The Isle is a realistic, gritty, open-world survival horror game. There is only one goal in mind: Survival. The islands and its inhabitants will radically change, ever-evolving as players themselves learn how to survive. There are no waypoints, tutorials, or ulterior precepts in mind to alter play styles or purpose. In the end, the only person you can trust is yourself.


The Isle features a narrative told strictly through the environment itself, achievable only through the immense cooperation of players. Hidden locations and artifacts will be dynamically created within the levels revealing all the questions that would arise. Why are we here? Why dinosaurs? What is causing them to mutate? Why can’t we just leave? It will take weeks or even months for the global community to unravel the purpose to their being on the Isle and each discovery will directly affect the future of the game.

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The Isle: LAB

Legacy Anomalously balanced

Updated 27/05/2024

The isle: LAB is a reimagination of the base game. It changes playstyles, growth times and the tier of some dinosaurs to focus more on the survival gamemode! Every dinosaur has a way to counter every other dinosaur, either going for fighting or escaping.

General changes:

  1. Every dinosaur has been rebalanced with gameplay variety in mind, being the fast paced gameplay the most common thing in between them.
  2. Growth times for most dinosaurs in general were cut in half, except for apexes. Their growth time has been cut in half for all of their stages, except for the adult stage, which now takes x3 times.
  3. DevDinos have been added to the mod.

Dinosaur stats and overview:

Resume of the changes

Low tier dinosaurs:

  • Psittacosaurus:
    Bite damage: 30
    Bleed amount: 35
    Health: 25

    Psittacosaurus has added bleed, damage, stamina, hunger and thirst capacity. It remains the same niche.

  • Orodromeus:
    Bite damage: 75
    Health: 25
    Weight: 75kg
    Can swim and dive now.

    Orodromeus stays almost the same, except that now has infinite stamina while swimming, to complement his capacity to dive and hide from predators.

  • Velociraptor:
    Bite damage: 50
    Bleed amount: 500
    Health: 45
    Weight: 45kg

    Velociraptors now have a very strong bleed damage, giving them the capacity to compete with Dilophosaurus. Despite their very light weight, their good trot with a decent stamina and ambush speed can allow them to harass any animal if they have the skill and patience. In organized groups, using the map itself as camouflage, they can get away with nasty damage.

  • Dryosaurus:
    Bite damage: 120
    Bleed amount: 50
    Health: 500
    Weight: 90kg

    Dryosaurus becomes more fragile, but their superior mobility and hiding keeps (not counting herds) them unchanged. Now, they can use a considerable bleed damage to pester out any attackers if they want to try.

  • Avaceratops:
    Bite damage: 250
    Bleed amount: 30
    Health: 1200
    Weight: 320kg

    Avaceratops gets some extra bulk and damage to defend itself from predators. Even Utahraptors don’t like to getting hit by one of them.

  • Herrerasaurus:
    Bite damage: 275
    Bleed amount: 10
    Health: 800
    Weight: 350kg

    Herrerasaurus is a nimble predator with a strong bite. It’s quite capable when it comes to fighting against anything it’s size, but one bad bite can get him in trouble or directly, in death.

  • Jakapil:
    Bite damage: 100
    Health: 1500
    Weight: 350kg

    Jakapil is a clone dinosaur of Dryosaurus. While it doesn’t has a remodel to look like the real dinosaur, it has some bulk and mobility to imitate his vanilla version.

  • Dilophosaurus:
    Bite damage: 150

    Bleed amount: 50
    Health: 1050
    Weight: 400kg

    Dilophosaurus remains almost the same, as much their environment changed. While his weight was adjusted to his tier, it still thrives the same way as before.

  • Gallimimus:
    Bite damage: 100
    Health: 800
    Weight: 445kg

    Gallimimus also persists to thrive, the same way as Dilophosaurus.

  • Austroraptor:
    Bite damage: 150
    Bleed amount: 3
    Health: 1000
    Weight: 450kg

    Austroraptor had a slight rework to his gameplay. Having a relatively good bite, a good speed and stamina, it became the default long distance chaser. It competes with Rugops for the niche of speedy small carnivore, but Austroraptor players can use their superior agility to exploit those preys that Rugops players can’t.

  • Rugops:
    Bite damage: 350
    Bleed amount: 2
    Health: 1250
    Weight: 450kg

    Known before as SubCarno, Rugops now is one of the most powerful low tier dinosaurs there are. Packing a powerful bite, a decent turn radius and great speed, they can dish considerable damage if they don’t get their stamina depleted first.

  • Pachycephalosaurus:
    Bite damage: 350
    Health: 1300
    Weight: 450kg

    Pachycephalosaurus bleed weakness has been slowed down, and his damage has been relatively upgraded. They are able to outdamage Utahraptors like they used to do in older versions of the game.

  • Utahraptor:
    Bite damage: 200
    Bleed amount: 1
    Health: 1200
    Weight: 500kg
    Immune to fall damage!

