Did You ever think how the fate of the characters would turn out, if not Red Riding Hood, but her mother would go to grandmother? Or if Red Riding Hood would swerve off the path? Or if her mother would bake pasties with another filling? In our game any detail can change everything! The tale of Red Riding Hood by Charles Perrault takes less than one page. Our game is much more spacious: it has nonlinear plot and a large amount of endings. Here you will find thriller, comedy and even melodrama with extraordinary variations of story line. Make Your choice and create new story about Red Riding Hood. Our product is an interactive fiction. Its creation was inspired by "Choose Your Own Adventure" series of game books. Our game's engine is created on the basis of C and Lua which easily allows to make changes and create Your own modifications. For this purpose You can use our cross platform visual interactive fiction editor (free and Open Source, can be downloaded at our site).

Special thanks to Peter Kosyh for INSTEAD game engine: Instead.syscall.ru

Вы когда-нибудь задумывались, как бы сложилась судьба героев, если бы не Красная Шапочка, а её мать отправилась к бабушке? Или Красная Шапочка свернула с тропинки? Или её мать испекла пирожки с другой начинкой? В нашей игре любая мелочь может изменить всё! Рассказ о Красной Шапочке, написанный Шарлем Перро, занимает менее одной страницы. Наша игра гораздо обширнее: имеет нелинейный сюжет и большое количество концовок. Здесь вы найдёте и триллер, и мелодраму, и комедию, а также необычные повороты сюжета. Делайте свой выбор и создавайте новую историю о Красной Шапочке.Наш продукт принадлежит к жанру интерактивной литературы. На его создание нас вдохновила серия к��иг-игр "Выбери себе приключение". Движок нашей игры написан на базе C и Lua, что предполагает возможность легко вносить изменения и создавать ваши собственные модификации. Также для этого вы можете использовать наш кроссплатформенный визуальный редактор (бесплатная программа с открытым кодом, её можно скачать на нашем сайте).

Особая благодарность Петру Косых за движок INSTEAD: Instead.syscall.ru

Post article RSS Articles

English:We decided that this game will be free to play from now on.You can download the full version of our game at Antokolos.itch.io
Russian:Мы решили, что с настоящего момента эта игра будет распространяться бесплатно.Вы можете скачать полную версию нашей игры по адресу:https://antokolos.itch.io/return-of-red-hood

Paid versions were removed from itch.io

Paid versions were removed from itch.io


Paid versions of the game were removed from the itch.io store due to the taxation issues (see #VATMOSS for details).

Mac support was added to the game

Mac support was added to the game


We are pleased to announce that Mac OS X distributive package can now be downloaded from the itch.io. Also please note that improved versions of all free...

Text-only versions of our game can be downloaded for free!

Text-only versions of our game can be downloaded for free!


Check out the free text-only versions of our game at itch.io! This versions cannot be called demo, because they contain absolutely all branches of the...

Price on itch.io was reduced!

Price on itch.io was reduced!


Price on itch.io was reduced! While the sale discount is still valid, You can buy our game at low price. Don't miss it!

Post comment Comments
Bolik - - 1 comments

Funny game, i liked it! Thanks.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Antokolos Creator
Antokolos - - 3 comments

Wow, thanks! Glad to hear that!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Antokolos Creator
Antokolos - - 3 comments

Thanks! :) We really enjoyed doing this.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
pleasedeletethisgame - - 6 comments

This looks great!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 700,136 comments

Very cool.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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