Trace/ALTER is a collaborative roleplaying game with hundreds of other players where you'll inhabit a persistent long-term character and live out your own storyline.

In this world, magic is real and magic is terrifying. It has given rise to horrifying entities known as ALTERs, which thrive off the feasting of souls. It is only the ancient Tracer Order that has given fierce opposition through the use of TRACE Magick. You will find yourself in the center of this age old conflict, in a city centre known as Cascade Valley, in Japan.

Please note that it is an RP mandatory setting where players must act as the characters they are playing.

For more info and instructions on how to play, please join our Discord.

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General Information

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What do the stats do?

Strength: This determines the raw physical effectiveness of your attacks. This scales with the damage of weapons such as the Claymore, Warhammer and unarmed attacks.
Intelligence: This determines the effectiveness of your magical abilities. In-universe, this increases the density of your TRACE energy, which in turn increases the power of all your magical skills.
Agility: This determines your turn order in battle, with the player with the highest agility going last. It additionally scales with the damage of weapons such as the Katana, Claws, and Dagger.
Speed: This increases the distance your character can move. Every 10 points invested equates to one more move tile.
Vitality: This increases your total health pool and overall damage reduction from both physical and magical attacks.

How do I get missions?

Once you have 10 total RPP you will unlock automated mission assignments. These missions can be found at mission terminals in all three starting districts.
Each mission ranges in difficulty from E -> S grade, and their subsequent rewards are scaled based on this difficulty slider. Every mission in trace/ALTER is generated from a variety of pseudo random templates both in map, monsters faced, and your objectives to provide a different experience each time you depart.

Once you've been assigned a mission, you can assemble your squad, and depart by heading to the train station in your respective district.

How do I go to other locations?

You'll have to take the train! You can find the train station for the heart line in the southern reaches of every district. You'll need to purchase a 'FAST Pass' from the metro terminal inside the train station before you'll be able to board the train, so make sure you come with some money in hand. Once you have this card, simply click the train and you'll swipe your card and enter.

What is RPP?

RPP (Roleplay Points) is a tracked value that allows us to keep track of how many points (skill/statpoints) you've earned through roleplay rewards. These rewards are distributed to all players every 24 hours automatically. Additionally, these rewards are scaled based on your activity in the last 24 hour period, which determines the size of the chest you receive!
At certain RPP thresholds, features may unlock for you such as:
3 RPP: Choose your character's backstory, join squads, able to drop items/money, etc.
10 RPP: Gain your first reputation point if you do not already have one, enabling mission content.

What are skillpoints, statpoints?

Skillpoints are points that you can spend to purchase active and passive abilities from skill trees found in your skill book.
Statpoints are spent to increase stats such as intellect, strength, agility, vitality and speed. This determines your character's power.

What is reputation?

Reputation is your in-universe renown. It determines what difficulties of missions are available to you from the mission board. As your reputation increases, you'll be trusted more by clients and be able to take progressively more difficult missions for you and your squad. You can check your reputation anytime in the top left corner of your screen, or check others by viewing their profile.

How do I progress?

Progression is through one of two ways.
a) RPP and reward chests every 24 hours. Stay active, roleplay and take part in the community for this!
b) Involving yourself in missions, and defeating enemies. You'll earn reputation, money, and XP each time you run one of these.

What is energy and how do I regain it?

Energy is your character's overall pool to perform activities. This is drained each time you perform an overworld action such as a healing skill. It is also drained depending on the difficulty of mission you're contracted to undertake. You can regain this energy by actively roleplaying in game, or by eating food. Note, that there is a long cooldown each time you eat food, so do so sparingly.

How do I unlock new skill trees?

Certain skill trees require specific criteria to be met to unlock them. These could be one of the following categories:
a) Bloodline. These skill trees require members to possess a unique backstory passive to be able to progress in this tree.
b) Unique. These skill trees require members to have purchased this skill tree with Generational Points during the reincarnation process.
c) Faction. These skill trees require members to be a member of one of the overarching factions (Tracer. vs ALTER), or a specific faction to progress.

How does battle work?

In trace/ALTER, battles take place in a tactical representation of the players' surroundings. This closely resembles games of the strategy genre, such as Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem, XCOM, etc.
These battles are broken up into three distinct phases and further broken up by round. The phases are as followed:

Movement Phase: Players take turns moving simultaneously on the board and selecting the locations they'd like to perform their next action from.
Offensive Phase: Players take sequential turns choosing their attacks. These attacks are hidden until every player in the battle has chosen an action to perform, at which point they are all revealed at the same time. If a player chooses to skip this phase, they are allowed to perform actions in the...
Bonus Phase: In this phase, players who did not choose an action in the offensive phase are able to react to incoming attacks. These actions may be deflections, emergency movement abilities, or defensive formations such as shields.

In PvE (player vs. environment), a battle is deemed to be over when all AI combatants have been defeated.
In PvP (player vs. player), a battle is deemed to be over at the players' choosing. Noting this is an RP game, we leave this to the players to determine when a battle is over based on the IC situations they're involved in.