    Utahraptors are the heaviest low tier dinosaur. Having a crushing bite and their well known speed, they are now ambush predators, not regaining stamina while walking or standing anymore (and its duration has been reduced, also).
    But that nerf in stamina only reinforces their role as ambush predators, as they can now climb everything in the map without risk of getting hurt at all. Height advantage is everything for Utahraptors now, as they can either escape danger or make the best ambushes in the game!

Mid tier dinosaurs:

  • Baryonyx:
    Bite damage: 900
    Bleed amount: 6
    Health: 4000
    Weight: 1700kg
    Can swim and dive now.

  • Baryonyx has been reworked, being moved to mid tier. Now it has a strong bite that, in pair with quick animations, allows Baryonyx to deal lots of direct damage to his objective.
    But even having a very strong damage, Baryonyx players may be affected by how relatively fragile it is for the tier standar… So Baryonyx can now dive underwater to evade confrontation with other players! Water is not going to be 100% safe though.

  • Carnotaurus:
    Bite damage: 600
    Bleed amount: 10
    Health: 4200
    Weight: 2000kg

    Carnotaurus works similarly to his low tier counterpart, being fast and striking hard, but with the added benefit of adding a decent bleed. While Carnotaurus players will be able to harass a lot of the animals, getting hit once will do considerable damage and bleeding can be quite fatal.

  • Ceratosaurus:
    Bite damage: 600
    Bleed amount: 1
    Health: 8000
    Weight: 2000kg

    Ceratosaurus has been reworked to somewhat resemble his Evrima counterpart, acting like a slow, bulky and strong carnivore that’s able to bully similar sized animals from their food if needed. With his Z turn, it is able to trade a hit and take an advantageous position or maintain a defensive one, giving a lot of damage with its bites in either case.

    However, being as strong as it is, it still has a tough matchup against Allosaurus, who are capable of outdamaging them with one bite.

  • Diabloceratops:
    Bite damage: 850

    Bleed amount: 18
    Health: 10500
    Weight: 2000kg

    Diabloceratops has barely changed, keeping high durability as a trademark. With its superior damage to almost anything in the tier, Diabloceratops will be able to fend off most of his similarly sized predators in a 1v1 scenario. His biggest weakness is represented in bleed.

  • Allosaurus:
    Bite damage: 700
    Bleed amount: 30
    Health: 6000
    Weight: 2500kg

    Allosaurus does the same thing as they did in their vanilla version, but better. More damage, more bleed and better healing. With its sheer weight and damage, Allosaurus it’s one (if not the most) versatile dinosaur to play as.

  • Albertosaurus:
    Bite damage: 900
    Bleed amount: 15
    Health: 6000
    Weight: 2700kg

    Albertosaurus, like Allosaurus, it’s quite versatile. While not being as durable as the latter, this tyrannosaurid makes up with its superior speed, damage and great stamina. They all come in handy on their hunts, which can all end up quickly or extend for long periods of time.

    This adaptability alongside their power makes them also able to be a threat to even semi apexes in the right conditions.

  • Maiasaura:
    Health: 2868
    Weight: 2868kg
    Bite damage: 175

    Maiasaura stays vanilla. There wasn’t anything underwhelming or overpowered about it, so it stayed that way.

Semi-apex dinosaurs:

  • Suchomimus:
    Bite damage: 600
    Bleed amount: 20
    Health: 9000
    Weight: 3800kg
    Infinite stamina on water.

    Suchomimus had its bulk augmented. This allows Suchomimus to walk around the semi-apex tier more comfortably (therizinosaurus and stegosaurus won’t have an easy matchup anymore), being somewhat lightweight but being enough of a menace to everything below apex.

  • Pachyrhinosaurus:
    Bite damage: 800
    Health: 8500
    Weight: 4000kg
    Immune to fall damage.

    Using an unused version of Diabloceratops as a base, Pachyrhinosaurus it’s a middle point in gameplay in between Triceratops and the mentioned Diabloceratops. Pachyrhinosaurus stamina tends to go down relatively quickly, but it makes up for it in damage, weight and immunity to fall damage. Pachyrhino players can go around terrain that lots of herds would have trouble without any danger.
    They are the only ceratopsian to lack bleed damage.

  • Therizinosaurus:
    Bite damage: 250 (Damage output can vary)
    Bleed amount: 25
    Health: 4536
    Weight: 5500kg
    Juvenile Therizinosaurus can swim underwater, just like some evrima therizinosauridae.

    Therizinosaurus stays similar to vanilla, with some slight buffs to it. His crippling bleed heal while sitting has been buffed, and they now deal bleed damage when attacking. Being this powerful does come with a penalty, this being his low HP.
    If Therizinosaurus players are not careful, even a skilled Suchomimus could trade some hits with it and get away with victory.

  • Stego:
    Bite damage: 350
    Bleed amount: 10
    Health: 8000
    Weight: 5500kg

    Stegosaurus was nerfed. With its mobility and sheer weight, Stegosaurus players should be able to fight or escape anything that threatens them.

  • Oxalaia:
    Bite damage: 400
    Bleed amount: 50
    Health: 3168
    Weight: 6000kg
    Walks underwater.

