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Just a message from an old wanderer passing through. I also provide links for Christian Orthodoxy & how the canon was established.

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Hi everybody! As you've probably deduced from my user name, I am none other than CrazyOldTeenager. Unless of course, this is my psychopathic zombie grandma who's rise from the dead to troll all of us mere mortals.

Conjecture aside, I'll get to the point. I've noticed more and more in the Christian world (particularly amongst the Christian right) an assortment of severe misunderstandings regarding the nature of the Bible. Many tend to look at it as some sort of contemporary journalism, written from the perspective of a detached, timeless third party. In reality, the Bible is a collection of various kinds of literature--history, poetry, teachings, parables--all of it reflecting the attitudes and mindset of humanity over the course of thousands of years worth of change and chaos. The Bible is not some collection of rules on how to eat your supper or under what circumstances one can bang their wife---it is a look into the deepest parts of humanity's nature.

The Bible does not merely describe static events, it does not merely spit back cold hard facts. It tells of attitude, it tells of emotion. It tells of love, it tells of hate. It tells of joy, it tells of grief and brokenness. The problem is, it's so easy to miss the point of it all when we spend too much time focusing on details---details that might be important were it a user manual describing how to assemble a computer---but nevertheless, details that are unable to carry the meaning of what it is to have given up on life, or to feel the joy of holding your newborn born child in your arms for the first time.

For this reason, I am posting this link below. It is a link to a Tumblr series called "What is the Bible?" by pastor Rob Bell. I hope it will help all of you as much as it helped me, as I personally found it fascinating. I should warn you that the series is quite long, so it's best read over the course of several days, or possibly weeks.

If anyone is wondering what Christian Orthodoxy is, well it is based on Paul's letters:
2 letters of Paul are missing from the New Testament, 1 Corinthians 5:9 and Colossians 4:16.

How the canon of the bible was formed:

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Mike Pence Creator
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

There's a reason they call the Bible the greatest story ever told.

But it's a lifelong study, you can't read the whole book once and grasp it. It's something your read over and over in the course of your lifetime, and each time a little more is revealed to you. There are deep spiritual meanings and lessons to be learned from it. So best take your time, and study it consistently.

I'd recommend an expositors study Bible though. They are for preachers, but very informative and helpful. Here's one you could try.

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_w_ - - 6,176 comments

To reduce the bible to a true third party manifest, is to deny its literaly background, and thus a big part of our human culture at that time.

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Veronica_ - - 1,499 comments

Bible is an extensive collection of historical facts, enigmatic events, salient points, valuable lessons and morality.

Anyone should adopt a scientific approach to verify Bible's validity, not just, mostly, take it at face value. As science evolves, we get a better perspective on religion dismissing invalid theories and calling into question all improbable events and beings that Bible contains.

While the book may have been written by people inspired by a holy spirit, the behavioral neuroscience may state that these people weren't fully rational or they merely saw certain enigmatic things and tried to explain them somehow(actually. I might say the same about most cults and religions.)

And it's true that nowadays 'holy' people pick and choose convenient Bible verses and interpret them as they see fit. In addition, the burden of proof lies on 'holy' people. And science is based on empirical evidence. - This is a quite accurate science-documentary about evolutionary creation(I used this ambiguous term to stay impartial). They forgot to mention the molecular cloud and they didn't elaborate on the origin of life in terms of evolution. The ocean vents is a valid theory, but there are additional theories that might even speed up the evolutionary process.

I could quote a rational(fictional) person and say that 'if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.' But it's not that simple after all.

By the way, Star Trek makes more sense than Star Wars. And I'm an ardent SW fan. What's happening to me!? ah-ha-ha :D

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Mike Pence Creator
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

Well, things like The Flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gommorrah, and the day the Lord made the Earth stand still when Joshua battled the enemies of Isreal all really happened.

All have been confirmed as actual events and really happened. So the Bible is accurate on things, sometimes more accurate than would be considered possible.

Certain things like the prophecies in Revelation though can get a bit difficult to understand. But perhaps that's the best way they could describe what they were seeing at the time. And that was some scary stuff in Revelation. After reading that you'd think the world would blow up from all the chaos. And yet even then it says the Lord will deliver and bring victory.

Nevertheless, I don't doubt the Bible. It's just some things take greater study and time to understand.

We got star wars tech today, but not star trek. So still a Star Wars geek.

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Veronica_ - - 1,499 comments

Scientists need empirical evidence and verifiable data.

This severe flood most likely was a regional event. It wasn't a purifying act, but a natural event. And it pales in comparison to what our parent planet has gone through over billions of years. Even recent catastrophic events are more significant -

Accretion disc! Planetary formation! Evolutionary patterns and processes! Neuroscience! Archaeology! Read some scientific articles, informative magazines, based on evidence! Read scientific books and listen to audio-books. There's so much you can learn. And possibly you've already learned something, I hope so.

