Originally a remake of the Team Fortress modification for Quake. Team Fortress Classic features over nine character classes - from Medic to Spy to Demolition Man - enlisted in a unique style of online team warfare.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 82)

this was the best team fortress game that i have I played.

multiplayer problems:
some people might say strong profanity, others might post pictures of porn as their spray.

Simply. The best.

BETTER THAN TF2!... btw, if you curse me because i am "blinded by nostalgia", im not, i never played this game was a child, and i even played TF2 before playing this game, but TFC still the best

I strongly recommend this game! It is much more fun and even more chaotic than tf2 and alot more simpler.

This game is currently going through that "zombified" stage, where its in the limbo between played and dead. This game still has a great community, and a great assortment of mods, including my favorite, Foxbot. This mod also has over 500 waypoints, so you can play it constantly, on or offline. This game has a GREAT learning curve, but once you get a kill, or complete an objective, you have a greatly rewarded sense of success. This game is a must play for any goldsrc game fan, or valve fan. its simple to customize, skins, maps, ect. so go check it out, and waste some time. Afterall, I've blew away 6 years of my life playing this, and it still feels new every time. 10/10

Back then when this game was made, my child, IS WHERE 12 YEAR OLDS NEVER EXISTED.

if you do not have TF2, this is a very good option


Chaotic, funny, and addictive. Never have I seen so many explosions in a video game. TF2 just never grabbed my attention like this game did - then again I played this one first.

It's not for the faint of heart with its difficulty curve and OP veterans/bots, but TFC is worthwhile if you put your mind to the game's dated yet effortlessly entertaining combat. Some level design (e.g., Casbah, Dustbowl) shows its age too with limited chokepoints for your team, but the fact that a handful of servers are still running for a 25-year-old game says a lot about its replay value.


The First retail team fortress game. team fortress classic (also known as valves team fortress) is a remake of Team fortress on valves Goldsource engine. a great game. its a must play.