Men of War takes place in Europe and North Africa during the height of World War II. The story takes place over three different campaigns and players take on the role of Soviet, Allied and German soldiers. Each campaign has its own scenario and structured timeline, which brings different elements of the war to life.

Post tutorial Report RSS Sonne2's Revival Script 5/18(Switch Sides Edition!)

This enables saving infantry life before they run out of time, in the process they will emit quotes of agony on the battlefield to make your battles more real, the default game settings require morphine to revive, however I will show you to replace morphine with health bandages. Spent a lot of time on this code, many people could use it. make a backup of your please, paste it over die_with_blood and die_without_blood in

Posted by on - Basic Other

Works for MOW/AS/AS2/Vie-All of them.

Its like the default revival system, but 5x Better, regular units CAN be revived with this script and given a bleedout timer in which they either die by running out of time and bleed out, or die by getting hit while they are down and near death which is called shot_death in this script lol. whilst units who have personage on already will be revived the default way.

To get it to work with newer versions of AS2 if your cursor never turns into a health sign while highlighting the wounded.

There is a menu in the script for you to tweak.

Made some tweaks myself to make the script a little more playable and less frustrating.


updated the and added mingame version and maxgame version which is over 9000 so it will work forever.

increased chances of having a longer bleedout time.

turned calculated_quotes to 0, no more "I have 15 seconds to live" its annoying -_-

changed near death animations to 80% chance of happening, instead of 25%, so you know who is wounded and who is dead most of the time.

changed chance of shot_death to 80% down from 100%, so units who are down have a small chance of surviving a shot, instead of dying every time.

Whats Revival Script? - Mod DB


Added near death animations that occur 80% of the time, if they run out of time, the animation stops

Added option for the revived to switch player sides, set it by searching for switch_sides in,
Added self_recover(discovered this by accident and implemented it into the script) ability to AI to survive the death process by themselves if not revived, 4% chance by default, so if they are able to get up by themselves before they run out of time, they survive, which is rare, unless you change the knockdown time and chance of self recover which is at 4% in the menu in . I added a lot of functions to this script since it's launch so enjoy.

5/11, added main menu to enable/disable mini-mods.
Notable Changes include, Units who are revived say and actually speak Jubilation Quotes, and sometimes Things_Look_Blue, and Retreat Quotes to signify the low morale of someone who got hit, or the high morale of someone who got revived.
Added bounce on death, disabled by default
Added explosion on death, disabled by default
Added player 0 helper squad, disable by default
Added Quote Options, to turn on/off certain quotes.

Free to use with or without credit.

if you know what you are doing and are an elite modder(lol) you can just skip steps 1,2, do step 3, copy the code to your own overwriting die_with_blood and die_without_blood. and go onto step 4

There are Four steps to getting it installed,
1.Copying the file to your mod directory(skippable if you already have it.)
2.Overwriting "Die_with_blood" and "Die_without_blood" with this code in
3.Setting up your mod and activating it.(Skippable if your pasting it into an existing mod)
4.Replacing Morphine with Bandages for the mod.

1. Copying the file to your mod directory(skippable if you already have it.)

Installation: If you don't have a go to men of war/game.pak or gamelogic.pak set/interaction_entity/

make this directory men of war/mods/yourmod/resource/set/interaction_entity/
or men of war assault squad/mods/yourmod/resource/set/interaction_entity/

and drag to the interaction_entity folder you just created.

right-click the you dragged and uncheck the read-only checkbox so it can be edited.

2.Overwriting "Die_with_blood" and "Die_without_blood" with this code in

Now lets open up

search for on "die_with_blood" and you will see this.

{on "die_with_blood"
{if not senseless
{spawn "blood"}
{call "die_without_blood"}
{on "die_without_blood"
; {con "die"}
{view pause "swim"}
{call "die_scream"}
{if not kill_flags blast
{kill_flags piercing}
; {able collect 1}
{delay 3
{volumes enable contact}
; {delay 30 {delete}}

select all of the above and replace it with the revival script code below this tutorial.

3.Setting up your mod and activating it.(Skippable if your pasting it into an existing mod)

now to finish creating your mod go to men of war/mods/yourmod/
create a file call it

paste this into


{name "yourmod"} ;Must be the same name as folder name.
{desc "revival script"}


{name "yourmod"} ;Must be the same name as folder name.
{desc "revival script"}

{minGameVersion "3.001"}

{maxGameVersion "3.201.1"}

start up men of war and activate the mod, exit, and move on to step 4.

4.Replacing Morphine with Bandages for the mod.

this will give you the ability to revive personage units without morphine, all you need is a bandage

make this directory in your men of war game

Men of War\mods\yourmod\resource\interface\action

make a file name it injection.set
open it, and paste this into it.

{cursor "medkit"}
{fx "flashgreen"}
{item "bandage"} ;used to be morphine
{bind hand}
{fsm_request "ground-drop"} ;animation "stand_pick_small_begin"
{fsm_request nocheck "hold-nothing"} ;{animation nocheck "stand_pick_small_end"}

save and exit

now morphine has been replaced with health bandages, so you can revive fallen comrades, and heal yourself with health bandages, two functions with one item!

Now start up your game and fight a battle and you'll notice that people who die emit quotes like !!!!
and it is up to you to heal them before they either get shot or run out of time, with the self_recover function I added, they sometimes (4% chance) bring themselves back to life(if they don't get shot while fallen).

If you want to switch back to vanilla death(lol), take:
{set "revival_script_enabled" 1} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables the ENTIRE Revival Script giving units the vanilla default death, another function I added.

and set it to this

{set "revival_script_enabled" 0}

Free to use with or without credit!

Bugs fixed so far: fixed very rare units from becoming personage and unkillable.