Joshua was a spiritual leader, military tactician... but so were others. Ideological conflicts, economy warfare and conflicts. Politics at its best. Enemies are everywhere, you don't need to look for them, just try to achieve something and you'll see there's a fierce competition around you that will gladly make you kneel. As though nowadays corporations had feelings. As though any web-site wasn't based on marketing. We're a part of an immense political and social seeming chaos that may be seen as patterns that conduct our daily lives, so there' s no real free will here in the first place... well, you can call it democracy or a chaotic harmony. :D

No, we don't have SW tech. Our species is still unrefined, but I'm fairly certain some extraterrestrials are way more sophisticated than us. It's a vast universe and there are countless possibilities that holy people seem to reject out of hand, unless they start relying on science in order to enhance the Bible and make it sound better. So, what is Bible? I already said... I may only add that, it's a collection of texts that are variously interpreted nowadays, because science sheds new light on pretty much everything.

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Veronica_ - - 1,499 comments

Are there contradictions in the Bible? Yes, but how to solve this seemingly irrelevant issue? Here's an informative manual - ;) There! Now everything makes sense. ah-ha-ha! :D

Happy New Year! May science enlighten you and help you interpret the Bible in a whole new way. :D

Archaeologists may find some new ancients texts regarding Bible or they may analyze certain sites to verify some Biblical 'facts'.

Peace and prosperity, seriously(unless you can't afford it;) Ah-ah, this world is mad - :/

I may sound a bit intrusive and effusive, but I mean well, I mean it. :D

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Mike Pence Creator
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

Many archeologists find that what the Bible says about historical sites and events are true to the word.

As for them finding new texts to the Bible, I think the Lord got everything he needed for The Book. I'm sure He's pleased with how it's turned out so far.

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Mike Pence Creator
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

Lord flooded it enough to kill everyone save Noah and his family. That's Biblical enough for me.

Joshua's name in Hebrew means "The Lord is my Banner". I know because that's the name I was given. But as for leadership, Joshua was just a soldier, he followed the Lord's commands and did his duty till he was no longer able. Joshua and the Israelities were often outnumbered and outgunned by other armies they came across, yet the Lord continued to give them victory after victory. Simply because they had faith and trusted Him. So as far as I'm concerned, the only fierce competition is what your mind allows you to fear.

We have lasers, holograms, trooper armor, trust me. Were developing such tech. Have you seen the United States Navy's newest toy?

Science and the Bible coincide perfectly if you give it the chance. It's just a matter of taking it in the right context and being open minded.

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Veronica_ - - 1,499 comments

I'm a slightly more emotional version of Lara Croft. Check these humorous images and you'll understand - & & How else can I become an iconic figure? :D

I honestly think there's an entity or a constant that has always existed. And how and what it truly does is beyond my comprehension. And while Christians say the Bible is God's word, I simply analyze the universe to better comprehend certain things.

Let's just set aside our theories and beliefs for the time being. I should find myself a dusty chamber and meditate there for a while. I'm tired of holy debates - :D

Yes, we just need a hyper-space engine now! :D Mars, here I come! ah-ha-ha! :D I sincerely hope someone will invent an engine like that. :)

So, could you show me that brand-new U.S toy? It's certainly not a ship like Ebon Hawk... I mean, I want Ebon Hawk! :)

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Mike Pence Creator
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

It's good to show and release emotions. Keeps you balanced.

A hyper space engine will certainly take a while to develop...

Here's the U.S. Navy's new toy. Which opens up a wide range of possibilities. I'm sure they could take it further if it wasn't for the fact it's against the Geneva convention for militaries to directly use lasers against people. But at least we know the technology is now there and an option if the need arises.

Neat pictures and vids by the way. :-)

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Veronica_ - - 1,499 comments

This laser device is incredibly precise. I'm fairly certain they develop sonic weapons too. Nano-technology and biological warfare. It seem U.S. could wipe out several countries within a day or two. It's a modern cold war, although U.S. clearly has the upper hand. All hail Murica! ;) A clip on army and a video about society -

And let's not forget about God's children that never had a chance - Equality does not exist. Here's another statistic -

Isn't this world wonderful? And that's why I sincerely hope there's an entity that will embrace those who suffered in any way.

It's a wonderful world - There's even that Anti-Christ theory, right?

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Mike Pence Creator
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

If we wanted too, we could could plunge the world into a nuclear winter with the press of a button. Why other countries have the balls to mess with us is beyond me.

The United States military is more focused on precision and "avoiding" collateral damage, especially this day in age. We use precision, and monitor the situation closely to ensure maximum effectiveness, while also keeping a lid on the nosy media.

The United States is in a rut right now though, we've got our own problems at home that need tending. Like corruption in Washington and a media that is either too far left or too far right.

