Portal is a first-person puzzle game. Players must solve physical challenges by opening portals to maneuver objects, and themselves, through the enigmatic Aperture Science Laboratories.

RSS Reviews  (30 - 40 of 1,188)

very epic game 11/10:
- not too hard
- not too ez
- straightforward
- fun
- nice
- epic gameplay

The game is probably the most aged well game since 2007, If you are playing it in 2007 well that is good news for you to be honest. But however some test chamber that I don't like is Test Chamber 18 advanced because it looks bad in my opinion. I mean some things in portal needed to be polished up, but also I'll rate 8/10.



Great game.

an all time classic, truly one of the pillars of game innovation

Well what can I say? This is the only remaining half life game or spinoff that I played that I didn't review yet. Most of this game is fairly boring and honestly it only gets good towards the end where there's a story twist and the game becomes even more reminescent of horror films like Cube. But calling it innovative and best puzzle game ever? No way. Remember Prey? While the original games were cancelled the concept of portal gun isn't entirely new as such. I didn't play the sequel nor I really cared about it.

With Amazing Futuristic Technology, Nice Sound effects, loveable characters like GLaDOS, and a lot more. This game will teleport your excitement into another dimensionless reality like two portals being crushed into the mix of your Intelligence.