    Being the older version of Suchomimus (and renamed on the fragmentary and only similarly sized spinosaurid), Oxalaia is the heaviest semi apex. It plays way different from his cousin Suchomimus and somewhat similarly to Spinosaurus, where it walks underwater to ambush their prey. Using his high damage and bleed, Oxalaia can start every battle with a very generous advantage, using his very strong bleed to wear down the opponent.
    Having said that, Spinosaurus are Oxalaia players greatest downfall. They do more straight damage, they are a lot bulkier and they can hunt them down underwater. To evade them, Oxalaia has a slight edge on stamina over their bigger cousins. Use that to get away.

  • Parasaurolophus:
    Bite damage: 600
    Health: 6800
    Weight: 6800kg
    Walks underwater.

    Parasaurolophus were reworked. With their buggy hitboxes, small dinosaurs were impossible to hit most of the time. Due to that, Parasaurolophus players can now hide underwater.
    The predators of Parasaurolopus are few when it enters water, being almost only Oxalaia and Spinosaurus. Players can either fight back or run, given the new buff applied to the damage.

Apex dinosaurs:

  • Zhuchengtyrannus:
    Bite damage: 1000
    Health: 5443
    Weight: 5000kg
    Unable to use ambush.

    Formerly known as TSL rex, Zhuchengtyrannus is a nimble predator. Being the lightest apex, it is capable of running long distances and trotting down prey without much problem. Once the chase ends, Zhuchengtyrannus has to kill his prey quickly, as it doesn’t inflict bleed damage and its quite frail for its size.

  • Acrocanthosaurus:
    Bite damage: 500
    Bleed amount: 20
    Health: 6930
    Weight: 6600kg

    Acrocanthosaurus has been buffed. While the stats have been upscaled to keep with the tiering system, now Acrocanthosaurus heals at a good pace!

  • Spinosaurus:
    Bite damage: 400

    Bleed amount: 5
    Health: 9071
    Weight: 7800kg
    Walks underwater.

    Spinosaurus has been reworked. With his exaggerated bulk reduced, his damage output reversed to do more straight damage than bleed damage and his stamina nerfed, what does Spinosaurus going for it? Same as Oxalaia, water.
    Being the bulkiest and strongest animal that can move underwater, Spinosaurus players can ambush anything and get a lot of bites (and not counting the fact that conflict with any other apex is now avoidable). All it needs is a body of water deep enough to hide his sail.
    Juvenile Spinosaurus will swim and dive instead of walking underwater like the adults.

  • Giganotosaurus:
    Bite damage: 600
    Bleed amount: 50
    Health: 7800
    Weight: 8800kg

    Giganotosaurus is quite powerful when used correctly. While it lacks the bulk and the recovery that tyrannosaurus has and it's the slowest apex carnivore, giganotosaurus has a great turn radius and respectable bulk / damage to be versatile enough for its size.
    This could give giganotosaurus players the upperhand on other apexes, but it's not that easy, as it doesn't regains stamina while standing. This makes good timing and stamina management a necessity, as other apexes not only recover stamina while they move, they could also catch giganotosaurus without any stamina and make a lot of trouble.

  • T. rex:
    Bite damage: 1100
    Bleed amount: 10
    Health: 11200
    Weight: 10400kg
    Regains a lot of HP and Bleed damage.
    Regains stamina while walking.
    No longer has legbreak.

    Tyrannosaurus has been reworked. His legbreak chance has been reduced to 0 and it now works as a tank. While its stamina duration it’s the shortest in game now (Not going further than 7 seconds), it is the fastest one to recharge again while walking, making T. rex effectively an ambush predator. If an ambush fails, as long as you're a good tracker, you will always be able to walk behind your prey.
    T. rex regenerates the most HP and bleed damage of any dinosaur. This does not make it immortal, but it helps a lot against long fights.

  • Ankylosaurus:
    Bite damage: 950
    Health: 13000
    Weight: 11000kg

    Ankylosaurus plays the same way as before, but has been moved to apex territory. The sheer damage, weight and health of it it's enough to defy even Tyrannosaurus in a 1v1 and win if every hit is landed.

  • Triceratops:
    Bite damage: 900
    Bleed amount: 35
    Health: 11440
    Weight: 12000kg
    Regains a lot of HP and Bleed damage.
    Regains stamina while walking.

    Best healing in the roster.

    Triceratops has been buffed, in the same way as Ankylosaurus. Near impossible to facetank.

  • Shantungosaurus:
    Bite damage: 250
    Health: 11800
    Weight: 12000kg

    Shantungosaurus had his stamina nerfed, being unable to recharge while standing and it having a short-lived duration.

  • Camarasaurus:
    Bite damage: 510

    Health: 15000
    Weight: 20000

    Camarasaurus got buffed in the same way as every apex herbivore, becoming somewhat a playable Puertasaurus.
    The best way to kill it is bleeding it out. Trampling is way stronger than it looks.

>Puerta: Unchanged.

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CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments

Wait, so we're playing as a dinosaur in this one, right?

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HoneyComb - - 1 comments

same im stuck and im new

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Jaymurda97 - - 3 comments

I'll probably end up buying a pc

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Jaymurda97 - - 3 comments

He should def make it for Xbox one at least since it's Microsoft

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