The United States has been sending missionaries and foreign aid to these countries plagued by famine and drought and other issues for a long time. Yet more than half the globe despises us, it's a strange situation.

Suicide is a epidemic among today's youth. There used to be a time, you could walk home safely in the streets and open the front door to a family that cared. Now a days adults are the opposite of role models and more like degenerates than parents. And it effects the kids in the most negative ways. You'd think integrity meant something to these people. But when you've got an educational system and parents that won't teach the Bible to their kids you begin to see where the problem stems.

God is love, he especially embraces those who have suffered deeply. Even at times acting through those who follow him.

Yes, there's an antichirst, but he's not a theory, he's a Biblical prophecy that will take place after the Rapture of the Church. He'll be an individual that will be praised by the world like no one before. And many will be deceived by him, and receive his mark, they will believe him with their minds and do the work of his church with their hands. And all who receive his mark are damned, without chance of redemption.

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Veronica_ - - 1,499 comments

I don't need to elaborate on starvation and suicide. The statistics are overwhelming. Politicians look at people as mere economic units, they don't know your identity, you're a serial number that sustains the economy. Election is a poor joke. Your life is mostly determined by your birthplace and your family(money and education)

Yes, America helps other countries, especially those that have oil and gas. If there's a reason the military conflict persists it's that the American government needs to keep the economical warfare going in order to improve their army, obtain new natural resources and get more cash. Another reason for America to fight? Because they can and they know nobody's strong enough to oppose them. Marketing and propaganda at the same time. As though such things never happened before.

This entity's supreme plan is questionable. I might ask why people suffer in the first place, but I know I'll get a quick response that God works in mysterious ways or another poor excuse. I think God would have to explain its actions and take responsibility for this imperfect plan(sorry, I see it that way. This plan is flawed.)

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Veronica_ - - 1,499 comments

As for Antichrist. It's not an implication, just hear me out. Isn't it like a belief in God? Most people on this planet believe in an entity and blindly follow his word(Bible or other holy books. Well, assuming there's only one God, everybody believes in the same God in a slightly different way).

Now, it is said that Satan is devious and crafty. I even saw somewhere he was called the Angel of Light. So, he would be a wolf in sheep's clothing that pretends to be a God's intermediary or even God himself.

This Lucifer, I suppose this is Antichrist, right? He'll have a human form and he'll do his best to sway countless people to his side. But how could he do it? I guess the Church is the perfect place, nobody expects Satan to go there in the first place. Human minds are easily tricked, politicians have proven it many times.

I guess some false promises and a fictional vision of a sophisticated species(us) would convince countless people to follow Satan. Hey, it just makes sense somehow. He would do it again(same things with angels) he'll do it in defiance of God... making his own plans. Well, it's a theory. We don't even know these beings exist. A cross is a symbol/mark. I know it would have to be a different mark, maybe something digital or whatever. :D

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Mike Pence Creator
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

Many say the mark of the beast is the physical mark 666, but it's actually like this. Those who bear the mark, believe the antichrist with their minds and are convinced to follow him. Those who bear the mark, do the work of his church with their hands. These are people that no matter what you say or do, they will not listen and are convinced to serve the antichrist. Therefore they bear the mark of the beast, and are damned without hope of redemption. At least, that's how I view it.

It's said the Antichrist will resolve the situation with Israel and the Muslims in the Middle East (an issue our politicians seem incapable of resolving), which is another reason he will receive such praise and be accepted as the Messiah of Israel, even though Israel won't realize till the end of the Great Tribulation that it's Jesus Christ who is their Messiah and accepts him. Then Israel will be saved and the antichrist defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ himself in the battle of Armageddon.

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Mike Pence Creator
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

There was a time in Washington all our politicians were raised on Christianity and they viewed people as actual human beings. And someday, they'll view us that way again. All of them.

We haven't had any resource or military reasons to assist Africa and it's constantly plagued people. Yet we continue to send missionaries, foreign aid, and other forms of assistance there to help them. And it has had positive effects. We also have a variety of charity organizations that if it weren't for the United States wouldn't exist to do these things. Again, the world doesn't give us our due credit and instead treats us like the big mean dominant power like Rome. A thank you would be nice.

Because God gave us free will and if we choose the path of suffering he won't stop us, but will still give us a chance at redemption. Because he's not the kind of God to throw us out once we mess up. He's has mercy, unlike people.

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Veronica_ - - 1,499 comments

There's a traditional saying, charity begins at home. Obviously, you should feel obligated to help your close family, but when it's a regular habit, you're more likely to develop a refined empathy and an accurate perception so that you're willing to help others.

There are charities, helpful institutes, world-wide organizations(and so on) that help people to some extent. But while some people use supplies, resources and provisions to help poor people, countless others waste such things(supplies and so on) on an enormous scale.

