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Post news Report RSS Gas harvester [Update]

This update added a apparat for gas collecting (gas harvesting drone). It is capable of extracting gas from cosmic gas clouds (gas concentrates).

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This update added a apparat for gas collecting (gas harvesting drone). It is capable of extracting gas from cosmic gas clouds (gas concentrates), which can be found in space locations - gas and dust accumulations, which were also added in this update. For example, one of these locations is a huge gas and dust accumulation, which was formed from the powerful impact of the stellar wind on the planet Vreada, as a result of which part of its atmosphere was blown away.

To get the Gas harvester you need a special module - Gas Harvester Launcher, from which the drone is already launched, this can be purchased from the Merchant Fleet (i.e. at the home station). Such a module is installed on a ship in a genera slot.

Gas harvester at workGasHarvester

Launcher moduleGasHArvesterLauncher 1 1

By the way, you can buy 2-3 drone at once and then harvesting will be more fun!

Also in this update:
- Added a new product - nitrogen gas. Which you can just “dig” in a new cosmolocation.
- Prices for all gases have been changed - argon, hydrogen, oxygen and helium-3 are now cheaper.
- Fixed a bug when it was possible to enter a cosmolocation while already being in it.
- Fixed a bug when, while in a cosmolocation, a player gave an order to move to the same location and it turned out that he “left this cosmolocation” even though he shouldn’t have. Now there will only be a message “you are already in this location.”
- Minor corrections regarding the body filling visual of the Mining Drone mk1. Now the contents of the body disappear gradually when unloading onto a ship

Try gas harvesting as soon as possible, Commander!

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