Portal is a first-person puzzle game. Players must solve physical challenges by opening portals to maneuver objects, and themselves, through the enigmatic Aperture Science Laboratories.

RSS Reviews  (50 - 60 of 1,188)


Was unique and very interesting!


andresbravo900 says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

i Just Really Love This Game. Now That i Thinking With Portals, i Could Test Better As Well. (For Chell)


Amazing mechanics


CamB99 says

Agree Disagree

An amazing fun and "gets the brain thinking" game. Maybe a little short but the challenge maps make up for that.

cool game

I love it i just LOVE IT!!!


This game is basically perfect to me, extremely refreshing and original idea where you just don't shoot everything that moves, instead you use a portal gun to move between areas. Not to mention tons of funny and memorable quotes and moments which became internet memes and top notch voice acting.

My only real complaint is that the game is very short (under 2 hours).


Portal is a game that causes you to really think about how to solve each level, plus using tactile skills and good aim. I like that I can take my time running through the puzzles and often if I leave a tough one, when I come back, clarity reigns. It's one of my top 5 ever games.

great. greeat