 ;Sonne 2 Start at die_with_blood, this entire code will overwrite die_with_blood and die_without_blood
 {on "die_with_blood" 
 {if not senseless
 {spawn "blood"}
 {if not able "personage" 
{call "main_menu"} {able select 0} 

{if "revival_script_enabled" {call "die_without_blood"} }
{if not "revival_script_enabled" {call "die_without_blood_vanilla"} }

 {on "die_without_blood_vanilla"
; {con "die"}
 {view pause "swim"}
 {call "die_scream"}
 {if not kill_flags blast
 {kill_flags piercing}
; {able collect 1}
 {delay 3
 {volumes enable contact}
; {delay 30 {delete}}
{on "last_shot" ; this is for the people who have the jamming tutorial

{if tagged "riflew" {if "last_shot" {view show "flashbarrel"}{view start "flashbarrel"}{start_sound "weapon/shot/rifle"} {delay 0.5{view pause "flashbarrel"}{view stop "flashbarrel"} }}}
{if tagged "smgw" {if "last_shot" {view show "flashbarrel"}{view start "flashbarrel"}{start_sound "weapon/shot/smg/type2smg_burst"} {delay 0.5{view pause "flashbarrel"}{view stop "flashbarrel"} }}}
{if tagged "pistolw" {if "last_shot" {view show "flashbarrel"}{view start "flashbarrel"}{start_sound "weapon/shot/pistol"} {delay 0.5{view pause "flashbarrel"}{view stop "flashbarrel"} }}}
{if tagged "mgunw" {if "last_shot" {view show "flashbarrel"}{view start "flashbarrel"}{start_sound "weapon/shot/mgun/bar_burst"} {delay 0.5{view pause "flashbarrel"}{view stop "flashbarrel"} }}}
;change the sets to enable or disable minimods, and change the if rand to numbers from 0.0 - 1.0 ex. if rand 0.25 = 25% chance of that thing happening
{if rand 1.0 ;100% chance if revival_script_enabled is enabled lol.
 {set "revival_script_enabled" 1} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables the ENTIRE Revival Script giving units the vanilla default death.
;Switch Sides {player 0}, {player 1}
{if rand 0.35 ;35% chance
{set "last_shot" 1} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables units who die try to shoot but fail, like in a scarface movie, or ghostdog.
{if rand 1.0
{set "switch_sides" 0} ;The Revived will switch sides.
;When they switch sides, which side do you want them to choose!? Must have switch_sides enabled
{if rand 1.0 {set "player 0" 1}} ;If revived, they will choose Player 0.
{if rand 1.0 {set "player 1" 0}} ;If revived, they will choose Player 1.
{if rand 1.0 {set "player 2" 0}} ;If revived, they will choose Player 2.
{if rand 1.0 {set "player 3" 0}} ;If revived, they will choose Player 3.
{if rand 1.0 {set "player 4" 0}} ;If revived, they will choose Player 4.
{if rand 1.0 {set "player 5" 0}} ;If revived, they will choose Player 5.
{if rand 1.0 {set "player 6" 0}} ;If revived, they will choose Player 6.
{if rand 1.0 {set "player 7" 0}} ;If revived, they will choose Player 7.
{if rand 1.0 {set "player 8" 0}} ;If revived, they will choose Player 8.
{if rand 1.0 {set "player 9" 0}} ;If revived, they will choose Player 9. 
 ;Quote Options!
 {set "quotes_enabled" 1} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables All Quotes including X_x. If you want X_x by itself, just disable near_death_quotes_enabled, and revived_quotes_enabled

 ;Quote Options p2. If quotes_enabled is enabled.
 {set "near_death_quotes_enabled" 1} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables Near Death Quotes, ex. the text such as !!!!, ouch, or HELP.
 {set "revived_quotes_enabled" 1} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables Revived Quotes, ex. the text such as "Thank You" or "You revived me!".
 {set "recover_quotes_enabled" 1} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables Recover quotes, ex. the text such as "I survived" or "I am invincible".
 {set "X_x_face_enabled" 1} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables X_x faces, ex. the text such as "-_-" or "X|".

 ;Near Death Quotes
 {set "calculated_quotes" 0} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables All Calculated Quotes, ex. the text such as "15 seconds to live".
 {set "religious_quotes" 1} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables Religious Quotes, ex. the text such as God Help Me!, or For the love of God someone heal me!.
 {set "akward_quotes" 1} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables All Akward Quotes, ex. the text such as Should have learned how to do the matrix!, or I need to find a time machine! Or my Favorite THIS IS SPARTA.
 {set "profanity_quotes" 1} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables All Profanity Quotes, ex. the text such as "Damn My Leg", or "Damnit", or just plain old "Damn", and "Sup, Bitches" X-x.

 ;Revived Speech search for speech
 {set "revived_speech" 1} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables Revived_Speech, ex. When you revive a comrade, the revived will actually sound happy, or desperate and say something like "get ready for medals! -usa soldier", or "I want to be a hero but I don't want to die! -eng soldier."
 ;They talk now.
{if rand 0.80 {set "near_death_animation" 1}} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables Near_Death Animations.

 ;Chances of Getting back up as long as they don't get shot ;You can't heal them as their wounds are too much(BS I know XD.), their survival is all up to their will to get up.
{if rand 0.04 {set "self_recover" 1}} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables the random chance of Fallen Units getting back up, ex. If the unit gets up quicker than death_wait can kill it, it will survive the death proccess on its own, as long as its not shot.
 ;They can randomly recover from death as long as they're not shot while down, or too late to get up before death_wait kills them.

{if "self_recover" ;they are not healable in the process, their survivability relies on their own strength.
{if rand 0.5 {knockdown 32 1} else {knockdown 300 1}} ;maximum 32 - minimum 4 seconds before they can get up before death_wait timer kills them. 2nd option ensures very slim chance of survival.
{tags add "self_recover"}
{if "near_death_animation" {if rand 0.75 {ani_play "lie_sleep_idle_2" 1.0 loop} else {ani_play "lie_sleep_idle_1" 1.0 loop}}} 
{tags remove "revived"}
{tags add "near_death"}
{able select 0}}
;{if not "self_recover" ;they are not healable in the process, their survivability relies on their own strength.
;{tags add "no_self_recover"} 
; if they don't get up before the below timers, they die.
;"die_processlong"} ;Long Death 10% Chance 40 seconds before death_wait kills them
;"die_process"} ;Normal Death 10% chance 20 seconds before death_wait kills them
;"die_processvlong"} ;Very Long Death 10% chance 139 seconds before death_wait kills them
;"die_processvlong2"} ;Very Very Long Death 10% chance 239 seconds before death_wait kills them 
;"die_processshort"} ;Short Death 10% chance 10 seconds before death_wait kills them
;"die_processveryshort"} ;Very Short Death 10% chance 5 seconds before death_wait kills them

 ;DEATH BOUNCE. people who die, fly through the air 
{if rand 1.0 ;100% chance of death bounce if epic_pwn enabled
 {set "epic_pwn" 0} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables Bounce Death, ex. people who die, fly through the air.
 {set "epic_pwn_shot_death" 0} ;if shot for a second time.
 {set "pwn_animations" 1} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables Tumble Animations for epic_pwn.

 ;DEM XPLOSIONS. people who die, Explode on impact 
{if rand 0.25 ;25% Chance of explosionz if epic_xplosion enabled
 {set "epic_xplosion" 0} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables Explosive Death, ex. people who die, Explode on impact.
 {set "epic_xplosion_shot_death" 0} ;if shot for a second time.
 {set "harmful_explosion" 1} ;Explosion Damage Type, 1 explosion, 0 harmless and invisible. ; if 1, explosions occur, killing everyone near him, if 0 its invisible and harmless, but still blows the fallen comrade into smithereens, only him.

