Operation Flashpoint takes place in the 1980's. Player must fight soviet forces on 3 large 100km islands as an American NATO soldier. Man vehicles such as aircraft, cars, tanks, and boats are driveable and commandable. A mission editor and other tools are also available or already built into the game itself.


solus updated his SLX Replacement Pack to version 1.1 and released a beta in the BI Forum. For the changelog please check out the ReadMe file. Thanks to everyone who has given feedback in the thread! This is a full release so you don't need any previous versions. The intention of this version was to make OFP SLX as stable as possible and streamline the gameplay of the 1985 campaign. There might still be one rare random CTD but playing through most of the 1985 campaign should be mostly bug free and stable. I also moved all unit configs to separate files so it should be easier for people to make unit replacement configs.

SLX Replacement Pack Mod Addons
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