Portal is a first-person puzzle game. Players must solve physical challenges by opening portals to maneuver objects, and themselves, through the enigmatic Aperture Science Laboratories.

RSS Reviews  (80 - 90 of 1,188)

love it amazing


really awesome i give a ten

Just a fun game with a awsome sequel


I absolutely loved this game and everything it has to offer. Virtually anything that can be said about it has been said though, so I will leave it at that. My one complaint, and it is not even a major one, is the game was just too short.


A good preparatory game for Portal 2.



yone says

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It,s a very well narrated single-player experience where you get alittle bit confusing and frightened at first when you are alone and there is an strange voice growling orders to you, and then the story gets better and better. Very good.

Qui ne connais pas ce jeu ? L'un des pilier du monde vidéo-ludique. Grace à leur talent, les développeurs de chez Valve ont sorti l'un des meilleur jeu vidéo au monde ! Un gameplay inédit, des énigmes retorses et un univers haut en couleurs (au figuré bien sur ! Parce que ce n'est pas dans Portal que vous allez trouvez une grande palette de couleurs ! ^^). Un jeu que vous devez tout de suite acheter si vous ne l'avez pas encore !

Amazing game

it the best game ever