;should AI dodge these explosions?
{if rand 0.75 ;How Often? ; 0.5 = 50% Chance of Dodging. if enabled
 {set "ai_dodge_explosion" 1} ; if 1, ai duck for cover, turn it to 0 if it gets annoying, they will only duck if the explosion is harmful.
;Explosion Types, Can have more than one. MUST HAVE EPIC_XPLOSION and HARMFUL_EXPLOSION ENABLED
 {set "explosion" 1} ; Regular Explosion.
 {set "instant_outburst" 0} ; Outburst Explosion.
 {set "air_strike_outburst" 0};OVERRIDES OTHER EXPLOSIONS ; Explosion after Delay of 2.

 ;Large Explosion
 {set "large_explosion" 0} ; if 1, explosion will be large instead of small, if 0 then they will be small.

;Explosions End

 ;Clear Inventory. ;{clear_inventory} ;makes the game extra hard and not needed at all. -_-', only useful if you like a challenge. 
{if rand 100.0 ;100% chance if enabled
 {set "epic_clear_inventory" 0} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables Clearing Inventory on Death, ex. people who die, lose every single item in their inventory.
 {set "epic_clear_inventory_shot_death" 0} ;if shot for a second time.

;AS2 ONLY MOW AND AS1 COMING SOON ;Helper Squad for Player 0 
{if rand 0.25 ;25% how often squads will be spawned
 {set "helper_squad_enabled" 0} ; 1 Enables, 0 Disables Helpers, ex. When you revive a comrade, 25% chance of random squads of player 0 infantry are spawned near you.
} ;Just for fun! 

 {on "die_without_blood" 
 {view pause "swim"}
 {call "die_scream"}
{tags remove "revived"}

{if tagged "riflew" ;last_shot scarface
{if rand 0.3 {delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}}
else rand 0.3 {delay 0.4 {call "last_shot"}}
else {delay 0.8 {call "last_shot"}}}}

{if tagged "pistolw" 
{if rand 0.3 {delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}}
else rand 0.3 {delay 0.4 {call "last_shot"}}
else {delay 0.8 {call "last_shot"}}}}

{if tagged "smgw" 
{if rand 0.3 {delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}}}}}}}}
else rand 0.3 {delay 0.4 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}}}}}}}}
else {delay 0.8 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}}}}}}}}

{if tagged "mgunw" 
{if rand 0.3 {delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}}}}}}}}
else rand 0.3 {delay 0.4 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}}}}}}}}
else {delay 0.8 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}{delay 0.1 {call "last_shot"}}}}}}}}
;Shot while in death process will result in immediate death , in short kill them while their near death. BRUTALITY O_o, inglorius bastards the movie with brad pitt style....bleh
 {delay 0.2

{if rand 0.8
 {if tagged "disablerandom"
 {if tagged "die_processset" 
 {tags add "near_death"} ;if the unit still has this tag by the end of the countdown, death_wait will kill it.
 {able select 0} ;unit cant be selected
 {tags add "shot_death"} ;nvm it is needed.
 {call "death_wait"} }} }

;Ensures at the very beginning that heroes will not enter death sequence. 
 {if not able "personage" ;if personage was enabled beforehand, then it is a hero.
 {if not tagged "disablerandom"
 {call "randomgenerator"}}} ;calls on random death

 ; {con "die"}
 {if not kill_flags blast
 {kill_flags piercing}
 {if not "self_recover"
 {die} ;X_x
 {delay 3
 {volumes enable contact}

{on "randomgenerator"
{if "near_death_animation" {if not "self_recover" {if rand 0.75 {ani_play "lie_sleep_idle_2" 1.0 loop} else {ani_play "lie_sleep_idle_1" 1.0 loop}}}} 

 ;stops the non-hero unit from dying indefinitely
 {if not tagged "dead"
 {if not able "personage"
 {able personage 1}
 {able select 0} ;stops the unit from being selected
 {tags remove "revived"}}} ;calc_die is re-enabled if it has been called again, for calc_die relies on revived tag not being enabled 

;if shot for the first time, they will go into death process
 {if not tagged "dead"
 {if not tagged "disablerandom"
 {if not tagged "shot_death"
 {delay 1.0 
 {tags add "die_processset"} ;Bleedout_timers
 {if rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {call "die_processlong"} ;Long Death 10% Chance 40 seconds
 else rand 0.05
 {call "die_process"} ;Normal Death 10% chance 20 seconds
 else rand 0.1
 {call "die_processvlong"} ;Very Long Death 10% chance 139 seconds
 else rand 0.3
 {call "die_processvlong2"} ;Very Very Long Death 10% chance 239 seconds
 else rand 0.05 
 {call "die_processshort"} ;Short Death 10% chance 10 seconds
 else rand 0.05
 {call "die_processveryshort"} ;Very Short Death 10% chance 5 seconds
 {tags remove "revived"} {tags add "near_death"}{able select 0}{call "death_wait"} ;Instant Pwnage X_x if all else fails% chance :\ 0 seconds XD