Chat Commands:

  • /reward - This will automatically trigger the reward check, to avoid players having to log out and back in.
  • /surrender - This will instantly knock your own character unconscious.
  • /ai - This quickly allows players to toggle or untoggle their AI token spend.
  • /n - This allows players to communicate via telepathy, if unlocked.
  • /w - This allows players to communicate via whisper.
  • /afk - This will set you 'away from keyboard'.
  • /roll - This takes two forms, allowing you to roll sided dice with or without additive/subtractive offsets:


  • /roll 2d20
  • /roll 1d8+5
  • /coinflip - Flip a coin, heads or tails.

Roleplay Commands

  • /{portrait name} - By appending this to the front of your roleplay, it will quickly swap to the portrait identified by this name prior to posting your RP.
  • // - Two slashes infront of your RP will remove the automatic prepend of your character's name, allowing you to narrate actions happening in a scene.

Other Commands:

  • Tab - Can be used to hide/show the chat interface.
  • R - Can be used to quick open the roleplay window.
  • Space - If you have the 'Surge' skill, this will dash you forward while walking.
  • Double click - If you have Shunpo, this will teleport you to the target tile.
  • Z - This makes your character meditate in place, restoring HP.
  • I - Quick access to your inventory.
  • Esc - Quick access to options, and additionally closes UI elements.
  • CTRL+Direction - Turn your character in place, facing the chosen direction.
  • Shift - Start/stop running.

What does a subscription get me?

  • A subscription starts at $10/mo and grants:
  • An extra subscriber chest every 24 hours, containing both yen, and items/furniture.
  • The ability to re-roll your character's backstory once it is unlocked.
  • The ability to create and customize up to six personalized, AI-powered NPCs to make your story come to life.
  • A monthly stipend of AI tokens for use in interacting with NPCs found around the world.
  • A special symbol next to your character's name in chat.

What do credits get me?

Credits can be purchased starting from $5 for 5 credits. They enable players to purchase items such as:

  • AI Token Bonds, which grant a large stipend of AI tokens for use in interacting with NPCs around the world.
  • Mysterious Geodes, which contain rare items and will crack open as you continue on your journey.

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Game Installer

Game Installer

Full Version

The installation package for trace/ALTER. This will install the game on your system.

Post comment Comments
Regalado919 - - 1 comments

Save yourself trouble and don't play. Manipulative and controlling staff. Free speech barely exists in their discord. You will 100% be looked down upon, and just be a toy in their toy box that they can control. Don't be fooled into thinking you are a player in a world controlled by players. You are just a living NPC in Sovereign/Jetniss world, and Crazah loves watching you all suffer.

Not worth the time investment or moneitary support.

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jkl_87965 - - 1 comments

Having never played a BYOND roleplaying game outside of the occasional Space Station 13, I really enjoy Trace/Alter, but I cannot recommend it to anyone who is looking for a serious roleplay experience. While the main dev, Crazah, is very responsive, level-headed and well intentioned, the community lead / story lead Sovereign is anything but. If anything goes wrong (the game is a beta, bugs are expected) prepare to wait in the online equivalent of the DMV after submitting your ticket to the sole admin, Sovereign. Sometimes it takes days or weeks for him to reply, and will often gaslight you into 'rolling with the punches' instead of him lifting his fingers to do any work.

Not to mention, the coolest abilities and power fantasies are locked behind in-game factions, which are gatekept by - you guessed it - Sovereign's "event characters", which function to NPCs in a typical DND / MUD setting. This wouldn't be as big of an issue if there was any semblance of respect for the player's time, as often times these event characters will suddenly go inactive / AFK in the middle of conversations. If you've so much as ridiculed Sovereign in the public Discord, he will have no problem translating this to in-character slights, or otherwise just ignore you entirely. If you bring up complaints in their public Discord server, you'll be muted / kicked for "dooming" because they are unable to handle valid criticism.

Now, you don't *need* to join these in game factions to have in game power. There is an alternative method. You can install special bionics which can grant you similar levels of power. However... the only reliable way of unlocking these bionics is through microtransactions. For $60 you can get 100 credits which translates into 50 geodes. Of these 50 geodes you'll likely get around 5 legendary geodes which have a chance of containing bionics. You can also grind missions to get these items, but the drop late is insanely low and there's only one drop per dungeon. Each mission takes roughly 30 minutes to an hour.

Overall, I think the game has the potential to be a good, serious roleplay setting, but Crazah needs to hire someone who isn't so massively abrasive and bullheaded to run the game. I cannot recommend it in it's current state, however.

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glorpussupreme - - 1 comments

Game provides an environment for some great RP, fun gameplay, and has active development.

Only problem I've had is its players tend to get assmad and start a shitshow if something doesn't go their way.

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hitter2521713814595 - - 1 comments

The game has a lot of promise, but it's held back pretty hard by the staff team. There's the creator of the game Crazah, and then one single administrator that hardly has time to fulfill every help ticket that comes into the game, creates event characters that are hardly interacted with which makes it hard for certain key plot points to advance, and probably one of the worse offenses of all which would be constantly arguing and belittling the playerbase leaving for a difficult player experience that feels akin to trudging through a field of mud. The players themselves are pretty nice to interact with. But I have a hard time recommending this game in its current state, even if it is in beta.

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