The Avatar enjoys his time away, when a moongate suddenly appears. You enter through it, only to find yourself in the middle of a ritual sacrifice conducted by the winged, demonic-looking race known as Gargoyles. Although you are bound to the altar, and all appears lost, your companions -- Iolo. Shamino, and Dupre, appear and free you. You then find yourself back in Lord British's castle, where you discover that the shrines of the virtues are under attack by the Gargoyles. You are tasked with freeing the shrines and discovering the nature of the Gargoyle invasion.

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Richard Garriott on Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues

"It plays like Ad Hoc multiplayer, you play singleplayer and any friend can join you in real time while your playing. I'm resolved to build whole new world, frankly I did that one for 20 years into Ultima. it's a good excuse for a fresh start. "

"Whether its Lord of the Rings or Star Wars, it has to say something about the human condition, something that speaks to you. Contemporary. The role I want you to play as... is you. "

"You don't get multiple characters that you can switch back and forth with, this is you, your always responsible for your decisions. "

"You don't need multiple characters or a classing structure. Today you'd like to explore about being a fighter then more power to you, if you'd like to learn more about magic, more power to you! You never have to really restart, you can evolve your character as you see fit. But that way its always you, that way I can have the game judge you based off your actions. Not the alter ego your embodying today. "

"A third of the team is people that have worked with in past Ultima games in the past, a third are people I've head hunted away from games & teams I admire from teams in nearby field often not RP, and a third are green horns, some of which haven't even played Ultima. Giving an interesting blend of ideas. People who wanna do something fresh and people who think they know how its done."

" Q: so your main target is PC?

I've always been a PC developer, with the rise and falls of consoles, I've always been a PC guy..."

Kotaku (NYC) Interview - A Brief Chat With Richard Garriott P1
Kotaku (NYC) Interview - A Brief Chat With Richard Garriott P2

Richard Garriott, the award winning designer and creator of the Ultima franchise, makes his triumphant return to the genre that earned him a place in the Hall of Fame and a Lifetime Achievement Award. Shroud of the Avatar is the first installment of Richard’s new vision and represents the reinvention of the classic, fantasy role-playing which he pioneered. A fantasy role-playing game that will focus more on player choices and discovery than on level grinding.

This project will only be funded if at least $1,000,000 is pledged by Sunday Apr 7.
We've gotten over $870'000 so far...
Help Bring this game into reality! See all the Bonus Rewards and Pledges:

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