 } } };disablerandom check end 
 }}} ;end of randomgenerator
 ;Can Unit be revived? Just for revive quotes, I have yet to find the command that wakes the revived and gives them health, its probably hardcoded X_X, then I could be wrong, as two years ago I thought the revival function was hardcoded, look at the situation now :P.
 {on "cdie_calc" ;call on die_calc
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 1{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 2{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 3{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 4{call "die_calc"}}}}
{if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 5{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 6{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 7{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 8{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 9{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 10{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 11{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 12{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 13{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 14{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 15{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 16{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 17{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 18{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 19{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 20{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 21{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 22{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 23{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 24{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 25{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 26{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 27{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 28{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 29{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 30{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 31{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 32{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 33{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 34{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 35{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 36{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 37{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 38{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 39{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 40{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 41{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 42{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 43{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 44{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 45{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 46{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 47{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 48{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 49{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 50{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 60{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 70{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 80{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 90{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 100{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 110{call "die_calc"}}}} 
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 120{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 130{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 140{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 150{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 160{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 170{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 180{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 190{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 200{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 210{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 220{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 230{call "die_calc"}}}}
 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 240{call "die_calc"}}}}
 ;Die Proccess Quote CHECK Begin
 {on "die_processquotecheck"
{if "near_death_quotes_enabled"
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.005 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 1{call "die_processq1"}}}}}}
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.01 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 2{call "die_processq2"}}}}} }
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.02 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 5{call "die_processq3"}}}}} }
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.03 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 9{call "die_processq4"}}}}} }
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.04 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 12{call "die_processq5"}}}}} }
} }
 {on "die_processshortquotecheck"
{if "near_death_quotes_enabled"
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.005 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 0.2{call "die_processshortq1"}}}}} }
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.01 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 1{call "die_processshortq2"}}}}}}
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.02 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 2{call "die_processshortq3"}}}}} }
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.03 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 3{call "die_processshortq4"}}}}} }
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.04 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 4{call "die_processshortq5"}}}}} }
} }
 {on "die_processveryshortquotecheck"
{if "near_death_quotes_enabled"
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.005 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 0.2{call "die_processveryshortq1"}}}}} }
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.01 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 1{call "die_processveryshortq2"}}}}} }
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.02 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 1.5{call "die_processveryshortq3"}}}}} }
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.03 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 2{call "die_processveryshortq4"}}}}} }
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.04 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 2.5{call "die_processveryshortq5"}}}}} }
} }
 {on "die_processlongquotecheck"
{if "near_death_quotes_enabled"
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.05 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 0.02{call "die_processlongq1"}}}}} }
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.01 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 1{call "die_processlongq2"}}}}} }
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.02 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 15{call "die_processlongq3"}}}}} }
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.03 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 25{call "die_processlongq4"}}}}} }
 {if rand 0.4 {delay 0.04 {if not tagged "revived" {if not able "select" {delay 33.5{call "die_processlongq5"}}}}} }
} }
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS QUOTES STARTO###################################################
 ;#########################DIE PROCESS NORMAL BEGIN##############################################
 ;Die Process Normal Quotes 
 {on "die_processq1"
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead
{damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>!!!!!"}}}}

 {on "die_processq2" 
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>!!!!"}}}}

 {on "die_processq3"
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff4949)>!!!"}}}}

 {on "die_processq4" 
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff7e7e)>!!"}}}}

 {on "die_processq5" 
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffa9a9)>!..."}}}}
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS END###################################################
 ;#########################DIE PROCESS SHORT BEGIN####################################################
 ;Die Process Short Quotes 
 {on "die_processshortq1"
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead
{damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>HELP"}}}}

 {on "die_processshortq2" 
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5c5c)>HELP!"}}}}

 {on "die_processshortq3"
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{if rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff6161)>I SAID HELP!!"} ;zik 
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff6161)>GONNA DIE!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff6161)>!!!!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff6161)>!!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff6161)>why"}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff6161)>!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff6161)>NO!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff6161)>ergh"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff6161)>ARGHH"}
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff6161)>OUCH"}}}}}

 {on "die_processshortq4" 
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{if rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff9393)>HELP ME"} ;zik 
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff9393)>DAMNIT"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff9393)>HELP"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff9393)>NO"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff9393)>NO WAY"}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff9393)>!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff9393)>NO!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff9393)>ergh"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff9393)>ARGHH"}
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff9393)>THE PAIN"}}}}}

 {on "die_processshortq5" 
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff9393)>..."}}}}
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS SHORT END###################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS VERY SHORT BEGIN###################################################
 ;Die Process VeryShort Quotes 
 {on "die_processveryshortq1"
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead
{damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0c00)>HELP"}}}}

 {on "die_processveryshortq2" 
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2020)>."}}}}

 {on "die_processveryshortq3"
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff4242)>.."}}}}

 {on "die_processveryshortq4" 
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff6666)>..."}}}}

 {on "die_processveryshortq5" 
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffaeae)>HELP :("}}}}

 ;##########################DIE PROCESS VERY SHORT END###################################################

 ;Die Process Long Quotes 
 {on "die_processlongq1"
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead
{damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>!!!!!!"}}}}

 {on "die_processlongq2" 
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{if rand 0.1
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>Damn My LEG!!"}} ;zik 
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>I thought I could make it!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>Theres no way... I could lose!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>..."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>why"}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
{if "calculated_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>40 seconds to live!"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>NO!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>I Cant believe this"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>This can't be"}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
{if "akward_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>adfasdf!"} }
 else rand 0.1
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>Damn!"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>..."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>what happened!?"}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>I can't move!"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>Ergh..Damnit...ergh"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>is this it?"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>really?"}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>I can't die here!"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>damn, I promised my family that I would be back"}}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>So this is it huh"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>No need to worry, I'll be patched up in no time."}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
{if "akward_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>Should have learned how to do the matrix!"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>Almost dodged that one"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>Ach Du Sheisse"}}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>ARGHH"}
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff0000)>WTF"}}
;add your own or replace all these


 {on "die_processlongq3"
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{if rand 0.1
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>Don't Just stand there! heal me goddamnit >:("}} ;zik 
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
{if "akward_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>now that I think about it that actually hurt"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>Noooo!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>I'll get up, and when I do, you guys will be sorry"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>if I could see my family one more time."}
 else rand 0.1
{if "calculated_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>its been 15 seconds, I have 25 seconds left"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>I don't even..."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>ERGH"}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>theres no way out of this fight, is there?"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>how could I be so stupid!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>I should have known better!!!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>ERGh, I can take the pain!"}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>Keep fighting lads, I'll be fine, I just have to *cough* *cough*, damnnit"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>Am I really going to die!?"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>what is the point of this war?"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>darn"}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>is this really happening?"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>a little more and I'll bleed out"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>someone save me!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>I'm about to die."}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
{if "religious_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>god, please save me!"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>ERGH, well I guess this is how its gonna end for me"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>damn this hurts!"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>I though he said this would be a short campaign!"}
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff2727)>..."}}}}}

 {on "die_processlongq4" 
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead 
{if rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>I will die for my country!!"} ;zik 
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
{if "calculated_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>15 seconds to live!"} }
 else rand 0.1
{if "religious_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>I see bright light!"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>..."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>got to get up!"}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>I can't die, not like this!!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>Get out of here guys! Or you'll end up like me! I'm serious!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>This is it"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "profanity_quotes" {if "religious_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>Damn you all to hell"}}}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>You Bastards!"}}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>can't just die like this"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>!...darn it!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>I'm running out of time!"}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>this is ridiculous"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>no...."}
 else rand 0.1
{if "akward_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>I just need to find a timemachine"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>I'm gonna get through this"}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>everything's gonna be alright, just gotta hang in there"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>will I live through this?"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>Of all ways to die..."}
 else rand 0.1
{if "religious_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>For the love of god, SOMEONE HEAL ME."} }
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>?"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "religious_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>wonder what its like on the other side"} }
 else rand 0.1
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>no fucking way!"}}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>HELP"}
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff5353)>..."}}}}}

