The Hopebringer is a top-down RPG featuring procedurally generated scenarios, and a skills driven leveling system. On the verge of extinction, mankind is searching for hope. Battle your way through generated scenarios in single player, or multiplayer co-op.

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We take a look at the seventh week of The Hopebringer's Early Access on Steam, and the changes which made their way into the game this week.

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With our seventh week of Early Access behind us, we take a look back at the changes that took place in patches over the past week.

Dungeons and Scenarios

  • There is now a small chance that a miniboss can spawn from any regular NPC spawner in most scenarios. There is a lower percentage chance in entry level scenarios.
  • Made some adjustments to the spawners in the Raiding Camp scenario.
  • Fixed a problem with the stone gate not registering in some rare cases in the Raiding Camp scenario.

Items and Loot

  • Introduced new specialty items. These have generated effects like most magic items, but in this case they are geared towards specific customization sets.
  • Introduced new higher end magical cloth based equipment for mages, who were lagging behind heavier armor types in terms of variety.
  • Spellcasting NPCs now have an increased chance of dropping mage themed loot.
  • Added new and improved icons to each of the glove types in game.
  • Improved chest loot diversity.


  • Introduced new Gorgon enemies. These will spawn as minibosses or bosses once players have obtained sufficient level. While not quite able to turn your party into stone, they can paralyze you temporarily, if you gaze at them at the wrong time. They also shoot long range, venomous arrows.
  • The boss variation also has additional special abilities. They are especially resistant to poison, but vulnerable to heat and cold.
  • Introduced a new NPC type. Reapers are a form of skeletal melee minibosses, who wield heavy scythes. Reaper attacks deal heavy damage. They are vulnerable to blunt weapons, and resistant to poison. They can blink positions to escape players.
  • NPCs can now increase the ratio of certain special abilities in relation to others.
  • Increased the maximum level limits on some bosses and minibosses

Skills and Abilities

  • Introduced a new Protector (Cleric) ability: Circle of Warding. This creates a warding circle in the area that you cast the ability. Until it dissipates, it will knock back incoming enemies who venture near it. This can be very useful in scenarios like the Protect the Artifact scenario, or near doorways, to buy you time in a busy encounter. The distance launched is doubled if the target is currently Off Balance. It can be trained at level 20, and requires you to have trained the Ward skill to unlock it. Additional skill ranks increase the radius of the effect.
  • Fixed a bug where some control effects would fail to apply if they occurred during a hit reaction.


  • Sound effect networking improvements.
  • Skeleton Captains no longer have orc death sounds.


  • Localization improvements.
  • Pet post-teleport grounding improvements.


Bridge To Hell

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