The Unholy Society is a game inspired by 80s and 90s action movies as well as comic book series such as Preacher and Constantine. It presents a world captured by the united forces of demons and monsters. The Werewolf King, the Great Old One, Satan, the Great Voodoo Shaman and Dracula join forces to eradicate love and bring eternal darkness to the world, and perhaps to also drink lots of tea and discuss art. The only one with a chance of stopping them is our amnesiac exorcist. At the request of the Pope himself he sets off on the quest to fight for good and justice, leaving behind a trail of cigarette butts and empty whiskey bottles.

A retired exorcist is forced to don his cassock one last time to save the world. Lying on a bed in a dingy hotel, the exorcist was unaware that his one night stand beauty would become a threat… Just after midnight she revealed her demonic face and perfectly sharp, though very unwomanly, claws. As it turned out later, this case wasn’t the last. A sect of the most powerful and the most iconic bad guys of pop culture threatens the world. Only our hero can stop them with the help of his lackluster faith. Will his dusty Bible, revolver and a wooden stake be enough? Will the exorcist recover his lost memories and regain his abilities?

* Storyline inspired by popular themes from movies and comic books like "The Exorcist" and "Constantine", with a humorous twist

* Comic-style graphics

* Unique fight system, both turn-based and live-action, by performing an exorcism

* The only adventure where you can call the Pope and ask for help

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Bubbles of all shapes and sizes

For example, there are clearly defined ways how to differentiate between someone speaking and whispering, or just speaking with a weak voice and the narrator bubbles often have a distinct background.

We also knew that we will have some… “special guests” speaking. This is the game where you can speak with The Devil himself, and his comic bubble should not look like a mere mortal. For this, we looked at how Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman uses various comic bubble types to represent various special characters (like “the endless”). E.g. the Dream has a special bubble that is filled with black, has a strong white outline and is wobbly. You automatically imagine that it’s not a normal voice speaking these words.

So, we wanted it all in our game. To achieve this, we developed a simple system of defining comic bubble types. We have many comic bubble types, and each type may have different shape, outline, colors and font. Each NPC can have his/her special bubble type, also a particular phrase (like shout) may use a particular comic bubble type.

Here’s how hero shouting may look like:


The simplest, early comic bubble type looked like this when designed in Blender:


As you can see, a bubble type has actually three bubble shapes: one to the left, one to the right, and one going to the top. We use a particular direction in game depending on various things. In the “walking view” the direction (usually) depends on the direction between a speaker and a listener. In the “first-person view” (when we fight) the direction depends on the position of speaker’s mouth on the screen.

Oh yeah, each NPC has a specifically configured “mouth” position.

Inside the bubble, we have a special area where the text must fit. We first put the text inside, wrap it, and then we adjust bubble scaling to make the best fit around the text.

The screenshot above shows a comic bubble for “choice”, used when a player needs to make a choice in the conversation. The three bubbles never overlap each other, this way choices are displayed correctly. This is how it looks like in game:


When a person speaks, we use a different bubble shape:


Will it blend?

We use Blender’s Bezier curves to define comic bubble shape. And we make some comic bubbles animated, using Blender’s “shape key” animation, exported to Castle Game Engine animation format.

During the game, we wanted to show “hints” to the player, indicating that a player can press something to interact with something (enter a house, speak to someone). We realized that this can be nicely shown as a comic bubble indicating that a hero is thinking: “Hmm, I can enter this house…”. Comics have already established a standard how to show a “thinking bubble” of a person, so we can use this.

Here’s how the “thinking” bubble looks like in Blender:


And here’s how it looks in game:


We have plans to extend the system, and use it more intensively. E.g. we have not yet used the feature „various NPCs and various phrases may have various bubble types” as intensively as we want to. We will!

If you like our “bubble science”, please add The Unholy Society to your wishlist to stay up to day with all further announcements.

Cat-astrophe Games

Behind the Society: The Science of Conversation

Behind the Society: The Science of Conversation


One half of our game, The Unholy Society, is an adventure game. You walk around, talk with people, make choices and explore the storyline. We have developed...

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Shutterdog: The secrets of Silent Virginia


Check a few cool images from behind the game development!

Shutterdog: The Exorcist, Bulldog and the Pope

Shutterdog: The Exorcist, Bulldog and the Pope


Take a look at some cool images from behind the development of our game.

The Unholy Society Devlog: We work so hard on this game, it’s just unholy!

The Unholy Society Devlog: We work so hard on this game, it’s just unholy!


Oh, so you wanna check out, how’s the game developement progressing. Sure, just sign here with your blood…

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