 {on "die_processlongq5" 
 {if senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead
 {if rand 0.1 
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>Damn, it was a trap!..."} };zik 
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>goodbye everyone..."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>just gotta...reload..."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>..."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>what an unfortunate end..."}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>its over... its all ove...."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>NOOOooo...."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>!!!!!!..."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>!!!!!..."}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>DAmn...."} }
 else rand 0.1
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>Waht the f...."} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>this can't b..."}
 else rand 0.1
{if "religious_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SOMEONE H...."} }}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>this is just ridi...."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>er...."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>is this it? I guess it i......"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>reall...."}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>I can't d...."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>I'm losing consc...."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>So this is it hughghj....."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>No need to worry, I'll be patc....."}
 else rand 0.1 ;Random Dying Timers
{if "akward_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>Should have learned how to do the matri...."}}
 else rand 0.1
{if "religious_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>BRight Light!!"}}
 else rand 0.1
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>Damnit.Damnit.Damni....."}}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>ARghhh......"}
{if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ff8585)>WT.....f...."}}}}}
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS LONG END###################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS QUOTES FINISH###################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS FUNCTIONS STARTO###################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS KNOCKOUT BEGIN###################################################
 ;Called on by Random Generator
 {on "die_processknockout"
 {tags add "in_die_process_normal"} 
 {tags add "near_death"} ;ensures death_wait will kill it
 {tags add "disablerandom"} ;Disables the random process from being fired again if the unit were hit by a bullet
 {if "quotes_enabled"
 {call "die_processquotecheck"}
 {call "cdie_calc"}
 {if tagged "die_processset" 
 {delay 19 {call "death_wait"} } 
 } ;#############################################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS KNOCKOUT END###################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS NORMAL BEGIN###################################################
 ;Called on by Random Generator
 {on "die_process"
 {able select 0} {tags add "in_die_process_normal"} 
 {tags add "near_death"} ;ensures death_wait will kill it
 {tags add "disablerandom"} ;Disables the random process from being fired again if the unit were hit by a bullet
 {if "quotes_enabled"
 {call "die_processquotecheck"}
 {call "cdie_calc"}
 {if tagged "die_processset" 
 {delay 19 {call "death_wait"} } 
 } ;#############################################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS NORMAL END###################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS SHORT BEGIN###################################################
 ;Called on by Random Generator
 {on "die_processshort"
 {able select 0} {tags add "in_die_process_short"} 
 {tags add "near_death"} ;ensures death_wait will kill it
 {tags add "disablerandom"} ;Disables the random process from being fired again if the unit were hit by a bullet
 {if "quotes_enabled"
 {call "die_processshortquotecheck"}
 {call "cdie_calc"} 
 {if tagged "die_processset" 
 {delay 9 {call "death_wait"} } 
 } ;#############################################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS SHORT END###################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS VERY SHORT BEGIN###################################################

 ;Called on by Random Generator
 {on "die_processveryshort"
 {able select 0} {tags add "in_die_process_veryshort"} 
 {tags add "near_death"} ;ensures death_wait will kill it
 {tags add "disablerandom"} ;Disables the random process from being fired again if the unit were hit by a bullet
 {if "quotes_enabled"
 {call "die_processveryshortquotecheck"} 
 {call "cdie_calc"}
 {if tagged "die_processset" 
 {delay 4.5 {call "death_wait"} } 
 } ;#############################################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS VERY SHORT END###################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS LONG BEGIN###################################################
 ;Called on by Random Generator
 {on "die_processlong"
 {able select 0} {tags add "in_die_process_long"} 
 {tags add "near_death"} ;ensures death_wait will kill it
 {tags add "disablerandom"} ;Disables the random process from being fired again if the unit were hit by a bullet
 {if "quotes_enabled"
 {call "die_processlongquotecheck"}
 {call "cdie_calc"}
 {if tagged "die_processset" 
 {delay 39 {call "death_wait"} } 
 } ;#############################################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS LONG END###################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESSES FINISH###################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS vLONG BEGIN###################################################
 ;Called on by Random Generator
 {on "die_processvlong"
 {able select 0} {tags add "in_die_process_long"} 
 {tags add "near_death"} ;ensures death_wait will kill it
 {tags add "disablerandom"} ;Disables the random process from being fired again if the unit were hit by a bullet
 {if "quotes_enabled"
 {call "die_processlongquotecheck"}
 {call "cdie_calc"}
 {if tagged "die_processset" 
 {delay 139 {call "death_wait"} } 
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS vLONG END###################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS vLONG2 BEGIN###################################################
 ;Called on by Random Generator
 {on "die_processvlong2"
 {able select 0} {tags add "in_die_process_long"} 
 {tags add "near_death"} ;ensures death_wait will kill it
 {tags add "disablerandom"} ;Disables the random process from being fired again if the unit were hit by a bullet
 {if "quotes_enabled"
 {call "die_processlongquotecheck"}
 {call "cdie_calc"}
 {if tagged "die_processset" 
 {delay 239 {call "death_wait"} } 
 } ;#############################################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESS vLONG2 END###################################################
 ;##########################DIE PROCESSES FINISH###################################################
 ;##########################DIE_CALC REVIVAL! BEGIN###################################################
 ;TIMER OF LIFE ;The Saviour lol
 {on "die_calc" ;Calculates whether or not the unit has been morphined or not.
 {if not able "select" {if not senseless ;senseless means knocked out(just not to confuse it with orders senseless)
 {if not dead
 {tags remove "near_death"} ;reenables random death engine and disable the current death process
 {tags remove "die_processset"}
 {able select 1}
{delay 0.001 {if "near_death_animation" {ani_stop "lie_sleep_idle_2"}{ani_stop "lie_sleep_idle_1"} {tags remove "near_death_anim"}}}

{delay 0.1
 {tags remove "death_wait"}
 {tags remove "randomdisabled"}
{delay 0.2
{if not tagged "revived"
 {if not senseless {if not dead
 {if tagged "self_recover"
 {if "quotes_enabled"
 {if "recover_quotes_enabled"
 {if rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>I'm back in business!"} 
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>!?"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>yes"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>I survived this!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>theres no way I would die from that!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>I'm more stronger than I expected"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>hmph"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "akward_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>MLG"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>well well well"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>I'm a Survivor"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>This fight is gonna get interesting"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>I'm still alive"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>It ain't over yet!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>C'mon! You can't kill me!!!"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "religious_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>God is on my side!"}}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>hahahahahaha"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "akward_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>THIS IS SPARTA"} }
 else rand 0.1
{if "akward_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>I am the boss!"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>Bwahahahahaha"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>Your gonna have to do alot more than that to kill me."}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>I am unbeatable!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>I am invincible"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "akward_quotes" {if "profanity_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>Sup, Bitches"} } }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>Awesome"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "religious_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>Guess its not my time to go"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>Yes, now I have a chance at seeing my family again"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>looks like I'm going home, not in a bodybag"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>You can't defeat me!!!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>You are weak!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>Hey, there"}
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff2a)>...!?"} 
 ;what the units say to you when they are revived

