Use cunning tactics to survive the desert and dead cities of the new world, where death lurks dark corners and trouble is never far away. Wild gangs ruled by fear pray on the weak. Dark forces lurk the shadows. In this world of freaks and psychos only the tough or wise survive. The killing newer stops, Shoot first to survive the highway.

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How do you get in? There are no known rules or maps just rumours and stories. You got a glimpse of what's inside. There are people in there and what you saw caught your imagination, but not more. And there is a big old monster guarding the gates. So there should be some valuable thing inside. The monster looks old thou and you hear on its breath that it is about to die on its own. Do you fight a monster that is about to die on its own? Chances that a new monster will take its place is more than likely. So I took my chanses trew 90 buks on charity (-taxes) and jumped head on in screaming: - The devil you know! Weapon of choice:

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Update 3

Update 3


Update 3.6.5 *Technical behind the scene stuff. *Help menu

New build avalible!

New build avalible!


I love the idea of people all over the world to see, touching and feeling petrolhead tactics.

PetrolheadTactics [alpha] Time for testing!

PetrolheadTactics [alpha] Time for testing!


PC, Mac & Linux download one of the alpha builds. You are very welcome to test and critic the alpha and you are much appreciated for doing that!

PetrolheadTactics [alpha] Key Features

PetrolheadTactics [alpha] Key Features


Key Features: Post apocalyptic world deserts and in large cities, Day & night cycle, Control a team petrolheads to survive marauders of the wasteland...

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