Since 1994 the world of Warcraft has captured the souls of gamers. 10 years later, gamers no longer command from afar, but enter the World of Warcraft themselves to carve out a virtual life in Azeroth of their own. Quests, exploration and riches await as gamers venture through the world on foot, on the back of a gryphon or with a group of friends. World of Warcraft takes place within the Warcraft universe, in the wake of Warcraft III and it's expansion. Choosing your faction plays a major part in the game, as you will be at war with no less than half of the races that inhabit the game.

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Role Playing

AvatarEra is a revolutionary MMORPG, in which tells the story of what happened during the 100 year war. Players will be able to experience, and participate...




Recount is a graphical damage meter written by Cryect.




With "'Silanoria' we try to make an innovative german mod, which is very different from World of Warcraft. An authentic changing world with new quests...

World of Brutality

World of Brutality


A brand new world, in the world of warcraft. we are removing ALL the old content, classes, weapons, characters, encounters.. ALL of it. And rebuilding...