{if "revived_speech"
{delay 1.0
{if rand 0.8 
{if not "talk_revived"
 {set "talk_revived" 1}
 ; {if rand 1.0
 {talk "jubilation"}
 {signal mandie 5}
 {delay 18
 {set "idle" 0}
 {set "talk_revived" 0}
 {delay 25
 {set "jubilation" 0}
 {set "talk_revived" 0}
 ; }
else rand 0.5
{if not "talk_revived"
 {set "talk_revived" 1}
 ; {if rand 1.0
 {talk "retreat"}
 {signal mandie 5}
 {delay 18
 {set "idle" 0}
 {set "talk_revived" 0}
 {delay 25
 {set "retreat" 0}
 {set "talk_revived" 0}
 ; }
{if not "talk_revived"
 {set "talk_revived" 1}
 ; {if rand 1.0
 {talk "things_look_blue"}
 {signal mandie 5}
 {delay 18
 {set "idle" 0}
 {set "talk_revived" 0}
 {delay 25
 {set "things_look_blue" 0}
 {set "talk_revived" 0}
 ; }
 } } } 
 {tags add "revived"}
 {tags remove "dead"} 
 {tags remove "disablerandom"}
 {tags remove "in_die_process_normal"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_process_short"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_process_veryshort"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_process_long"}
 {tags remove "self_recover"} 
 {tags add "successfully_revived"}
 ; {start_sound "human/heal"} 
 {able personage 0}}}}}}
{delay 0.1
{if not tagged "revived"
 {if not senseless {if not dead 
{if not tagged "self_recover" 
{delay 0.001 {if "near_death_animation" {ani_stop "lie_sleep_idle_2"}{ani_stop "lie_sleep_idle_1"}{ani_stop "squat_reload_piat"}{ani_stop "lie_reload_piat"}}}

 ; talk begin what the units say to you when they are revived
 {if "quotes_enabled"
 {if "revived_quotes_enabled"
 {if rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>Thanks"} 
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>Thank You"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>You are my hero"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>lets go!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>I should have died"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>today is not the last after all"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>ALRIGHT"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>YES"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>you ought to be promoted!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>Wow, thanks"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>Now lets take the fight to them!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>Hopefully I can change the tide!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>It ain't over yet!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>Thanks so much, I dont know how to repay you"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "religious_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>I don't believe it, you answered my prayers"}}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>This is the best day of my life!"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "akward_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>THIS IS SPARTA"} }
 else rand 0.1
{if "akward_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>Like a boss"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>alright, lets go"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>yes sir!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>lets end this once and for all!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>This is great"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "akward_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>Who do you think I am? Lt. Dan!?"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>Awesome"}
 else rand 0.1
{if "religious_quotes" {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>hey! I was about to go to heaven!"} }
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>Yes, now I have a chance at seeing my family again"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>looks like I'm going home, not in a bodybag"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>lets do this"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>I can move!"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>Okay, whats next?"}
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(0057fc)>:D"} 
 ;what the units say to you when they are revived
 }}} ;talk end

{if "player 0" {player 0}}{if "player 1" {player 1}}{if "player 2" {player 2}}{if "player 3" {player 3}}{if "player 4" {player 4}}{if "player 5" {player 5}}{if "player 6" {player 6}}{if "player 7" {player 7}}{if "player 8" {player 8}}{if "player 9" {player 9}}

{if not "player 0" {if not "player 1" {if not "player 2" {if not "player 3" {if not "player 4" {if not "player 5" {if not "player 6" {if not "player 7" {if not "player 8" {if not "player 9" 
{damage_report "body" "<s(8)c(00ff00)>No Player Team Selected!!!"} ;Squad Title
{if "revived_speech"
{delay 1.0
{if rand 0.8 
{if not "talk_revived"
 {set "talk_revived" 1}
 ; {if rand 1.0
 {talk "jubilation"}
 {signal mandie 5}
 {delay 18
 {set "idle" 0}
 {set "talk_revived" 0}
 {delay 25
 {set "jubilation" 0}
 {set "talk_revived" 0}
 ; }
else rand 0.5
{if not "talk_revived"
 {set "talk_revived" 1}
 ; {if rand 1.0
 {talk "retreat"}
 {signal mandie 5}
 {delay 18
 {set "idle" 0}
 {set "talk_revived" 0}
 {delay 25
 {set "retreat" 0}
 {set "talk_revived" 0}
 ; }
{if not "talk_revived"
 {set "talk_revived" 1}
 ; {if rand 1.0
 {talk "things_look_blue"}
 {signal mandie 5}
 {delay 18
 {set "idle" 0}
 {set "talk_revived" 0}
 {delay 25
 {set "things_look_blue" 0}
 {set "talk_revived" 0}
 ; }
 } } } 

 ;Helper Squad for Player 0
 {if "helper_squad_enabled"
{start_sound "world/ambient/bomber_flyby.wav"}

{delay 0.2 ;parachute effect
{spawn "paradrop_ammo"}

{if rand 0.3 ;squad rifle random
{damage_report "body" "<s(8)c(00ff00)>Player 0, 8 man Rifle Squad!!!"} ;Squad Title
;eng rifle squad 
{if rand 0.2 ;rand faction
{spawn_human "mp/eng/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/rifle"}
{spawn_human "mp/eng/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/mgun"} ;eng end 
 else rand 0.2 
;ger rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/ger/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/rifle"}
{spawn_human "mp/ger/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/mgun"} ;ger end 
 else rand 0.2 
;jap rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/jap/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/rifle"}
{spawn_human "mp/jap/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/mgun"} ;jap end 
 else rand 0.2 
;rus rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/rus/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/rifle"}
{spawn_human "mp/rus/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/mgun"} ;rus end 
 ;usa rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/usa/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/rifle"}
{spawn_human "mp/usa/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/mgun"} ;usa end 

 else rand 0.2
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff00)>Player 0 4 man AT Squad!!"}
;eng rifle squad 
{if rand 0.2 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/bazooker"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/bazooker2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/bazooker2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/at_rifle"} ;eng end 
 else rand 0.2 
;ger rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/ger/bazooker"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/bazooker2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/bazooker2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/at_rifle"} ;ger end else rand 0.1 
;jap rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/jap/bazooker"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/bazooker2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/bazooker2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/at_rifle"} ;jap end 
 else rand 0.2 
;rus rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/rus/bazooker"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/bazooker2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/bazooker2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/at_rifle"};rus end 
 ;usa rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/usa/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/rifle"} ;usa end 