Perhaps an entity gave us 'free will' but we don't deliberately choose to suffer, other people set us on this path, so it's their indomitable will to make others suffer.

As for Antichrist. This theory or soon-to-be fact makes one scared. I'll read up on it and I'll watch some documentaries on it.

I've seen number 44 many times. As though it was my number or maybe it's a pure coincidence. Can you tell me what this number stands for? Any Biblical reference? Sometimes it was 44 or 4 or 44 44, mostly 44. And I wonder why? I might say that number 69 is more meaningful, but it didn't appear that often. ;)

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Mike Pence Creator
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

A common teaching of Christianity is charitableness and helping those who need it. So naturally, the United States being a Christian nation, is very charitable to those we believe need it.

Due to corruption in governments there are times those supplies don't get to who they were intended.

I know. There are those who set in motion events that override our choices and bring suffering. And many times they just don't care about the people.

The Antichrist is a very serious subject. He'll be the type of person that the world will love, like a Morgan Freeman or Mel Gibson. He'll be very charismatic, charming, and also very bold. He'll also be a conqueror, and secure much territory. During the last years of the tribulation, it's even said he will try for world domination, and almost succeed, but the Lord will stop him. During this time over 2/3rds of the world's population will die...

Here's what I could find on the Biblical meaning of 44.

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Mike Pence Creator
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

As for 69.

Biblically speaking,

6 is the number of man.
9 is the number of finality.

Still not certain what they both mean together though.
I guess man's finality. :-)

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Veronica_ - - 1,499 comments

Your article is somewhat confusing, but I'll try to point out some seemingly relevant things regarding the number 44.

Apparently, I'm:
- a/the chosen one. Chosen for what?
- a daughter of Light or Day. This one is peculiar.
- creative(there was something about creation, so I assumed it would be an attribute for me).

In addition, there was something about inheritance.

So, how can I sum it up? I'm a creative daughter of "Light/Day" that is meant to create or inherit something.

This numerology is cool. :)

-- -- -- --

Look, I found these images. And they're quite disturbing. :/
44 and 69 -
4 -

I don't even want to elaborate on it. In this case, those numbers are wrong. It cannot be... I'm not like that. I may have hurt some people online, but in reality I don't act this way.

-- -- -- -- -- -- --

When I see 69, I think of something else(pervert alert) :D

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

I don't want to scare anyone, but according to the numerology(in these images and article), I may be a good or bad omen. O_O

-- -- -- -- -- -- --

Quickly! Give me some purifying prayers. I want to be cleansed of my impurity-

God, damn it. Now, I'm a bit scared. O_O

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Mike Pence Creator
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

Numbers can be a project to understand in the Bible. Many have more than one interpretation to people and scholars alike.

But don't let them determine your fate or whether you think your good or bad.
I don't think your bad. :-)

I think what you need is just some attention and communication with someone. Being told it'll be alright, however cliche, is actually quite effective especially when being embraced. Don't be scared, be strong.

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Veronica_ - - 1,499 comments

Embrace me, Cody! ah-ha-ha! :D

A digital hug? Okay, I'll just use a math code to send you my marvelous hug :D
Here's my hug - Do you accept it?

I'm like this red apple in Eden. ;)

Have a nice day. :)

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Veronica_ - - 1,499 comments

This image is more accurate - :)

See ya. ♥ :)

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Mike Pence Creator
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

Lol. Funny pics. :-)

Yay I'll accept.

You too. And as a parting gift for today. ;-)

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thatwilldo - - 178 comments

This has nothing to do with this article, but I can not see any of your posts just of late. I get a message that anything you post... "is for friends only".
Would you please be so kind and allow me back in, so I can see what you are posting ?

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deleted10101 - - 7,257 comments

The Bible is the book because of it many million poeple died , libraries of knowledge were burned and is the most efficient cage against thinking to this day

Pls respect my opinion and do not delete it . Thank you

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Mike Pence Creator
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

I don't recall where millions of people have died thanks to the Bible, no wars were done in the name of the Bible and God like the Muslims do for their Koran and Allah.

So I'm going to have to disagree with you there.

I'm also going to have to disagree with you about libraries being burned thanks the Bible, Christians don't do book burnings.

I'd say the cage of thinking argument rather goes to atheism for blocking people from any sense of spirituality whatsoever.

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-Grimlock- - - 569 comments

yes man let her/him/it know :) (refering to it because people are alot of times driven by spirits if you wanna call it that, wich lead them to not being objective,and rational
have a nice day :)

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-Grimlock- - - 569 comments

to answer the question in one way.. (B-asic I-nstructions B-efore L-eaving E-arth)
if you ask me,go only with the KJV :)

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elixr1 - - 514 comments

You guys should leave this false religion and join Islam.

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