You are Sam Fisher, a former U.S. Navy SEAL officer and Persian Gulf War veteran, called back to duty by the National Security Agency (NSA) to work within one of its newly formed divisions, the highly-secretive "Third Echelon". Fisher heads to "The Farm" to begin training. As Sam, you must infiltrate heavily guarded areas in order to combat the threat of terrorism.

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Splinter Cell PS2 Cutscenes for PC

Splinter Cell PS2 Cutscenes for PC


*New update to 1.51* Splinter Cell PS2 Cutscenes converted and cut together to be plugged into the PC version of the game.

Stealth Shooter Mod

Stealth Shooter Mod


First person view. Increase speed walk with weapon Increase animation speed walk with weapon Increase noise walk with weapon Improved weapons accuracy...

Spell Check

Spell Check


Fixes typos and inconsistencies throughout the English version's localization files

Unlocked Thermal Vision Mod

Unlocked Thermal Vision Mod


This is a mod that unlocks thermal vision in the first four missions: Training, Police Station, Defense Ministry and Oil Refinery.