 else rand 0.2
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff00)>Player 0 Sniper Squad!!"}
;eng rifle squad 
{if rand 0.2 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/sniper"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/oficer"};eng end 
 else rand 0.2 
;ger rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/ger/sniper"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/oficer"} ;ger end 
 else rand 0.2 
;jap rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/jap/sniper"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/oficer"} ;jap end 
 else rand 0.2
;rus rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/rus/sniper"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/oficer"} ;rus end 
 ;usa rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/usa/sniper"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/oficer"};usa end 
 else rand 0.2
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff00)>Player 0 6 man SMG Squad!!"}
;eng rifle squad 
{if rand 0.2 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/smg"}
{spawn_human "mp/eng/smg"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/smg"} ;eng end 
 else rand 0.2 
;ger rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/ger/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/smg"}
{spawn_human "mp/ger/smg"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/smg"} ;ger end 
 else rand 0.2 
;jap rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/jap/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/smg"}
{spawn_human "mp/jap/smg"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/smg"} ;jap end 
 else rand 0.2 
;rus rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/rus/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/smg"}
{spawn_human "mp/rus/smg"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/smg"} ;rus end 
 ;usa rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/usa/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/rifle"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/smg"}
{spawn_human "mp/usa/smg"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/smg"} ;usa end 
 else rand 0.2
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff00)>Player 0 Assault Infantry!!"}
;eng rifle squad 
{if rand 0.2 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/sturmovik"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/sturmovik2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/sturmovik3"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/sturmovik4"}
{spawn_human "mp/eng/sturmovik4b"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/sturmovik5"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/sturmovik5b"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/sturmovik6"}
{spawn_human "mp/eng/sturmovik6b"} ;eng end 
 else rand 0.2
;ger rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/ger/sturmovik"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/sturmovik2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/sturmovik3"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/sturmovik4"}
{spawn_human "mp/ger/sturmovik4b"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/sturmovik5"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/sturmovik5b"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/sturmovik6"}
{spawn_human "mp/ger/sturmovik6b"} ;ger end 
 else rand 0.2
;jap rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/jap/sturmovik"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/sturmovik2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/sturmovik3"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/sturmovik4"}
{spawn_human "mp/jap/sturmovik4b"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/sturmovik5"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/sturmovik5b"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/sturmovik6"}
{spawn_human "mp/jap/sturmovik6b"} ;jap end 
 else rand 0.2
;rus rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/rus/sturmovik"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/sturmovik2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/sturmovik3"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/sturmovik4"}
{spawn_human "mp/rus/sturmovik4b"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/sturmovik5"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/sturmovik5b"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/sturmovik6"}
{spawn_human "mp/rus/sturmovik6b"} ;rus end 
 ;usa rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/usa/sturmovik"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/sturmovik2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/sturmovik3"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/sturmovik4"}
{spawn_human "mp/usa/sturmovik4b"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/sturmovik5"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/sturmovik5b"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/sturmovik6"}
{spawn_human "mp/usa/sturmovik6b"} ;usa end 
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(00ff00)>Player 0 Paratrooper Squad!!"}
;eng rifle squad 
{if rand 0.2 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/elite"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/elite2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/elite3"} 
{spawn_human "mp/eng/elite4"}
{spawn_human "mp/eng/elite_at"};eng end 
 else rand 0.2 
;ger rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/ger/elite"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/elite2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/elite3"} 
{spawn_human "mp/ger/elite4"}
{spawn_human "mp/ger/elite_at"} ;ger end 
 else rand 0.2 
;jap rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/jap/elite"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/elite2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/elite3"} 
{spawn_human "mp/jap/elite4"}
{spawn_human "mp/jap/elite_at"} ;jap end 
 else rand 0.2 
;rus rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/rus/elite"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/elite2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/elite3"} 
{spawn_human "mp/rus/elite4"}
{spawn_human "mp/rus/elite_at"} ;rus end 
 ;usa rifle squad
{spawn_human "mp/usa/elite"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/elite2"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/elite3"} 
{spawn_human "mp/usa/elite4"}
{spawn_human "mp/usa/elite_at"} ;usa end 

 } ;talk end 
 };helper_squad_enabled check 
 {tags add "revived"} 
 {tags remove "disablerandom"}
 {tags remove "in_die_process_normal"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_process_short"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_process_veryshort"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_process_long"} 
 {tags add "successfully_revived"}
 {tags remove "self_recover"} 
 {start_sound "human/heal"} 
 {able personage 0} }}}}}
 ;##########################DIE_CALC END###################################################
; Timer of life end(LOL)

 ;##########################DEATH_WAIT BEGIN###################################################
 {on "death_wait"
{delay 0.05 {ani_stop "lie_sleep_idle_2"}}
{delay 0.06 {ani_stop "lie_sleep_idle_1"}{ani_stop "squat_reload_piat"}{ani_stop "lie_reload_piat"}}
{delay 0.07 {ani_play "lie_die"}}
 {delay 0.1
 {able personage 0} ;Gets rid of personage protection
 {if not able "select" ;TIMER OF DEATH
 {if senseless

 {call "die_scream"} ;NoooooO!
 {able personage 0} ;Gets rid of personage protection
 {tags remove "die_processset"}
 {tags remove "near_death"} ;Disables the dying processes
 {if not tagged "shot_death"
 {if "quotes_enabled"
 {if "X_x_face_enabled" 
 {if rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffffff)>X_x"} ;zik ;Self Explanatory O_o
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffffff)>x_X"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffffff)>X_X"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffffff)>x_x"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffffff)>x-x"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffffff)>X-X"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffffff)>X|"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffffff)>X-x"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffffff)>x-X"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffffff)>XP"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffffff)>@_@"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffffff)>O_O"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffffff)>o_o"}
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(ffffff)>-_-"}}}}{die}}

{if not tagged "shot_death"

{delay 0.6

{if "epic_pwn"
{if rand 1.0 ;how often will pple be pwned?
{if rand 0.9 ;zik
{if "pwn_animations"{ani_play "stand_fly_tumble_back_far"} {delay 1 {ani_play "lie_die"} }} ;callback} lie_sleep_idle_2 stand_fly_tumble_forward.. lie_die
{throw_off up 1.3 0.5 dir 5.5 2 forward 4 turn 0 360 die force} ;leap
else rand 0.3
{if "pwn_animations"{ani_play "stand_fly_tumble_forward_far"} {delay 1 {ani_play "lie_die"} }}
{throw_off up 25.3 0.5 dir 5.5 2 forward 4 turn 0 360 die force} ;large medium leap
{if "pwn_animations"{ani_play "stand_fly_tumble_forward_far"} {delay 1 {ani_play "lie_die"} }}
{throw_off up 1.3 99.5 dir 5.5 2 forward 4 turn 0 360 die force} ;slide or mega leap
;{throw_off up 5.3 0.5 dir 360 0 forward 4 turn 0 360 die force} ;sent to outer space
;else rand 0.1

