mean you've directly observed creation?!? Wow that's awesome do you still have the time machine?

Point is I'm skeptical to consider guessing based on what we can currently observe to provide an entirely accurate and valid explanation of the past.

Also would you agree that God has the power to make everything in whatever duration of time he'd want to? If so what'd be the point of making it slowly and saying you made in 6 days? If you're making a point about how people should structure their time and you're all powerful why not make everything in the duration you want to relate to people's lives?

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

guessing based on scientific evidence is quite more reliable than guessing based on an old text. The thing is, God didn't write the old testament (at least the old parts) and you can't take it as a source of what god did or didn't.
God is all powerful, but that doesn't mean he should do things in a specific way as we perceive it in text.

My argument for creation is that the way god designed the universe allows for the science of our universe to actually work (movement of the galaxies, adaptability of life,..etc).

One could believe that god put it all together in 6 days and then said GO. But why would he? My believe in an all powerful god allows for him to make it all in an instant (the big bang). The error in the old testament tale appear when the writer gives god a human mindset (first I'll create this, then this, then hmmm what left? oh I think this would be good,...etc). That mindset is totally human, but we could not possible comprehend the mind of god!

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Guest - - 700,135 comments

hoho96 said, "God didn't write the old testament"

Oh really...based on what evidence?? You're obviously an anti-Christian Theist troll but you don't seem to grasp the fact that your ridiculous pronouncements about Creation and your denial of the Bible only makes you look like a total fool to any Christian. Christ taught the literal six day creation of Genesis and you CAN'T be a Christian while calling Christ a liar at the same time. How many times does it have to be said before you stop ignoring that contradiction? Furthermore, not only is the Big Bang Evolutionary Theory not "scientific", its delusional from a factual standpoint since absolutely all the evidence proves its totally impossible.

hoho96 said, "My argument for creation is that the way god designed the universe allows for the science of our universe to actually work (movement of the galaxies, adaptability of life,..etc)."

Movement of the galaxies? The conservation of angular momentum alone is enough to prove that the Big Bang is impossible. Furthermore, the expanding universe red-shift theory was already proven false years ago by Arp. Rather than admit that there is no evidence for an expanding universe consistent with the Big Bang, the pseudo-scientific establishment came up with the nonsensical theory that 95% of all matter & energy in the universe is invisible instead. Adaptability of life? Are you aware of the concept of irreducible complexity? How about the fact that its impossible to increase the genetic information in a genome? The pseudo-scientific establishment is absolutely determined to reject the God of Genesis no matter what the evidence suggests but the question any rational person should ask themselves is what would the universe look like if Genesis was actually true? Anybody who does an honest investigation will quickly discover that the Evolutionary Theory is actually a fairy tale that has been used to indoctrinate the public through the school system and the media in order to deceive them into rejecting the Bible in preparation for the Antichrist One World Government.

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Guest - - 700,135 comments

Atheistic Evolutionists take the laughably impossible position that nothing became everything for no reason, whereas Theistic Evolutionists take the more subtle but equally nonsensical position that God is powerful enough to create everything from nothing but he isn't powerful enough to create it fully formed. There is absolutely no factual evidence that contradicts the Genesis account but there is overwhelming factual evidence that proves Evolutionary Theory is totally impossible. There is simply no such thing as a Christian Evolutionist since the two positions are diametrically opposed. Christ taught literal Genesis creation and you can't be a Christian while calling Christ a liar at the same time.

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