{if "epic_xplosion"

;AI Dodge
{if "ai_dodge_explosion"
{if "harmful_explosion"
{delay 0.8
{if not "air_strike_outburst"
{stuff_detonate} }

{if "air_strike_outburst"
{if "harmful_explosion"
{if "large_explosion"
{spawn "outburst_nc"}
{delay 2

{if "air_strike_outburst"
{if "harmful_explosion"
{if not "large_explosion"
{spawn "outburst_small_nc"}
{delay 2

{if not "air_strike_outburst"
{if "harmful_explosion"
{if "epic_xplosion"
{if "large_explosion"
{if "artillery"
{spawn "artillery_explosion"}
{if "explosion"
{spawn "explosion"}

{if "instant_outburst"
{spawn "outburst_instant_nc"}

{if "epic_xplosion"
{if not "air_strike_outburst"
{if "harmful_explosion"
{if not "large_explosion"
{if "artillery"
{spawn "artillery_explosion_small"}
{if "explosion"
{spawn "explosion_small"}

{if "instant_outburst"
{spawn "outburst_instant_small_nc"}


{start_sound "detonation/handgrenade/"}

{delay 0.6
{if "epic_clear_inventory"

} ;if not tagged shot_death end

{if tagged "shot_death" 
 {call "shot_death"}}
 } {tags remove "disablerandom"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_process_normal"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_process_short"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_process_veryshort"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_process_long"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_processset"}
 {tags remove "self_recover"}
 {tags remove "successfully_revived"}
 {tags remove "texmod_set"}
 {tags remove "revived"} 
 {tags add "dead"} } }} ;Ergh
; {able collect 1}
 ;##########################DEATH_WAIT END###################################################

 ;##########################SHOT WHILE IN DEATH PROCCESS BEGIN###################################################
 {on "shot_death" ;quotes
{delay 0.05 {ani_stop "lie_sleep_idle_2"}}
{delay 0.06 {ani_stop "lie_sleep_idle_1"}{ani_stop "squat_reload_piat"}{ani_stop "lie_reload_piat"}}
{delay 0.07 {ani_play "lie_die"}}

 {delay 0.1
 {if "quotes_enabled"
 {if "X_x_face_enabled"
 {if rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(f9d800)>X_x"} ;zik ;Self Explanatory O_o
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(f9d800)>x_X"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(f9d800)>X_X"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(f9d800)>x_x"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(f9d800)>x-x"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(f9d800)>X-X"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(f9d800)>X|"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(f9d800)>X-x"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(f9d800)>x-X"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(f9d800)>XP"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(f9d800)>@_@"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(f9d800)>O_O"}
 else rand 0.1
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(f9d800)>o_o"}
 {damage_report "body" "<s(0.2)c(f9d800)>-_-"}}}}{die}

{delay 0.2 
{if not "talk"
 {set "talk" 1}
 {talk "death_cry"}
 {delay 10 2
 {set "talk" 0}
{if not "epic_pwn"
{throw_off up 0.5 forward 0.01 force} ;fidget
 ;{throw_off up 1.3 0.5velocity dir 5.5 2 forward 4 turn 0 360 die force}
{delay 0.6 
;DEATH BOUNCE shot death. 
{if "epic_pwn_shot_death"
{if rand 1.0 ;how often will pple be pwned?
{if rand 0.9 ;zik 
{if "pwn_animations"{ani_play "stand_fly_tumble_back_far"} {delay 1 {ani_play "lie_die"} }} ;callback} stand_fly_tumble_forward.. lie_die
{throw_off up 1.3 0.5 dir 5.5 2 forward 4 turn 0 360 die force} ;leap
else rand 0.3
{if "pwn_animations"{ani_play "stand_fly_tumble_forward_far"} {delay 1 {ani_play "lie_die"} }}
{throw_off up 25.3 0.5 dir 5.5 2 forward 4 turn 0 360 die force} ;large medium leap
{if "pwn_animations"{ani_play "stand_fly_tumble_forward_far"} {delay 1 {ani_play "lie_die"} }}
{throw_off up 1.3 99.5 dir 5.5 2 forward 4 turn 0 360 die force} ;slide or mega leap
;{throw_off up 5.3 0.5 dir 360 0 forward 4 turn 0 360 die force} ;sent to outer space
;else rand 0.1

;DEM XPLOSIONS shot death
{if "epic_xplosion_shot_death"

;AI Dodge
{if "ai_dodge_explosion"
{if "harmful_explosion"
{delay 0.8
{if not "air_strike_outburst"
{stuff_detonate} }

{if "air_strike_outburst"
{if "large_explosion"
{spawn "outburst_nc"}
{delay 2

{if "air_strike_outburst"
{if not "large_explosion"
{spawn "outburst_small_nc"}
{delay 2

{if not "air_strike_outburst"
{if "harmful_explosion"
{if "large_explosion"

{if "explosion"
{spawn "explosion"}

{if "instant_outburst"
{spawn "outburst_instant_nc"}

{if not "air_strike_outburst"
{if "harmful_explosion"
{if not "large_explosion"

{if "explosion"
{spawn "explosion_small"}

{if "instant_outburst"
{spawn "outburst_instant_small_nc"}


{start_sound "detonation/handgrenade/"}

;CLEAR INVENTORY shot death. 
{delay 0.7
{if "epic_clear_inventory_shot_death"

 {tags remove "disablerandom"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_process_normal"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_process_short"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_process_veryshort"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_process_long"} 
 {tags remove "in_die_processset"}
 {tags remove "self_recover"} 
 {tags remove "successfully_revived"}
 {tags remove "texmod_set"}
 {tags remove "revived"}
; {able collect 1}
 ;##########################SHOT WHILE IN DEATH PROCCESS END###################################################

;}SONNE2 Finish

Post comment Comments
xX[Warrior250]Xx - - 3,664 comments

Looks nice scripting there,will test it as soon as i get back to my pc :) ohh... realism..

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Dilust - - 222 comments

Thank you very much. This is a very interesting script.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Morpheus__ Author
Morpheus__ - - 605 comments

added menu for you to tweak to what you see fit!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 700,161 comments

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Guest - - 700,161 comments

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